randye OCT 11, 12:39 AM

Hudini OCT 11, 01:19 AM
Wait, didn’t the native populations just sit around smoking peace pipes? No war, disease, or starvation until the white devils? I mean, we are to blame for everything right? /s
sourmash OCT 11, 09:01 AM
Indian Americans are a nation of immigrants.
Europeans were a nation of pioneers.
Jonesy OCT 11, 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Hudini:

Wait, didn’t the native populations just sit around smoking peace pipes? No war, disease, or starvation until the white devils? I mean, we are to blame for everything right? /s

No doubt native populations had their own problems.. But columbus helped create a large slave trade, so im sure he created problems for them as well, the whole enslaving and or genocide thing tends to but a dent in ones day. Weather he did it purposefully or not is up for debate, as he set up trading posts all over the place, weather he meant for them to be used for slave trading, as i said, is still up for debate. Some sources say he did, some that he didn't.. Not that genocide or slave trading would be a new thing to most of the native people he met.

[This message has been edited by Jonesy (edited 10-11-2021).]

sourmash OCT 11, 05:53 PM
It wasnt Columbus and it wasn't Chriatians that established the first slaves from the New World. It was the 5 venture capitalists that helped fund the journey. They took the first slaves. They weren't Islamic either. There were 5 Jewish investors who were responsible for that. The Spanish Queen was pissed when the ship returned with enslaved people.

The investors were speculating about the new trade route that wasn't realized. So they punted and took humans as commodities.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 10-11-2021).]