Louisiana Hospital to Charge Employees 'Spousal COVID Vaccine Fee (Page 1/2)
blackrams OCT 02, 09:22 AM
Louisiana Hospital to Charge Employees 'Spousal COVID Vaccine Fee'

Employees of Louisiana's largest health system who have a spouse covered on their medical insurance will be charged an extra $200 a month if the spouse has not received the COVID-19 inoculation, The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune is reporting.

The ''spousal COVID vaccine fee'' will begin in 2022 and comes as Ochsner Health System has set an Oct. 29 deadline for employees to become vaccinated or lose their jobs, NOLA.com reported.

The surcharge is only for unvaccinated spouses or domestic partners, not children or other dependents.

Honestly, I expect this to sweep the Health Insurance Industry and possibly have an effect on Medi-Care costs. Although I do not support mandates on the COVID vaccine(s). The cost to the Health Insurance industry has been staggering and if I owned stock in such a company, I'd seriously consider dumping it.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 10-02-2021).]

bonaduce OCT 02, 09:50 AM
The unvaccinated will become the new "class" of individuals who will be "held down by the man". Unvaccinated? sorry you can't work here, can't eat here, can't shop here.
sourmash OCT 02, 10:01 AM
The expense to the taxpayer's bill giving all the billions of dollars to big pharma is criminal. Gov workers like Fauci were buying gain of function research in Wuhan and SURPRISE! We've got a virus to scare you with.

Segregating the pure blood people will do exactly what racial segregation did, in that, an industry will spring up to cater to the new segregated group.

People dont realize that Black owned businesses benefitted though segregation because of the captive clientele. They didn't all want to see it end and now have to compete with White business owners.

When slavery was an accepted practice free workers hated having to compete with slave labor for work. People just think everyone gained off it or were ambivalent about slavery. No, it was used by capitalists to hold wages down for everyone.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 10-02-2021).]

blackrams OCT 02, 10:06 AM

Originally posted by bonaduce:

The unvaccinated will become the new "class" of individuals who will be "held down by the man". Unvaccinated? sorry you can't work here, can't eat here, can't shop here.

That could happen in any Health Care facility or those companies that deal with the public. I have a friend (an MD) who's office was recently sued because a patient claim's they were exposed and got COVID while there. Although all employees there had been vaccinated, the staff there was only wearing M95 masks. They are now wearing face shields and pushing their patients to do remote appointments. My friend (the MD) says this will undoubtedly affect her malpractice insurance premiums.
Airlines and other corporations are also concerned about such lawsuits. Why do you think every retailer has a mask requirement for their employees and those damn plastic shields at the cash registers.
I can visualize a future Federal Law that would not allow such lawsuits for the unvaccinated. I am not suggesting I support such a law but, can see it coming to fruition.

blackrams OCT 02, 10:30 AM
The days of full covid coverage are over. Insurers are restoring deductibles and co-pays, leaving patients with big bills.

Jamie Azar left a rehab hospital in Tennessee this week with the help of a walker after spending the entire month of August in the ICU and on a ventilator. She had received a shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in mid-July but tested positive for the coronavirus within 11 days and nearly died.

Now Azar, who earns about $36,000 a year as the director of a preschool at a Baptist church in Georgia, is facing thousands of dollars in medical expenses that she can’t afford.

“I’m very thankful to be home. I am still weak. And I’m just waiting for the bills to come in to know what to do with them,” she said Wednesday, after returning home.

In 2020, as the pandemic took hold, U.S. health insurance companies declared they would cover 100 percent of the costs for covid treatment, waiving co-pays and expensive deductibles for hospital stays that frequently range into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But this year, most insurers have reinstated co-pays and deductibles for covid patients, in many cases even before vaccines became widely available. The companies imposed the costs as industry profits remained strong or grew in 2020, with insurers paying out less to cover elective procedures that hospitals suspended during the crisis.

Now the financial burden of covid is falling unevenly on patients across the country, varying widely by health-care plan and geography, according to a survey of the two largest health plans in every state by the nonprofit and nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation.

As has said before, decisions have rewards and consequences. Pick your path.

MidEngineManiac OCT 02, 11:39 AM
Honestly, my prediction with this "war on the unvaxed" is it will over the next 6 months or so seriously unravel society and lead to a MAJOR economic/supply collapse.

You cant fire and fine out of a job 15%-25% plus of the producing population and still expect the status quo to continue. It's not just the direct effect on that percentage, its the secondary spending and fall-out of it. Trickle down economics works in destroying economies as well as building them when you take away a large portion of the trickle.
blackrams OCT 02, 11:53 AM
They don’t have to be fired. But, their health insurance rates may go up significantly.

MidEngineManiac OCT 02, 11:58 AM
Same difference if they forced out because they cant afford to work anymore. (which is what these kinds of "charges" are designed to do, comply or get out one way or another.)
Jake_Dragon OCT 02, 12:10 PM
This is why there needs to be a patient Zero found and if this is man made and released or escaped from a lab then its time boys.
blackrams OCT 02, 12:20 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

Same difference if they forced out because they cant afford to work anymore. (which is what these kinds of "charges" are designed to do, comply or get out one way or another.)

Decisions have consequences..........
