Beyond ‘vaccinopia’: Team Biden missing the mark on fast turnaround Covid tests! (Page 1/1)
rinselberg SEP 24, 04:44 AM
"Sleepy Joe" really is sleeping on the need for plussing up fast turnaround Covid testing across the United States.

Two researchers from the Scripps Research Translational Institute explore the fast turnaround Covid testing space and question why the "feds" are not more aggressively invested in it.

Here's how it ends:

A key obstacle to achieving these goals is the onerous — and we believe inappropriate — criteria the FDA has set for authorizing rapid tests. Because the agency requires that rapid tests return results that are comparable to PCR tests, only a handful are now available for home use. In our opinion, the FDA is mistaken in classifying rapid tests as medical diagnostic devices. Instead, they should be deemed to be public health screening tools and evaluated solely on their ability to identify and isolate infectious individuals on a timely basis.

The European Union has recognized more than 135 rapid tests that provide accurate results. We urge President Biden to consider issuing an executive order that would break the FDA logjam and immediately make available in the U.S. suitable rapid tests developed here and around the world.

We know that rapid tests are not a panacea. In parallel with new testing efforts, the U.S. must press on with the difficult project of vaccinating a greater proportion of the population. But focusing primarily on vaccines and overlooking a valuable tactic like rapid testing is a dangerous kind of myopia that the country should avoid.

One can only hope that someone from the Biden administration is "lurking" this forum.

"Beyond ‘vaccinopia’: Rapid tests should play a larger role in Biden’s Covid-19 plan"
Daniel P. Oran and Eric J. Topol for STAT; September 16, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 09-24-2021).]

Raydar SEP 24, 07:11 AM
In certain zip codes in Fulton County GA, they are now distributing "quick tests" for home use.
I wish they were available everywhere. I believe it would go a long way towards preventing the spread.

This is no different from anything else. Rules and regulations cause everything to operate at a snail's pace, if not shuddering to a stop, altogether.
olejoedad SEP 24, 07:58 AM
The shell of a man holding the office of President will do it when his handlers tell him that it's OK.

Perhaps a message to Valerie Jarrett or Susan Rice would be appropriate.
TheDigitalAlchemist SEP 24, 09:45 AM
Folks cant agree on even the simplest things.

They spent 9 billion towards supposed programs to help kids re-adjust back to school. only a few million of that was actually spent to hire a few hundred counselors. the rest got pocketed BIG TIME. and all the inflated PPE costs - $3 per (non-n95) mask?

Please. They sent out all those relief checks. If they gave every person 30 test kits, they could test themselves every day and NOT go to school or work if they tested positive. People could go to a local store and they could get the tests.

There would be no need for masks - no mask wearing at wormk or on trains or in schools.... No waiting to get tested before boarding a train or plane or attend a concert or restaurant or school or whatever.
These test cost under three dollars each. they aren't painful. it wouldn't be 100% effective, but it would bee a lot better than what we are going through...

this is all utter bullsheetrock to shift political power and gather up tremendous amounts of money and power.

I wish all of you good health and hope you enjoy your life.

sourmash SEP 24, 09:56 AM
I don't even trust a test kit. It's the flu, bro.

Yes, I know it's not technically the flu. Neither are some of the other 'flu' bugs from the past.
Jake_Dragon SEP 24, 12:05 PM
They should invest in little micro trackers that turn on when someone catches Covid
Or a luminous tattoo that lights up when you catch Covid and we can avoid you

Before another restriction is put in place someone should follow the money. Who has stock in the pharmaceutical businesses and is pushing an agenda.
Pretty neat trick, buy stock then mandate testing and vaccines
I don't mind people making money, but when you have information that is not public knowledge. There is a word for that, it escapes me
sourmash SEP 24, 12:20 PM
The Federal Reserve chairman and some other directors just got reported for a probable scam for personal investments that just happened to profit them greatly due to immediate actions they instituted as official Federal Reserve policies.

Doesnt Fauci hold a patent on something Covid related?

Oh, it wasn't Fed Chairman Powell. I should've known by the spelling. These guys are top level banksters. They are why the term "bankster" was coined. They were trading Federal Reaerve rate sensitive securities based on the insider positions they hold.


Smialek: “Prior to recent media reports, were you aware of the kind of security buying and selling that [Dallas Fed and Boston Fed] Presidents Kaplan and Rosengren were participating in last year? And I wonder if you thought those were appropriate?”

Powell: “So, no I was not aware of the specifics of what they were doing. So let me just say a couple of things about this subject. We understand very well that the trust of the American people is essential for us to effectively carry out our mission. And that’s why I directed the Fed to begin a comprehensive review of the ethics rules around permissible financial holdings and activity by Fed officials. So those rules are in many respects the same as those for government agencies plus a number of things that apply specifically to us because of our business. One of those is — sort of three things I would point to in terms of specific restrictions: one is ownership of certain assets is not allowed and that’s bank securities and other things; secondly, there are times when we’re not allowed to trade at all or buy and sell financial assets – that’s the period immediately before and during an FOMC meeting; and, third, there’s regular disclosures. So everyone’s ownership and activities are all disclosed on an annual basis. So, I would have had to go back and read people’s financial disclosure to know what their activities have been. This has been our framework for a long time and I guess you’d say it’s served us well. The other thing you would say is it’s now clearly seen as not adequate to the task of really sustaining the public’s trust in us. We need to make changes and we’re going to do that as a consequence of this. This will be a thorough-going and comprehensive review. We’re going to gather all the facts and look at ways to further tighten our rules and standards.”

Let’s stop right there for a moment. As Wall Street On Parade reported earlier this morning, the Fed’s trading rules, to anyone who has ever held a trading license on Wall Street, are a joke (that you could drive a Bentley stretch limo filled with insider traders through). The Fed’s trading rules consist of 284 words that appear on page 14 (Attachment 4) of a Fed document called the “Program for Security of FOMC Information.” The document is devoid of even a single mention of any of the following types of trading that should be prohibited for Fed officials: shorting the market, using derivatives to mask one’s trading, trading in S&P 500 futures contracts (which can be leveraged by 95 percent and trade almost 24/7 on weekdays); trading when one is aware that the Fed is about to make a market-moving announcement, regardless of whether or not it’s around an FOMC meeting; trading in securities that the Fed is buying up; trading in and out of the same security or futures contract, giving the appearance of timing the market; and so forth.

Also, Powell included the fact that Fed officials have to make annual disclosures while simultaneously admitting that he was not aware of Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan trading in and out of S&P 500 futures to the tune of millions of dollars in each transaction while also making over $1 million dollar trades in rate sensitive stocks like Amazon, Apple and Facebook. That Powell was not aware clearly indicates that the disclosures were meaningless until a Wall Street Journal reporter, Michael Derby, with apparently far more curiosity than Powell, decided to actually look at those disclosures and break the story on September 7.

Immediately after Smialek posed her uncomfortable question to Powell, Steve Liesman, Senior Economics Reporter at CNBC, was called on. Liesman wanted to know if it was appropriate for Fed officials “to be owning the same assets that the Federal Reserve is buying…” Liesman also asked what the timeframe was for the Fed’s review of all of this.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 09-24-2021).]

Jake_Dragon SEP 24, 02:41 PM