Canada admits heart disease increase after Covid injections. (Page 1/1)
sourmash OCT 02, 08:06 PM
You don't want that flu, bro. Go with the heart disease from the injections instead.

(Reuters) -Canadian health officials said on Friday data suggests reported cases of rare heart inflammation were relatively higher after Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine compared with the Pfizer/BioNTech shots.

The data also indicated heart inflammation occurs more often in adolescents and adults under 30 years of age, and more often in males.

The risk of cardiac complications, including heart inflammation, has been shown to be substantially increased following COVID-19 infections, with the risks higher after the infection than after vaccination, according to the statement...

The statement from the Public Health Agency of Canada said majority of the affected individuals experienced relatively mild illness and recovered quickly.

Oh, but the covid illness doesn't allow you to recover quickly?!

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 10-02-2021).]

blackrams OCT 02, 10:30 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

You don't want that flu, bro. Go with the heart disease from the injections instead.

(Reuters) -Canadian health officials said on Friday data suggests reported cases of rare heart inflammation were relatively higher after Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine compared with the Pfizer/BioNTech shots.

The data also indicated heart inflammation occurs more often in adolescents and adults under 30 years of age, and more often in males.

The risk of cardiac complications, including heart inflammation, has been shown to be substantially increased following COVID-19 infections, with the risks higher after the infection than after vaccination, according to the statement...

The statement from the Public Health Agency of Canada said majority of the affected individuals experienced relatively mild illness and recovered quickly.

Oh, but the covid illness doesn't allow you to recover quickly?!

Did you actually read that article? It doesn't appear so. LOL. So, in this instance of propaganda daily you're reaching for evidence that actually proves you wrong?

Risk of cardiac issues, including heart inflammation, is substantially higher from COVID-19 than from vaccine.
The benefits of mRNA vaccine still outweighs the risks of COVID-19.

It actually says so in your linked article. Feeling desperate for facts to support your position?


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 10-02-2021).]

sourmash OCT 02, 11:11 PM
Desperate for what? The survival rate is incredibly high. Desperate is telling me I'm going to be in the ICU wishing I'd taken an I injection with more risks than the virus.

You better read the first paragraph again.
There is a narrative the press uses as propaganda. It says BLM riots are mostly peaceful. That Jan 6th was an insurrection. That increased heart disease from Moderna is rare, but oh yeah, young people get it more often. But it's rare.
Um, so why are they so desperate to make everyone take it?

The risk of cardiac complications, including heart inflammation, has been shown to be substantially increased following COVID-19 infections, with the risks higher after the infection than after vaccination, according to the statement...

Did you consider they're saying AFTER YOU GET THE SHOT and contract covid that the heart condition is greater than it is when you just get the shot? Think about it.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 10-02-2021).]

blackrams OCT 02, 11:23 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Um, so why are they so desperate to make everyone take it?

Apparently you either don't read what I post or don't comprehend it.

I've repeatedly stated I'm not for mandated vaccinations and really don't care what others do.
Let me repeat that slowly, I do not support mandated vaccinations and I don't care if you or anyone else gets a COVID vacination.
The fear I see in your posts about the vaccine(s) is obvious. It shows in all the mis-information you post.

Again, I really don't care if you or any other person gets a COVID vaccination or not, just please quit spreading all the mis-information and lies.
I really do try to not respond to your posts but, when you post such Someone needs to address it. I honestly don't read many of your postings but, every now and then I get suckered in. Admittedly, my fault. I'd actually prefer for others to make informed decisions based on truth, not lies and mis-information. But, I'll try to let you do your thing. Actually, I am impressed, you actually made it through the first paragraph.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 10-02-2021).]

gtjoe OCT 02, 11:37 PM
Why is it that none of these vaccine discussions ever include any nuance?

most of what was said on both sides of this are at least partially true. The problem is that with the virus the people most prone to myocarditis are the older folks who are also at the most risk from the virus, while the people that seem to be most prone to myocarditis from the vaccine are on the younger end of the spectrum and are at the least amount of risk from the virus
In all honesty it will probably be another year or more before we have good enough data to know How much difference there really is, but to just say definitively that the risk from one or the other is overwhelmingly worse can be deceiving, because it differs dramatically based on a number of factors.

here is a cdc study that breaks down some of the numbers for myocarditis from the virus
"During March 2020–January 2021, the risk for myocarditis was 0.146% among patients with COVID-19 and 0.009% among patients without COVID-19. Among patients with COVID-19, the risk for myocarditis was higher among males (0.187%) than among females (0.109%) and was highest among adults aged ≥75 years (0.238%), 65–74 years (0.186%), and 50–64 years (0.155%) and among children aged <16 years (0.133%)."


the data on covid and myocarditis is a year worth of data from last year we wont have that kind of data on the vaccine untl next year, as it relates to younger folks as for we have only been jabbing kids with it for a few months.
sourmash OCT 02, 11:57 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:Apparently you either don't read what I post or don't comprehend it.

I've repeatedly stated I'm not for mandated vaccinations and really don't care what others do.
Let me repeat that slowly, I do not support mandated vaccinations and I don't care if you or anyone else gets a COVID vacination.
The fear I see in your posts about the vaccine(s) is obvious. It shows in all the mis-information you post.

Everybody saw you desperately posting how everyone should get the jabs and that we're a danger to the public. Now you had a change of approach because the narrative keeps crumbling more and more. You did these things on this forum, so don't try running from it now.

Again, I really don't care if you or any other person gets a COVID vaccination or not, just please quit spreading all the mis-information and lies.

You're doing a very good impression of a Democrat politician since it's you that has even today, this evening posted phony circumstances about why we want our blood to stay pure. It's because the survival rate is so high. I k how more and more people who've had it and 2 weeks later they're fine.

I really do try to not respond to your posts but, when you post such

The only BSer here currently on this topic is you and a guy in CA. When you can disprove something, have at it.

Someone needs to address it. I honestly don't read many of your postings but, every now and then I get suckered in. Admittedly, my fault. I'd actually prefer for others to make informed decisions based on truth, not lies and mis-information.

But then why are you making up bunk about why we don't want to get a scary, dangerous and potentially deadly shot? Because the survival rate supports our position and not yours.
sourmash OCT 03, 12:08 AM

Originally posted by gtjoe:

Why is it that none of these vaccine discussions ever include any nuance?

I want to know why he has to include so much rhetoric and insulting language instead of letting the stats do the talking?

most of what was said on both sides of this are at least partially true. The problem is that with the virus the people most prone to myocarditis are the older folks who are also at the most risk from the virus, while the people that seem to be most prone to myocarditis from the vaccine are on the younger end of the spectrum and are at the least amount of risk from the virus

The reason is because the gov, big pharma and especially the media keep lying about the risks of the virus and who is and isnt dying from it. The bigger issue is that they're also lying about the people dying from the shots or getting effed up from them.

Young people aren't even at much risk. But it's both profitable for them to take it and it's desired by Gov and corporations to social engineer them into getting them used to submitting to propaganda from the usual suspects.

In all honesty it will probably be another year or more before we have good enough data to know How much difference there really is, but to just say definitively that the risk from one or the other is overwhelmingly worse can be deceiving, because it differs dramatically based on a number of factors.

here is a cdc study that breaks down some of the numbers for myocarditis from the virus
"During March 2020–January 2021, the risk for myocarditis was 0.146% among patients with COVID-19 and 0.009% among patients without COVID-19. Among patients with COVID-19, the risk for myocarditis was higher among males (0.187%) than among females (0.109%) and was highest among adults aged ≥75 years (0.238%), 65–74 years (0.186%), and 50–64 years (0.155%) and among children aged <16 years (0.133%)."


the data on covid and myocarditis is a year worth of data from last year we wont have that kind of data on the vaccine untl next year, as it relates to younger folks as for we have only been jabbing kids with it for a few months.

When they remove all the phony death stats like people falling off ladders while testing positive for covid and start counting people who die the 1st fourteen days of getting a shot, or when they stop counting everyone who calls in to work for a personal day as sick with covid, well, it will still be too late to rectify the lost credibility.