Unknown side effects from Covid vaccines? 'No worries' says CORRUPT GLOBALIST media. (Page 1/1)
rinselberg SEP 19, 05:25 AM
"Vaccines are highly unlikely to cause side effects long after getting the shot"

Science shows that even the most serious side effects for any vaccine, including COVID-19, occur within just a few weeks.

Meryl Davids Landau for National Geographic; July 22, 2021.

About 11 minutes to read this article attentively from end to end.

I don't have a subscription to National Geographic, but by responding with my email address, I was granted access as one of four "freebies" for the current month. Since I did not provide anything except my email address, it's not one of those tricks where you are setting yourself up to be charged for a subscription unless you cancel.

This is the same story line that was echoed just two days ago in a column that appeared in that famously DEEP STATE ORGAN, the Washington Post; to wit:

"What we know is this: We’ve vaccinated more than 5 billion people worldwide. When people do have side effects, those happen in the first days to weeks after the vaccine.” In fact, the mRNA vaccines are thrillingly safe. They contain no virus. They break down and are gone from the body within 72 hours, leaving only protective antibodies behind.

This is true of vaccines in general. No vaccines known to man have delayed negative effects; whether side effects are serious or mild, they occur in the first six weeks after vaccination. I expect this data to hold for mRNA vaccines too, because the vaccine’s remnants in the human body — antibodies against the coronavirus — are most abundant shortly after vaccination. Just as with other vaccines, it stands to reason that this is when side effects would occur.

Many vaccine-preventable diseases [like Covid] can have serious delayed effects . . .

"What I say to persuade parents to vaccinate their kids — and what I hold back"
Rachel M. Pearson for the Washington Post; September 17, 2021.

Fookin' statist, corrupt, globalist, liberal elite, Illuminati-controlled, Bilderberg-financed, "injectionist" boot-lickin', Big Pharma-subservient, pro-Biden, pro-Trudeau, United Nations World Health Organization-captive media.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 09-19-2021).]

IMSA GT SEP 19, 12:32 PM
Of course there are no side effects. The vaccine has been used for a year, not 20. Maybe in 5 years I'll get vaccinated once the long-term, true effects rear their ugly head and the drug companies modify their formula.
cvxjet SEP 19, 02:52 PM
The Lemurians from under Mt. Shasta are taking over!