Politics... something I considered this morning... (Page 1/4)
82-T/A [At Work] OCT 17, 11:53 AM

Polling, even on the most liberal websites, shows Biden underwater... and getting worse. 538 continues to desperately include nonsense polls that show favor-ability to Biden, even though those polls are still really bad for him.

I’m curious how this is all going to work... with:

1 – Gas prices on the rise, and looking to skyrocket in the next couple of months...
2 – 10s of millions of people (mostly minorities) are going to get fired due to COVID-19 vaccination mandates...
3 – A shaky stock market
4 – Massive supply-chain issues (empty shelves, Christmas presents not making it to stores)
5 – Massive inflation, which affects mostly poor and minorities and the people the Democrats supposedly pretend to help.
6 – Federal “stay at home” Universal Income will expire, leading to a lot of people no longer having income.
7 – Federal moratorium on evictions has expired, which means many people will begin getting evicted (particularly after #6)
8 – Massive increase in crime, which is already taking place, but will be significantly exacerbated by #s 1-7 above.

I can only imagine what this country is going to be like come mid-December. If Biden doesn’t have the media to really, really, really support him during these next few months, I don’t even think he makes it to the end of his term.

Every Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner throughout the United States will go something like this...

“Biden has been awful.”
... “But he’s better than Trump.”
“Has he been? I know Trump was bad, but what was really so bad about him?”
... “He said a lot of mean things, and was racist.”
“I was doing a lot better under Trump... Biden has been absolutely awful.”

I almost feel sorry for him, but this is his own doing... or whomever's doing it is since I think we can all agree Biden isn't really running the show right now.

My thoughts... the Democrats are making policy by committee... and that committee is made up entirely of North East, West Coast, and DC liberals, and very little of anyone else. They are so ignorant of the rest of the country that they just assume(d) everyone would be gung-ho with all of these decisions.
MidEngineManiac OCT 17, 12:36 PM
There is a very good reason "committee" and "cluster-****" both begin with a "C"
sourmash OCT 17, 12:53 PM
The decisions on policy aren't made in DC.
People keep doing what they have been doing while expecting a different result.
82-T/A [At Work] OCT 17, 01:31 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

The decisions on policy aren't made in DC.

Are you referring to manipulation by wealthy oligarchs from around the world (both domestic and foreign)?

I would agree with you here, I think the influence and pressure on these decisions certainly come from outside DC.
MidEngineManiac OCT 17, 02:03 PM
It aint just a USA thing, its the entire western world all at once. Same sheet with little to no variation, just degrees of timing.

Somebody besides Mr. Senile and his committees are pulling the strings.
sourmash OCT 17, 02:04 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Are you referring to manipulation by wealthy oligarchs from around the world (both domestic and foreign)?

I would agree with you here, I think the influence and pressure on these decisions certainly come from outside DC.

Yes, that's it.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 10-17-2021).]

olejoedad OCT 17, 06:32 PM
The intent of the Left is not to govern, it is to bring America to its knees.

This is in the name of a One World Government, ruled by an oligarchy.

It has been their stated goal for decades.

maryjane OCT 17, 06:33 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Are you referring to manipulation by wealthy oligarchs from around the world (both domestic and foreign)?

I would agree with you here, I think the influence and pressure on these decisions certainly come from outside DC.

williegoat OCT 17, 06:36 PM
Without a free press and free and open elections, we have no peaceful recourse.
olejoedad OCT 17, 08:04 PM
Sadly willie, I believe that's true.

The question is how many of us are there that think there is a need for some type of recourse?

I am tending to believe that our educational system has poisoned the well of liberty and freedom.