'Bad News: How Woke Media is Undermining Democracy' . . . article worthy of mention. (Page 1/2)
rinselberg OCT 24, 01:09 AM
I don't read books anymore. Almost any book is far longer than my attention span. But I read book reviews and other commentary about books. I read excerpts from books.

I don't know whether this long article I've been "eyeballing" is an excerpt from a new book by Batya Ungar-Sargon, or is an article by Batya Ungar-Sargon that highlights and echoes some of what's in her new book. I don't see the world "excerpt" anywhere on the page, so I'm inclined to think the latter.

First, the new book:

"Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy"
Published by Encounter Books on October 26,2021; 280 pages; hardcover.

The author of the new book:

Batya Ungar-Sargon is the deputy opinion editor of Newsweek. Before that, she was the opinion editor of the Forward, the largest Jewish media outlet in America. She has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Newsweek, the New York Review of Books Daily, and other publications. She has appeared numerous times on MSNBC, NBC, the Brian Lehrer Show, NPR, and at other media outlets. She holds a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley.

Now the article I've been "eyeballing." Scrolled through it from end to end. Stopped to read it carefully, here and there, as I was scrolling through it:

"Sign of the Times--When the media’s credibility collapsed, the New York Times led the way"
Batya Ungar-Sargon for The Spectator World; October 18, 2021.

This "bad boy" pegs the Read-o-Meter all the way to almost 25 minutes of estimated reading time, from end to end. For a serious read. Even that's more than my attention span.

I recommend this article to anyone with a strong reaction--positive or negative--to the "New York Times." If you don't have 25 minutes to read it carefully from end to end, you might just scroll through it and see if anything catches your eye and makes you want to read more closely.

This is not going to "put me off" the New York Times. I will continue to look at it online, day in and day out, as a "dues paying" NYT online subscriber.

It's a reminder of the wholesomeness of interpreting what appears in the New York Times with caution, and also, with an eye out for what does not appear in the New York Times.

I think I try, in those regards, although some (perhaps many) on this forum would be naysayers about the wholesomeness of the obvious nexus between "rinselberg" and the New York Times--a nexus that is often mediated by what is broadcast on the MSNBC cable TV channel.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 10-24-2021).]

82-T/A [At Work] OCT 24, 08:28 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I don't read books anymore. Almost any book is far longer than my attention span. But I read book reviews and other commentary about books. I read excerpts from books.

I don't know whether this long article I've been "eyeballing" is an excerpt from a new book by Batya Ungar-Sargon, or is an article by Batya Ungar-Sargon that highlights and echoes some of what's in her new book. I don't see the world "excerpt" anywhere on the page, so I'm inclined to think the latter.

This quote pretty much sums up the entire book,

"Today's newsrooms are propagating radical ideas that were fringe as recently as a decade ago, including "antiracism," intersectionality, open borders, and critical race theory."

I haven't read, but I can answer this as frankly as I possibly can...

The United States is the single greatest power in the world, or at least has been. It is the only raw power that has (for the most part) resisted tyranny from the global elites. The end-goal for most of these global elites is to create a power structure of city-states that looks like what we have today, but that is entirely under the control of an elite few around the globe. Why they want this, I cannot say... but the Democrat party, and a good portion of the right is under this influence. This desired change is pushed in two ways:

1 - The left has done everything they can to indoctrinate our youth from a very early age... and this has been going on for some time now. Most of the Millennial generation grew up under this form of propaganda. It occurs in public school, and is pushed heavily into college education. The propaganda effectively creates a hatred for this country by misrepresenting the struggle and growth of this nation. It's so much easier to destroy something, when you are raised to inherently hate it.

2 - The global elites push and influence the media establishment to represent stories that are antithetical to US values, and instead promote the idea that the United States is horribly flawed.

This is compounded by the fact that the youth who were raised under a propaganda-based education, seek positions which allow them to further push these values. Unfortunately, everyone else, while /maybe/ raised with very pro-American values... are really just living their lives. But the left has raised activists who seek to change this country in every way that they can.

So, no need to bother reading the book, unless you want to.

But I probably won't click the link since this came up and got me a little bit distracted.

maryjane OCT 24, 11:00 AM
I still read a few books but mostly older ones online from
The most recent was a rather shallow novella and with a title that is probably on the 'woke list' of titles to do away with.
Joseph Conrad wrote it.

A NYT article (like any other source) would have to really catch my eye and pique my interest for me to bother reading it.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 10-24-2021).]

sourmash OCT 24, 11:04 AM

The United States is the single greatest power in the world, or at least has been. It is the only raw power that has (for the most part) resisted tyranny from the global elites.

(1) I'd change it to say the United States is the single greatest HAMMER in the world.

And it's the hammer of the global elites. It represents the tyranny of the elites now. The single greatest tool that the globalist elites have in their toolbox.

(2) Media drives the propaganda narrative. We should accept that news media is owned and driven by globalist intelligence agencies.

Our Constitution and an armed citizenry is the greatest power that the people have to resist the tyranny of governing bodies. They declared a state of emergency because of the flu to advance this latest effort to subvert our greatest power.
82-T/A [At Work] OCT 24, 11:37 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Our Constitution and an armed citizenry is the greatest power that the people have to resist the tyranny of governing bodies. They declared a state of emergency because of the flu to advance this latest effort to subvert our greatest power.

And it worked... under the state of emergency, small businesses collapsed in record numbers, while massive corporations grew to exponential strength... dwindling the power of the individual, and increasing the power of the majority.

Oddly enough, the unions are quickly becoming some of the only means by which we fight the tyranny... never thought I'd say that. The pilots union just won against Southwest, Delta, and American... all acknowledging that they will resist and ignore Biden's EO on vaccine mandate. The border patrol union, and some of the other unions are fighting back.

Still SEIU and some of the others are still large pawns of the Democrat party.
sourmash OCT 24, 11:47 AM
Yes, unions definitely have a positive purpose, and those are examples of why they serve a purpose (typically during bad times). When times are fat, they ain't so good.

Government employee unions should be outlawed.
Rickady88GT OCT 24, 12:03 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Yes, unions definitely have a positive purpose, and those are examples of why they serve a purpose (typically during bad times). When times are fat, they ain't so good.

Government employee unions should be outlawed.

I agree on the restriction of government employees unions, but not necessarily outlawed. Unions primary purpose should be workplace safety and protection from abuse. We would all probably agree that government is run by some shady people.
I am not anti-union but I am anti-corruption, and when a union organizes "conspires" to hold the employer up like a bank robbery then I am against that union. Such is the case of the cargo ships off the California Coast. That union has held up progress and practical working conditions for far to long. This hold up "robbery" has lead to $170k paychecks and holds the docks hostage. The union has prevented the docks from off loading cargo for years and now with the extra burden of incompetent government has lead to this shipping disaster. Has the union stepped up to help by opening the docks for 24h 7d business......... nope. They are corrupt and won't give up the docks to do normal business like the rest of the World.
In short, it isn't necessarily the government employees unions that are the only cancer in the body.
Jake_Dragon OCT 24, 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Rickady88GT:

I agree on the restriction of government employees unions, but not necessarily outlawed. Unions primary purpose should be workplace safety and protection from abuse. We would all probably agree that government is run by some shady people.
I am not anti-union but I am anti-corruption, and when a union organizes "conspires" to hold the employer up like a bank robbery then I am against that union. Such is the case of the cargo ships off the California Coast. That union has held up progress and practical working conditions for far to long. This hold up "robbery" has lead to $170k paychecks and holds the docks hostage. The union has prevented the docks from off loading cargo for years and now with the extra burden of incompetent government has lead to this shipping disaster. Has the union stepped up to help by opening the docks for 24h 7d business......... nope. They are corrupt and won't give up the docks to do normal business like the rest of the World.
In short, it isn't necessarily the government employees unions that are the only cancer in the body.

Its not just the CA unions holding up the rest of the country, its California government.
sourmash OCT 24, 01:01 PM
Well, I didn't say they were. They are definitely the most egregious offenders of the system.
Rickady88GT OCT 24, 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Its not just the CA unions holding up the rest of the country, its California government.

The Longshoreman union is a cancer in California that has crippled American. This is by design, of course this is their bargaining chip to extort more money and benefits from the employer. This type of union needs to be broken down and replaced with a system that actually helps America.

Again I have to say I am just as much against corrupt unions as I am against criminal gangs. I am not against unions or associations that work together with the employer to better the entire system.

Don't get me started on the Government of California

[This message has been edited by Rickady88GT (edited 10-24-2021).]