Biden Polling - Thoughts? (Page 1/3)
82-T/A [At Work] OCT 27, 10:04 AM
I think we all have thoughts... a lot to unpack here.

Democrats say his polling is bad because they're not properly furthering the agenda that they supposedly "elected" him for... Republicans say his polling is bad because inflation is up, gas prices have nearly doubled, more COVID deaths under Biden's 9 months than under Trump's whole term with COVID, vaccine and mask mandates, and all the other nonsense.

As of 10/27/2021, Five Thirty Eight, which typically tries to be middle of the road, but has been shown to be incorrect since it often includes pro-Democrat polling, shows Biden at 50.9% dis-approval rating, and a 43% approval rating. RCP has him at unfavorable at 51.2%.

People will say... "But it's still higher than Trump!"

... which we should recognize that at this time in Trump's presidency... you had every media outlet broadcasting day in and day out that Trump directly coordinated the election outcomes with Russia, and that Russia directly helped him with information and election tampering. All of which we now know is completely false.

It should also be mentioned that at this point in his presidency, Trump's polling began to recover as people started to catch wind of the nonsense the Democrats were peddling.

So, we'll see... but I think even the Millennials are starting to realize... "Hey, everything was actually pretty good under Trump... but everything seems to actually be going to hell under Biden."
TheDigitalAlchemist OCT 27, 10:48 AM
I don't think most folks around "here" (NY) think things are so bad... until they actually go to a store or try to buy an appliance or repair something or go get some gas...

They are just so relieved Trump is gone.

most people I know are barely working, maybe "go in" once or twice a week...barely can hold a conversation, or have a clue about what is going on (less than they normally would). folks say that Biden cured Covid, which is total BS.

Maybe things are "normal" where you are, but not here.

we have tried doing as much "halloween" stuff as possible, to keep that aspect of things "normal"...

Watching Biden trying to stay cognizant (at least in the recent clips I've seen of him) is painful.

olejoedad OCT 29, 08:58 AM
If you think five thirty-eight tries to be middle of the road.......
82-T/A [At Work] OCT 29, 10:28 AM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

If you think five thirty-eight tries to be middle of the road.......

I think 538 tries to appear middle of the road, but I believe some of the weights that they give certain polls which are (D) and not even related to registered or likely voters, is suspect.

Biden's polling has tanked even further today. It just keeps going down. As it should, he's done a horrible job...
steve308 OCT 29, 10:40 AM
williegoat OCT 29, 01:29 PM
I try to ignore polls. It seems that they are more often used to deflect, rather than reflect public opinion.

That being said, the polls in Virginia combined with the ubiquity of the "Let's go Brandon" phenomenon give me cause for hope.

I was talking with an acquaintance a few days ago, and he brought up the fact that Biden owns an old Corvette, so I ask him what he thought. He is not a political kind of guy and I kind of knew he leaned left, so I was disappointed but not surprised at his answer, "Well, at least he is not Trump."

Oh well, the less you know...
maryjane OCT 29, 02:04 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
I think 538 tries to appear middle of the road, but I believe some of the weights that they give certain polls which are (D) and not even related to registered or likely voters, is suspect.
Biden's polling has tanked even further today. It just keeps going down. As it should, he's done a horrible job...

It's that appearance that is misleading--not just or so much in the polling but by the people themselves. It all depends who is involved and where they live. A case of 'whose ox is being gored'.
Old Lar OCT 31, 05:26 PM
Most polling scores are related to how the questions are worded, their answers and who is questioned.
rinselberg OCT 31, 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Old Lar:
Most polling scores are related to how the questions are worded, their answers and who is questioned.

Pew! That really stinks.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 10-31-2021).]

randye OCT 31, 06:22 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

I try to ignore polls. It seems that they are more often used to deflect, rather than reflect public opinion.

Originally posted by Old Lar:

Most polling scores are related to how the questions are worded, their answers and who is questioned.

Polls are also used to try to control public opinion rather than sample it.

•Push polls. Polls where the questioning is worded to lead the respondent toward a certain response, whether positive or negative. Rather than surveying the whole population, push polls seek to influence public thinking.


Polls first began to regularly appear in the United States back in 1824 and within 100 years "straw polls" were being sponsored by publishers as a gimmick to attract readers who would fill out mail-in ballots that included subscription offers. Over eighty straw polls were conducted during the 1924 presidential election, six of which were national polls.

It seems that very little has changed in the almost 100 years since then as polls are still very tightly linked to media and their constant drive to increase their own numbers and to push the ideas and opinions they want pushed.

Neither "push polls" or any other kind of poll can help "Brandon" at this point though.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 10-31-2021).]