We made #8 (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac SEP 19, 11:23 PM
Ehhhhh....at least we are down the list.
cvxjet SEP 19, 11:52 PM
260 Fieros caught fire during production out of 370, 000 made- that is a better record than the average for ALL cars. But since a few did have a definite problem the press ran this story into the ground. They never mentioned the early Camry's were prone to head gasket failures......

The Fiero was the first US car made using the Deming TQM process- that is the quality control system that an AMERICAN (Edward Deming) taught the Japanese from 1950 to 1970....and now ALL auto manufacturers use some form of TQM.

By the way, the "Chevrolet Aveo" is actually manufactured overseas by Daewoo....So, not really a USA car.....

What I think is really cool is that all of the Auto "Journalists" still blow the "Fiero is junk/firebomb" BS even though you can look it up on line and find a lot of info refuting that stupidity.

Quality timeline on my 1985 SE V6; Year 1, Heater fan goes "Intermittent" for one week, Year 2; Washer pump dies ("Made in Britain" - I am so surprised...)...and then in Year 5 (55,000 miles) The clutch died (But I had LEARNED on it)

My stepbrother bought an 1986 Accord and in the four years he owned it, he had to replace the front calipers & rotors, the steering rack (Separate problem) and the AC compressor- then claimed it was a "perfect car".....
sourmash SEP 20, 08:41 AM
Blame Donald Trump and his supporters.
steve308 SEP 20, 01:51 PM
Some would almost be tempted to compare the FIERO to the covid vaccine
cliffw SEP 22, 08:06 AM

Originally posted by cvxjet:
What I think is really cool is that all of the Auto "Journalists" still blow the "Fiero is junk/firebomb" BS even though you can look it up on line and find a lot of info refuting that stupidity.

Ah, "Fake News" is true.
rinselberg SEP 22, 08:27 AM

Originally posted by steve308:
Some would almost be tempted to compare the FIERO to the covid vaccine :)

Fiero resistance is so self-defeating.

I got a Fiero and I've been just fine--well--at least, not any worse off, just because of the Fiero. Certainly, none of that "inflammation" that gets talked about so much. Maybe a perceptible but tolerable decrease in my wallet's $-cells count.

The un-Fiero'd are the real danger to society.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 09-22-2021).]