Unbelievable! (Page 1/3)
williegoat SEP 14, 05:38 PM
How much longer can they keep this charade up? I can't believe anybody is buying this anymore.

If anyone should be wearing a mask, it is Ol' Joe. That boy ain't long for this world.


[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 09-14-2021).]

Jake_Dragon SEP 14, 05:53 PM
He does look sick. As much as I want him out of the office I hope those that care for him remove him and not something else.

Republican = Trump = bad.
You want Trump, this is how you get Trump.

The entire demarcate party has lost it.

[This message has been edited by Jake_Dragon (edited 09-14-2021).]

randye SEP 14, 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

The entire demarcate party has lost it.

There isn't a time between now and back in 1864, when we took their slaves away, that they ever "had it".

MidEngineManiac SEP 14, 06:41 PM
Liberals the whole world over have "lost it"

I cant even begin to fathom the thought process behind having a melt-down because you cant control how somebody else thinks or what they say.
williegoat SEP 14, 07:05 PM
What gets me is that they don't care what we think. We know it is BS and they know that we know. They also know that there is not a GD thing we can do about it. Just like the elections, last November and today in California, everybody knows that there was hanky-panky going on, but as long as they say it didn't happen, well, it didn't happen.

Ol Joe killed an aid worker and his kids with a drone strike. General Milley promised China he would let them know if Trump was planning any military action. Who do you think these guys are working for?
rinselberg SEP 14, 07:22 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

What gets me is that they don't care what we think. We know it is BS and they know that we know. They also know that there is not a GD thing we can do about it. Just like the elections, last November and today in California, everybody knows that there was hanky-panky going on, but as long as they say it didn't happen, well, it didn't happen.

Ol Joe killed an aid worker and his kids with a drone strike. General Milley promised China he would let them know if Trump was planning any military action. Who do you think these guys are working for?

There were front page reports along that line, about that drone strike, that it just killed some innocents, in the New York Times and Washington Post.

Jus sayin'.

The liberal establishment, mainstream lamestream media angle.

Has williegoat been peeking at the New York Times or Washington Post?

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 09-14-2021).]

williegoat SEP 14, 07:26 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Has williegoat been peeking at the New York Times or Washington Post?

Yeah, because I don't even know when to take a shirt if I don't read it in the NYT.
Notorio SEP 16, 12:32 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

There were front page reports along that line, about that drone strike, that it just killed some innocents, in the New York Times and Washington Post ...

That actually reminded me of the Monica Missiles ...
randye SEP 16, 04:52 AM
Disney unveils Joe Talibiden in their Hall of Presidents attraction.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 09-16-2021).]

sourmash SEP 16, 11:27 AM
After the USA successfully war-profiteered during WW2, it was elevated to THE manufacturing power base for the world,. There was so much bounty for us that times were easy and deeply rich. Globalist US government let Americans prosper.

Now that the USA has globalized the world, other parts of the globe are cutting so much beef off of the globalist's fatted calf that our masters are now taking ever larger cuts off of the everyday American's bounty. You have to legalize that strong-arming to inact the extraction.

That post-war bonanza we enjoyed for 50 years won't happen again, unless there's another reset like WW2 created. But a couple hundred million Americans hold the wealth that the globalists want. They can't get anything from poor Chinese, Indians and Africans.