Yep, majority of Covid hospital patients in Ireland were injected. (Page 1/2)
sourmash SEP 17, 08:14 PM
This is normal. Everything's fine.

At least half of all Covid-19 patients in hospital and intensive care units in Ireland have been fully vaccinated, new data showed. A high number of Covid deaths since April have been classified as "breakthrough infections" in fully vaccinated patients.

Published: September 13, 2021, 9:54 am

Health officials confirmed that the majority of Covid-19 cases in Irish hospitals are now vaccinated. According to data from the Health Service Executive, more than a quarter of ICU admissions since July have been “breakthrough infections” in fully vaccinated individuals.

The proportion of vaccinated people requiring hospital treatment has therefore increased with vaccination, rubbishing the notion that the jab protects against severe disease.

The total number of infections has likely been reduced by the sunny weather with cheap and effective vitamin D – as argued by Dr David Grimes at the International COVID-19 Summit in Italy. “Low serum vitamin D levels are statistically significantly associated with the risk of Covid-19 infection. Supplementation of vitamin D […] is indicated.”

It also lessens the severity of infections if they occur. However, the number of “breakthrough infections” is directly linked to vaccination.

At the end of August, 54 percent of all Covid-19 patients were fully vaccinated. About 44 percent were not fully vaccinated, suggesting that they may have had one shot. Vaccination status was unknown in 2 percent of the cases.

Also, some 72 percent of all patients who had been in the intensive care unit since the end of June had an underlying disease, but it is not known which of the two groups – the vaccinated or unvaccinated – had been affected by this and it could potentially be further indication of vaccine inefficacy.

There were 193 Covid-19 deaths between April and August. Of the 178 patients whose vaccination status was known, 30 died at least 14 days after receiving the last vaccine dose, the Irish Times reported.

Government officials tried to blame the total number of hospital admissions on increased vaccination. “The increase in the number of vaccinated patients in the hospital is no surprise as more people are being vaccinated,” said Dr. Colm Henry, HSE’s Chief Clinical Officer. But this could also point to the high number of vaccine injuries which is not being discussed.

Israel remains the global champion in “breakthrough infections”. Prof. Rahav told news outlet Israel Hayom: “The mortality from Corona is now unbearable and very high. There are not enough intensive care beds for intubated Corona patients. I’m being called for a lot of consultations and some of the Corona wards in the hospitals don’t know enough to care for intubated patients. Patients who haven’t had a chance of life die because there aren’t enough beds and intensive care staff. I see this in a lot of hospitals. It hurts my heart.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, Israeli vaccination passport holders must have a third dose of the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech within six months of their second dose or they will lose the so-called green passport for freedom of movement. And the third jab extends a person’s “vaccinated” status only for six months, not permanently. Therefore, those who received two shots will no longer be counted as vaccinated, which will in turn not show up in the current data of “breakthrough infections”. reported that 10 000 new Covid cases were registered as the coefficient of infection rises. Nearly 700 patients were still in serious condition, and the number of deaths spiked to 7 338. The rate of positive tests was now 6,6 percent, yet the disaster playing out in Israel is not reported in the mainstream media.

On Sunday, Prof. Galia Rahav, director of the Infectious Diseases Department and the laboratory at Sheba Hospital, warned that the hospitals were now unable to provide the necessary care.

A graduate of Yale University with a PHD of Princeton University and an MD degree from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, concluded that natural immunity offers the best protection against Covid-19 and that vaccination does not work. Dr. Nine Pierpont cited three very recent studies, including a study published on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on August 6, 2021, as well as a study published by Oxford University on August 10, 2021 and a final study published on August 24, 2021 and funded by the UK Department of Health and Welfare, to show that vaccines do not work.

Only about 25 percent of deaths in Britain are among the unvaccinated and vaccinated people over 40 are more likely to get Covid than the unvaccinated. In Britain, where 80 percent of people over 16 are fully vaccinated, Covid is also out of control.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 09-17-2021).]

Rhodesia1977 SEP 18, 10:06 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

This is normal. Everything's fine.

At least half of all Covid-19 patients in hospital and intensive care units in Ireland have been fully vaccinated, new data showed. A high number of Covid deaths since April have been classified as "breakthrough infections" in fully vaccinated patients.

I agree. I bet the majority of the people in hospital were all very overweight with problems like diabetes, COPD, etc. It amazes me how these huge fat people went all these years without doing anything to get healthier and are now scared of a virus. If I was 300 pounds, I would be more worried of dying from a heart attack or cancer, not an over exaggerated virus!

Published: September 13, 2021, 9:54 am

Health officials confirmed that the majority of Covid-19 cases in Irish hospitals are now vaccinated. According to data from the Health Service Executive, more than a quarter of ICU admissions since July have been “breakthrough infections” in fully vaccinated individuals.

The proportion of vaccinated people requiring hospital treatment has therefore increased with vaccination, rubbishing the notion that the jab protects against severe disease.

The total number of infections has likely been reduced by the sunny weather with cheap and effective vitamin D – as argued by Dr David Grimes at the International COVID-19 Summit in Italy. “Low serum vitamin D levels are statistically significantly associated with the risk of Covid-19 infection. Supplementation of vitamin D […] is indicated.”

It also lessens the severity of infections if they occur. However, the number of “breakthrough infections” is directly linked to vaccination.

At the end of August, 54 percent of all Covid-19 patients were fully vaccinated. About 44 percent were not fully vaccinated, suggesting that they may have had one shot. Vaccination status was unknown in 2 percent of the cases.

Also, some 72 percent of all patients who had been in the intensive care unit since the end of June had an underlying disease, but it is not known which of the two groups – the vaccinated or unvaccinated – had been affected by this and it could potentially be further indication of vaccine inefficacy.

There were 193 Covid-19 deaths between April and August. Of the 178 patients whose vaccination status was known, 30 died at least 14 days after receiving the last vaccine dose, the Irish Times reported.

Government officials tried to blame the total number of hospital admissions on increased vaccination. “The increase in the number of vaccinated patients in the hospital is no surprise as more people are being vaccinated,” said Dr. Colm Henry, HSE’s Chief Clinical Officer. But this could also point to the high number of vaccine injuries which is not being discussed.

Israel remains the global champion in “breakthrough infections”. Prof. Rahav told news outlet Israel Hayom: “The mortality from Corona is now unbearable and very high. There are not enough intensive care beds for intubated Corona patients. I’m being called for a lot of consultations and some of the Corona wards in the hospitals don’t know enough to care for intubated patients. Patients who haven’t had a chance of life die because there aren’t enough beds and intensive care staff. I see this in a lot of hospitals. It hurts my heart.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, Israeli vaccination passport holders must have a third dose of the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech within six months of their second dose or they will lose the so-called green passport for freedom of movement. And the third jab extends a person’s “vaccinated” status only for six months, not permanently. Therefore, those who received two shots will no longer be counted as vaccinated, which will in turn not show up in the current data of “breakthrough infections”. reported that 10 000 new Covid cases were registered as the coefficient of infection rises. Nearly 700 patients were still in serious condition, and the number of deaths spiked to 7 338. The rate of positive tests was now 6,6 percent, yet the disaster playing out in Israel is not reported in the mainstream media.

On Sunday, Prof. Galia Rahav, director of the Infectious Diseases Department and the laboratory at Sheba Hospital, warned that the hospitals were now unable to provide the necessary care.

A graduate of Yale University with a PHD of Princeton University and an MD degree from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, concluded that natural immunity offers the best protection against Covid-19 and that vaccination does not work. Dr. Nine Pierpont cited three very recent studies, including a study published on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on August 6, 2021, as well as a study published by Oxford University on August 10, 2021 and a final study published on August 24, 2021 and funded by the UK Department of Health and Welfare, to show that vaccines do not work.

Only about 25 percent of deaths in Britain are among the unvaccinated and vaccinated people over 40 are more likely to get Covid than the unvaccinated. In Britain, where 80 percent of people over 16 are fully vaccinated, Covid is also out of control.

I agree. I bet the majority of the people in hospital were all very overweight with problems like diabetes, COPD, etc. It amazes me how these huge fat people went all these years without doing anything to get healthier and are now scared of a virus. If I was 300 pounds, I would be more worried of dying from a heart attack or cancer, not an over exaggerated virus!

Published: September 13, 2021, 9:54 am

[This message has been edited by Rhodesia1977 (edited 09-18-2021).]

sourmash SEP 18, 11:20 AM
It's a wake up call for everyone, but most don't seem to hear the remedy accurately. Since a diet of prescriptions for their unhealthy condition has let them lead a life close to normal they must believe a rushed injection can do the same?

Big Pharma wouldn't be so powerful if people would manage their weight and lifestyle.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 09-18-2021).]

fierosound SEP 18, 01:22 PM
AFRICA which is poor/overpopulated is the real enigma.
They certainly don't have a mass vaccination program of any sort.

I expected Covid to infect the entire population with many deaths.
Never happened, except in South Africa (an enigma within an enigma).

South Africa has a population of +60 million with 2.877 million cases and 85,950 deaths to date.
But Tanzania in East Africa has a population of 62 million with 1367 cases and only 50 deaths to date.

To compare, Canada is 38 million with 1,569,000 cases and 27,370 deaths.
In the fact, most poor tropical countries fared much better than Europe and North America.
Wichita SEP 18, 03:38 PM
Age, obesity and smokers are the vast majority that are dying from covid.

Stop smoking and get in shape, could help more than a mask.
steve308 SEP 18, 03:46 PM
sourmash SEP 18, 04:24 PM
It's not a dead horse, by far. People on this forum still kick and scream against the science as it unfolds before us.
TheDigitalAlchemist SEP 20, 02:09 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

It's not a dead horse, by far. People on this forum still kick and scream against the "science" as it unfolds before us.

Added some quotes up above -
Not sure which is worse, the term "Breakthrough infections" or believing that a third dose of a half-assed vaccine is going to protect you from variants which aren't effectively blocked by the vaccine's first or second dose.

This isn't "Science", its political bullsheetrock. It's not about population reduction, its's about control, as previously stated a million times.

I'm only "pro-mask" because I have to get real close and personal with a lot of different people every day during my commute, and I have some folks at home who really don't need to die because of it...

Folks beating up restaurant staff because they require masks is asinine and inexcusable behavior - they get hit with a fine if they don't comply.

yay, tomorrow's Monday...back to the "Will TODAY be the day I (or one of my family members) gets infected?"

so tired of all of this.

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 09-20-2021).]

sourmash SEP 20, 08:37 AM
A family member of mine had a 90 year old father. It appeared to me, judging by her statements, that she was just waiting for him to die of covid in order to blame Donald Trump for not shutting down the country sooner. The man did die.................of heart failure. No covid.

You can't believe the media. Almost all deaths were covid deaths, and are they still faking the numbers today? However, dying less than 2 weeks after an injection isn't an injection death.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 09-20-2021).]

Rickady88GT SEP 20, 12:41 PM

Originally posted by fierosound:

AFRICA which is poor/overpopulated is the real enigma.
They certainly don't have a mass vaccination program of any sort.

I expected Covid to infect the entire population with many deaths.
Never happened, except in South Africa (an enigma within an enigma).

South Africa has a population of +60 million with 2.877 million cases and 85,950 deaths to date.
But Tanzania in East Africa has a population of 62 million with 1367 cases and only 50 deaths to date.

To compare, Canada is 38 million with 1,569,000 cases and 27,370 deaths.
In the fact, most poor tropical countries fared much better than Europe and North America.

This is not such an enigma if you understand how covid chooses it's victims. Starving does not necessarily mean unhealthy at least not as far as immune systems and covid are concerned. Fat is by definition unhealthy, but not usually immediately life threatening till covid finds it.
I believe that covid should be a wake up call to America about our health. Covid chooses the unhealthy like a predator on an African plane but it's favorite pray is plump.
What I noticed is that covid did not completely decimate the "homeless community". Infact the opposite has happened in California, that community is thriving and growing. But we are told that the homeless are alcoholic, drug addicted mentally ill??? OK, they probably have a series of "unhealthy" lifestyle choices and conditions but are they FAT? I rarely see fat homeless people. Covid seems to prefer fat as a host rather than alcohol, drugs or starvation. That I did not expect.

[This message has been edited by Rickady88GT (edited 09-20-2021).]