Virginia? (Page 1/4)
williegoat NOV 01, 02:51 PM
Some (many?) see this as a bellwether.

What does it look like from the inside? Does Youngkin have a fighting chance? Do you expect an honest election?

Are the Loudoun County school problems a big issue?

(As a kid I lived in neighboring Montgomery county for a brief time.)

Let's go Brandon!

steve308 NOV 01, 07:00 PM
It's a toss up at this point and the 5% undecided will probably decide the election. At our sunday morning car gathering in Northern Va which has a heavy democtratic leaning most of them are fed up with the Biden White House and with how the BLM rioters were given the run of Richmond by the Democratic Governor and Mayor. (Mayor was re-elected). A few of them shared that they voted Youngkin. Louden county has become a battleground over a couple of subjects. Critical Race, Gender Identification and a number of other WOKE topics.
Terry McAuliffe (Dem) is of couse viewed as being for the WOKE crowd with Younkin being the opposite. I just can't wait for the election to be over so that the calls, text and e-mails from these groups stop!
maryjane NOV 01, 07:43 PM
Too close to call and could go either way. It will be as honest as any other election (take that any way you wish) but I don't see Va as a bell weather state due to it's close proximity to D.C. contrasted with it's rural population (about 1/8th the total state pop) on the other end. Also approx 150K military population in Va, 2nd only to Calif and they on average vote R.
82-T/A [At Work] NOV 01, 08:00 PM
Virginia has always been a toss-up. I lived in Virginia for a total of 8 years, 4 in the south, 4 in the north. It flip flops between Democrat / Republican, and almost always seems to be 50/50. The only reason why the Democrats won the past couple of times so handily is because there was an independent that took a substantial number of votes away if I remember correctly.

I think there's a good chance Youngkin takes it, but it shouldn't be a complete and total shock that the media is making it out to seem like.
Rickady88GT NOV 01, 09:17 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

Some (many?) see this as a bellwether.

It is what it is. I do not see this election as any such thing. This election will boil down to how many dems vrs Republicans show up. The dems are entrenched and at this point would not turn and let a (Trumpian) in office.


What does it look like from the inside? Does Youngkin have a fighting chance? Do you expect an honest election?

This is two questions. First I have to admit that I am not on the inside, so take my opinion as a grain of salt. No Younkin does not.have a chance. The media and democrat tentacles are at this point to long and to many.
Second answer is simple. No. Why? Because we have already seen overwhelming evidence that previous elections have been tampered with and in this election specifically, we have seen election fraud in the form of fake racism and false accusations.


Are the Loudoun County school problems a big issue

No. At this point the trans movement is is full swing and any resistance is a shot from terrorists, bigots and racists. It's automatic at this point.


(As a kid I lived in neighboring Montgomery county for a brief time.)

You should know better than me, I am only shooting from the hip.
RWDPLZ NOV 01, 09:42 PM
The race will be too close to call, they'll stop counting overnight, and the next day the Democrat will win by a landslide.
Rickady88GT NOV 01, 10:02 PM

Originally posted by RWDPLZ:

The race will be too close to call, they'll stop counting overnight, and the next day the Democrat will win by a landslide.

I believe it has already been decided
maryjane NOV 02, 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Rickady88GT:

I believe it has already been decided

Based upon what?

blackrams NOV 02, 03:48 AM
The "news" sources/polls say it's too close to call. A gubernatorial race (in another state) really doesn't concern me (it's not my state) but in how it may effect our national elections and the direction we go does. This does appear to be an election being affected by the DC beltway and what happens within that mess.

I really don't care who wins in VA but, I am concerned that a Youngkin victory could energize Progressive/Socialist and possibly independent voters in next year's mid-term elections resulting in less of a swing in the House and Senate. Normally, the party "out of power" gains during mid-term elections. Based on what the Democrat leadership has done so far since the last election. I sincerely hope the pendulum swings back to the right.

It's pretty damn obvious our economic situation, the southern border crisis, our embarrassing retreat from Afghanistan, our rising energy/fuel costs going up, the Defund the Police movement and several other "things" are all a result of Democratic Leadership. It does appear that Nikita Khruschchev may have been right in his prediction.............
We are definitely headed down a Socialist path.

Rickady88GT NOV 02, 06:28 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Based upon what?

Mail in ballots. I don't believe people are holding out on voting until the last day, just to vote in person. Enough ballots have been cast to call the race. But I could be wrong.