No more new video games in China (Page 1/1)
TheDigitalAlchemist SEP 10, 01:10 AM
kinda funky what's been going on over there lately... first a severe limit in the amout of weekly "screentime" for children...

Maybe they saw how much TikTok ate the brains of the western children...

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 09-12-2021).]

sourmash SEP 10, 09:37 AM
We all know that entertainment media has built in subversive social and cultural decadence planted in it.
China still has a conservative culture, unlike America. Hollywood style media gets punished there for promoting the debauchery that we allow and embrace for children.
Jake_Dragon SEP 10, 02:19 PM
Online games have ways for players to communicate that is not monitored or captured.
Gamers are getting news from out side china in game chats. Not surprised its getting suppressed.
They are also leaking real information from behind china's walls to gamers outside of china.

Game owners are already being blackmailed into shutting down chat options or out right banning players.
It has nothing to do with games or content of the games. Yes I agree some games should be reviewed, but who doesn't like a big booty goth chick vampire. I blame Japan.
williegoat SEP 10, 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Online games have ways for players to communicate that is not monitored or captured.
Gamers are getting news from out side china in game chats. Not surprised its getting suppressed.
They are also leaking real information from behind china's walls to gamers outside of china.

Game owners are already being blackmailed into shutting down chat options or out right banning players.
It has nothing to do with games or content of the games. Yes I agree some games should be reviewed, but who doesn't like a big booty goth chick vampire. I blame Japan.

Just look what you've done, man!

Jake_Dragon SEP 10, 05:10 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

Just look what you've done, man!

Click to show
RWDPLZ SEP 10, 06:29 PM
The funniest part is video game companies were bending over backwards to comply with Chinese propaganda, and what did that get them?
Hudini SEP 11, 06:46 PM
No more new video games in China? Hardly. What you might see is no more Western-made video games in China. There are many, many video games here being played everyday by people on their phones. The Chinese will simply mandate it must be Chinese made and approved.

China takes care of China.
CoolBlue87GT SEP 11, 10:54 PM
The Chinese government also stopped on-line tutoring of Chinese kids from over seas teachers.

My sister lost her on-line teaching job because of this.
Hudini SEP 12, 04:41 AM
The only reason I still have a job here is because you cannot copy my experience. You obviously can stick anyone in the Captain’s seat and hope for the best, but China is a punishment culture. They don’t suffer mistakes well. There will come a time when I am not needed.
maryjane SEP 12, 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Hudini:

The only reason I still have a job here is because you cannot copy my experience. You obviously can stick anyone in the Captain’s seat and hope for the best, but China is a punishment culture. They don’t suffer mistakes well. There will come a time when I am not needed.

But, in your line of work, more often than not, mistakes come with their own permanent punishment....