Why the vax is a poison death shot (Page 1/2)
longjonsilver SEP 17, 11:36 AM

fierosound SEP 17, 02:14 PM

Originally posted by longjonsilver:


If that is the case, the countries that are most overpopulated (and POOR) are the ones least likely to have everyone vaccinated for the "desired effect" of this hypothesis (population reduction).

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Raydar SEP 17, 04:56 PM
If this is true, it's counter-productive, just on the face of it.
The vast majority of people in the US who are taking the vax are likely "left leaning" - i.e., Democrats.
If the vax is so lethal, they are just killing off the Democrats.
The people least likely to die of "vax poisoning" are the hard right wingers (aka "Trump supporters".)
If this progresses to its logical conclusion (based upon the "logic" expressed here) they're shooting themselves in the collective foot. Maybe someone can explain that.

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 09-17-2021).]

sourmash SEP 17, 05:28 PM
Well, they possibly didn't account for a political divide seeing as how TRUMP HAS BEEN TOUTING AND PUSHING for his followers to get experimentally injected until he got videoed rightfully being booed for it. You'll see that video again in the run up to the next Presidential election. Good. It means he'll avoid making that mistake again.

However, the same logic can be applied to the 5G conspiracy of it being an intentional detriment to people. It's rolling out in cities which are where the Dems and Progressive-liberals reside along with BLM and Antifa; all preferred groups to the Deep State.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 09-17-2021).]

Raydar SEP 17, 06:37 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Well, they possibly didn't account for a political divide seeing as how TRUMP HAS BEEN TOUTING AND PUSHING for his followers to get experimentally injected until he got videoed rightfully being booed for it. You'll see that video again in the run up to the next Presidential election. Good. It means he'll avoid making that mistake again.

Ummm okay.


However, the same logic can be applied to the 5G conspiracy of it being an intentional detriment to people. It's rolling out in cities which are where the Dems and Progressive-liberals reside along with BLM and Antifa; all preferred groups to the Deep State.

Do you subscribe to the "5G is bad" commentary that is/was being espoused by the "theorists"?
sourmash SEP 17, 07:29 PM
Is that what all the small cells that are going up are providing? The ones with the warning signs for the people working on, near or climbing past them?
Raydar SEP 17, 09:46 PM
Possibly. I live way TF out in the country. We don't have 5G here, so I haven't seen those signs, specifically associated with small cells.
But it wouldn't surprise me. You don't want to get too close to any radio transmitter. (When people climb our towers, we shut down any transmitters that might be feeding antennas that they will have to be near.)
But the technology is nothing new. It's been in use for decades. I laugh when I hear some of the "theories".
I do radio for a living. Feel free to ask me about particulars, if you have questions.

Edit - Just for grins, google QAM. It's the modulation scheme that is in common usage.
Coincidentally, it is quite similar to the modulation scheme that allowed some Fiero (and other GM) radios to receive "AM Stereo" broadcasts.
It's not all witchcraft. It's actually old tech.

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 09-17-2021).]

sourmash SEP 18, 10:06 AM
Well, that's my only point. They're a danger in some circumstances. We know that. The signs for the small cells are on the actual pole/fixture near the equipment. You'd have to be at the equipment to pay any attention to the warnings. Around here they're in congested areas. Some stand alones, but frequently on light or power poles.

I can't have an opinion without knowing the theories that you mean.
cvxjet SEP 18, 04:06 PM
Watch out for the Alien Contrails!!!!! (Never in the history of aircraft has any airplane ever created contrails until Obama and the other Lizard Aliens started poisoning everyone.....)

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 09-18-2021).]

sourmash SEP 18, 04:20 PM
Isn't that just happening in California?