British MP stabbed at public meeting. Dead. (Page 1/1)
sourmash OCT 15, 03:54 PM
Sir David Amess.

That is all
sourmash OCT 16, 10:45 AM
According this site below, they have IDed the perp.

Notice the member of Parliament in this group is labeled as "conservative". And people believe these labels.

British Conservative MP Who Backed BLM And 'Every Refugee Matters' Campaign Stabbed to Death by '

British Conservative MP David Amess was reportedly stabbed to death by a 25-year-old Somali Muslim male while speaking with constituents at a church in Essex on Friday.

From The Daily Mail, "Sir David Amess died in a terror attack: Tory MP was killed in murder 'linked to Islamist extremism', say Met Police after he was stabbed 'more than a dozen' times as they arrest British Muslim of Somali descent, 25, and search two homes in London":

Horrified constituents waiting to see the veteran MP, who has campaigned to help refugees, watched in horror as the assailant leapt on him just after midday. Shortly after midday, the knifeman waited calmly in line after booking in at the constituency surgery before launching the fatal attack, according to witnesses.

Scotland Yard last night confirmed their Counter Terrorism Command are working with officers from the Eastern Region Specialist Operations Unit (ERSOU) and Essex Police - and formally declared the incident as terrorism.
Amess backed the Black Lives Matter movement in America in June 2020 amid widespread rioting and demanded Britain not provide any riot gear to help our police, whom he said committed "murder" in the death of George Floyd.
"Conservative." Meanwhile In America, the Dems represent the radical left. The Republicans rushed to left to fill the vacuum LEFT by the Dems. If you ID as conservative, it's likely you need to rethink your identity.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 10-16-2021).]