Did our universe escape from a lab? Why isn't the US intel community investigagating? (Page 1/5)
rinselberg OCT 17, 10:54 PM
Well, maybe they are and keeping the investigagation under wraps.

"Was Our Universe Created in a Laboratory?"
Avi Loeb for Scientific American, Opinion; October 15, 2021.

Developing quantum-gravity technologies may elevate us to a “class A” civilization, capable of creating a baby universe.

Avi Loeb is former chair (2011-2020) of the astronomy department at Harvard University, founding director of Harvard's Black Hole Initiative and director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He also chairs the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies and the advisory board for the Breakthrough Starshot project, and is a member of President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Loeb is the bestselling author of Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt).

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 10-17-2021).]

williegoat OCT 17, 11:07 PM
Q: Did our universe escape from a lab?

A: Of course it did. You have heard of the Primordial Soup, right? It was bat soup.
randye OCT 18, 12:46 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Avi Loeb is former chair (2011-2020) of the astronomy department at Harvard University.....

Abraham "Avi" Loeb is an Israeli Jew obsessed with aliens and trying desperately to disprove the existence of God.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 10-18-2021).]

maryjane OCT 18, 01:29 AM
That name rings a bell from the bad old days...

williegoat OCT 18, 05:53 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

That name rings a bell from the bad old days...

Ha! Barbecue and coin op laundry...because you know you're going to splash some of that sauce on your shirt.
olejoedad OCT 18, 08:22 AM
His "theory" is a rehash of an old sci-fi short story....
Rickady88GT OCT 18, 12:29 PM
All of those titles and positions of prestige, and what exactly does he have to show for it? He is a nothing, anyone could do his "jobs".
sourmash OCT 18, 12:32 PM
Belief in God? Yes, please.
Lab experiment? Perhaps, yes.
2.5 OCT 18, 01:42 PM
"With this perspective, the technological level of civilizations should not be gauged by how much power they tap, as suggested by the scale envisioned in 1964 by Nikolai Kardashev. Instead, it should be measured by the ability of a civilization to reproduce the astrophysical conditions that led to its existence." -article

Why should that be measured at all? Who decided that is an important thing to measure?

"This possible origin story unifies the religious notion of a creator with the secular notion of quantum gravity. "

"As of now, we are a low-level technological civilization, graded class C on the cosmic scale, since we are unable to recreate even the habitable conditions on our planet for when the sun will die. "

Man, always striving to be god.

"We must allow ourselves to look humbly through new telescopes" -article


[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 10-18-2021).]

rinselberg OCT 18, 02:40 PM
Avi Loeb is hardly the first "name" to speculate about this.

"Creating a Universe in the Lab? The Idea Is No Joke"
But would it be ethical?
Zeeya (Zeeya later?) Mareli for Aeon; republished in Discover; June 19 or Juneteenth, 2017.

Read-o-Meter says "almost 7 minutes."

This is a 2-minute video encapsulation of "How to Git-R-Done."

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 10-18-2021).]