If you got a COVID vaccination, which one? (Page 1/4)
blackrams SEP 10, 01:36 PM
Gosh, I wish we could have an automated poll but, we don't have that option so, this is the only way I know to ask.
Please limit participation to those who have actually been vaccinated, if you didn't, you aren't contributing anything and there are lots of other threads to discuss your opinions.

Please indicate which vaccine, when, any symptoms associated with the injections, for how long, how severe and any lingering issues.

I'm part of the Moderna Reseach study so I got mine early on before most Americans, 50% of the group got a placebo, the other half got the Moderna vaccine.

I'll start:

My wife and I received our Moderna vaccinations in August of 2020.
I thought I got the placebo, absolutely no reaction, barely sore at the injection site and that was gone 4 to 6 hours later but, I did get the vaccination in my dominate arm and did a few aerobic exercises post injection to help the vaccine get worked into the surrounding muscle. Just something I learned in the Marines long ago.

No post injection symptoms.

My wife had a similar result as mine but had a very minor fever the evening of the first injection but it was gone the next morning.

The second dose happened 30 days later and we both experienced almost identical results as the first injection(s).

Again, this thread is really just for those who received any of the COVID vaccines. I can't keep non-participants from posting but would like to keep this more of a information seeking thread. Your consideration and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

rinselberg SEP 10, 04:30 PM
I would not be reticent to post my own information here, but that is so carefully and formally formatted and worded . . . is this some project or questionnaire-related activity that you are involved in, or is this just your own curiosity?

Your answer may be of interest to other forum members, besides myself. A "silent majority" of forum members, standing behind me in the shadows of the gathering twilight, but standing behind me, none the less, and all with this same question uppermost in their minds.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 09-10-2021).]

ray b SEP 10, 04:32 PM
P type no real effects other then a sore arm at site of shot
went away by 2 days after not a big deal

btw I had the virus in early 2020 not fun
2 full weeks in bed fever chills and the worse body aches ever loss 25+ lbs from 155 start
got the shots early 2021
then caught ''D''type in july

second D virus was much less intents less fever no stay in bed no weight loss

blackrams SEP 10, 04:45 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I would not be reticent to post my own information here, but that is so carefully and formally formatted and worded . . . is this some project or questionnaire-related activity that you are involved in, or is this just your own curiosity?

Your answer may be of interest to other forum members, besides myself. A "silent majority" of forum members, standing behind me in the shadows of the gathering twilight, but standing behind me, none the less, and all with this same question uppermost in their minds.

This is only to fulfill my own curiosity. I am contractually limited on what I can tell anyone about the Research Study I am in. To be honest, they don't want any of my own research. So, with that. I'm simply curious. According to the "news" around 60% of the US population is vaccinated (depending on who you believe). If that is true or close to being true, then this sub-population sample should be close to the same %. What I haven't heard is who got what on a national scenario. I believe that Pfizer may be the leading vaccine but, I don't know that for certain. The other requested information is just cause I'm interested.
For a scientific poll, I should have asked quite a few other questions like age, other health conditions, blood type, smoker/non-smoker, race, sex and such but, I'm not interested in any of that. Just curious.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 09-10-2021).]

rinselberg SEP 10, 05:00 PM
I have received the two dose Moderna vaccine.

First shot in March, second shot a month later--the standard interval for Moderna--on April 19.

Neither injection was particularly unpleasant for me. A little soreness or sensitivity around the injection site, maybe even all the way up into the shoulder of that arm. My left arm. (I am right-handed.) It didn't persist for more than a day or two afterwards.

I think maybe I felt a little tired or listless afterwards, maybe later during the day (shots were early afternoon) or the next day. But nothing that I thought that I needed to report to anyone.

As far as I know, I have not ever had the virus, but I've not ever been tested for it. A couple or even a few more times since the pandemic was declared, and both before and after having been vaccinated, I have thought that I might be on the threshold of coming down with something that might turn out to be Covid. Just a slight sensitivity in my throat that reminded me of previous times when I have had a sore throat. But that sensitivity and anxiety about it came and went and nothing more came of it.
blackrams SEP 10, 05:02 PM
ray b and rinselberg, thank you for the responses.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 09-10-2021).]

Lambo nut SEP 10, 06:47 PM


a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.

By definition, everyone getting the shots are getting a "placebo".
It doesn't keep you from getting covid or keep you from spreading it, it's not very effective so what does it do exactly? Lessen the effects of covid? How can they prove that? How do they know how you would have reacted before you got the shot?
sourmash SEP 10, 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ray b:

P type no real effects other then a sore arm at site of shot
went away by 2 days after not a big deal

btw I had the virus in early 2020 not fun
2 full weeks in bed fever chills and the worse body aches ever loss 25+ lbs from 155 start
got the shots early 2021
then caught ''D''type in july

second D virus was much less intents less fever no stay in bed no weight loss


You lost 25 pounds started out weighing 155?! Wow.

How do we know they can determine Delta virus? I'm pretty skeptical they can determine, or at least that most locations can tell.
Hudini SEP 10, 07:00 PM
I received the Sinopharm vaccine in March. No issues at all.
blackrams SEP 10, 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Lambo nut:


a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.

By definition, everyone getting the shots are getting a "placebo".
It doesn't keep you from getting covid or keep you from spreading it, it's not very effective so what does it do exactly? Lessen the effects of covid? How can they prove that? How do they know how you would have reacted before you got the shot?

Originally posted by sourmash:

You lost 25 pounds started out weighing 155?! Wow.

How do we know they can determine Delta virus? I'm pretty skeptical they can determine, or at least that most locations can tell.

Thank you for your input. Apparently you didn't get vaccinated............. Your choice.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 09-10-2021).]