randye OCT 23, 06:16 PM
Sorry...not the one you probably thought....

Maybe it's actually to keep him from wandering off and getting lost like Alzheimer's patients tend to do...

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 10-23-2021).]

williegoat OCT 23, 07:00 PM
Since we are paying for it, can we put a lock on our side?
maryjane OCT 23, 08:16 PM
I don't like him one bit but I truly hope he doesn't have Alzheimer's . It's a terrible disease and I won't wish it on anyone.
His new taxpayer wall tho, is going to cost about 1/3 of what that house sold for when he acquired it.
randye OCT 23, 08:34 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

I don't like him one bit but I truly hope he doesn't have Alzheimer's . It's a terrible disease and I won't wish it on anyone.

My father died of Alzheimer's and I agree, it's a horrible thing and the entire family becomes a sort of "victim" to it as well as the person who has it.

Unfortunately with regard to Joe I see a lot of very familiar behaviors there, at least what is in the media.

Good days and bad days.

Good days that seem almost normal and then an incoherent outburst.

Flashes of angry / combative temperament that become more and more frequent.

Diminished social restraint and blurting out inappropriate things that should / would normally remain unspoken.

Odd physical manifestations and hand gestures.

Relentlessly talking about things in the past, and getting times, places and people garbled, or even wholly made up stories.

I can't pretend to diagnose Ol' Joe but what is more and more obvious that they can't hide looks sadly familiar and anyone who believes for a moment that man isn't of seriously diminished mental capacity is lying to themselves.

He has no business being in that position and you have to wonder at what point it becomes elder abuse.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 10-23-2021).]

82-T/A [At Work] OCT 24, 08:17 AM

Originally posted by randye:

My father died of Alzheimer's and I agree, it's a horrible thing and the entire family becomes a sort of "victim" to it as well as the person who has it.

Unfortunately with regard to Joe I see a lot of very familiar behaviors there, at least what is in the media.

Good days and bad days.

Good days that seem almost normal and then an incoherent outburst.

Flashes of angry / combative temperament that become more and more frequent.

Diminished social restraint and blurting out inappropriate things that should / would normally remain unspoken.

Odd physical manifestations and hand gestures.

Relentlessly talking about things in the past, and getting times, places and people garbled, or even wholly made up stories.

I can't pretend to diagnose Ol' Joe but what is more and more obvious that they can't hide looks sadly familiar and anyone who believes for a moment that man isn't of seriously diminished mental capacity is lying to themselves.

He has no business being in that position and you have to wonder at what point it becomes elder abuse.

This has all been so frustrating... and this wall he's building is such a slap in the face.

Why are taxpayers paying for this? Why are we getting stuck with the bill? He has Camp David to relax in. Is this what we've come to? Maybe I'm really clueless... but can anyone tell me if previous presidents have had the Government pay for things they want in their personal lives?
maryjane OCT 24, 11:51 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
This has all been so frustrating... and this wall he's building is such a slap in the face.

Why are taxpayers paying for this? Why are we getting stuck with the bill? He has Camp David to relax in. Is this what we've come to? Maybe I'm really clueless... but can anyone tell me if previous presidents have had the Government pay for things they want in their personal lives?

I know George W. Bush had a serious upgrade in secure network installed at his Crawford Texas ranch duing his 1st term. Whether it was solely for his 'work as POTUS or for personal use is debatable. I've been by his ranch a few years ago. The peripherical fence looks like any other CenTex farm or ranch except for the main gate.