Four Seasons Total Landscaping. MSNBC Films probes one of modern history's mysteries. (Page 1/1)
rinselberg NOV 04, 09:16 AM

I just set the Comcast box to record from 7 to 8 pm (Pacific Daylight Time) on Sunday.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-04-2021).]

maryjane NOV 04, 10:21 AM
It is good to see the left is still fixated on 'beating Trump'.
Hopefully they will continue to expend their time, breath, efforts and $$$$ on defeating a former president.
(How did that work out for them in Va?)

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 11-04-2021).]

rinselberg NOV 04, 10:55 AM
I do not know what to make of this hour-long documentary (as they're billing it) until I see it.

But "Trump" is not merely a former President. He remains a force within the Republican Party.

This documentary (if you'll have that) is being aired for the first time on Sunday--TOO LATE to factor into any of these latest election results in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and perhaps (I guess) some other states and municipalities.

How's that for a "gotcha"..?

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-04-2021).]

82-T/A [At Work] NOV 04, 11:01 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I do not know what to make of this hour-long documentary (as they're billing it) until I see it.

But "Trump" is not merely a former President. He remains a force within the Republican Party.

This documentary (if you'll have that) is being aired for the first time on Sunday--TOO LATE to factor into any of these latest election results in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and perhaps (I guess) some other states and municipalities.

How's that for a "gotcha"..?

I don't know much to make from the promo... it appears as though they're talking about all the hate they received?

The media really made people believe that Trump was the most evil person in the world... to the point that if you put a gun in their hand, and on one side you had Hitler just before the war, and Trump right now on the other side... most Democrats would go for Trump. I'm not sure how people get to that point...

maryjane NOV 04, 11:42 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I do not know what to make of this hour-long documentary (as they're billing it) until I see it.

But "Trump" is not merely a former President. He remains a force within the Republican Party.

This documentary (if you'll have that) is being aired for the first time on Sunday--TOO LATE to factor into any of these latest election results in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and perhaps (I guess) some other states and municipalities.

How's that for a "gotcha"..?

Not much of a 'gotcha'.

What you are alluding (falsely) to is tantamount to the right campaigning in 2021 (and onward) against Hillary Clinton.
The right is not doing that for obvious reasons, even tho HRC recently stated publicly that she is "not done with politics".

Joust on!!

Jake_Dragon NOV 04, 11:59 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Not much of a 'gotcha'.

What you are alluding (falsely) to is tantamount to the right campaigning in 2021 (and onward) against Hillary Clinton.
The right is not doing that for obvious reasons, even tho HRC recently stated publicly that she is "not done with politics".

Joust on!!

Public or Private HRC never left politics, the bodies prove that.
maryjane NOV 05, 07:28 AM
rinselberg NOV 11, 06:17 AM

Partway through "Four Seasons Total Landscaping Documentary" from MSNBC Films.

I knew there were T-shirts (etc.), but I never knew (until now) exactly what was available.

Long live Four Seasons Total Landscaping . . . hoping they get something out of the BIP. The Bi-partisan Infrastructure Package. Maybe that street will be enhanced with better street lighting, or improved road drainage, or faster Internet for the whole neighborhood . . . ah, the possibilities. It boggles my mind.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-11-2021).]

rinselberg NOV 11, 06:47 AM
If it hasn't already been done . . .

The National Register of Historic Places is the definitive list of all federally registered historic properties. It includes buildings, structures, sites, objects and districts. Individual structures are listed on the National Register, but entire neighborhoods or areas can also be designated as a National Historic District.

A National Historic District is a district important in American history at the national level of significance and is listed on the National Register. It can also be a historic district owned by the federal government, such as the Gettysburg Battlefield Historic District. To qualify, the area must retain architectural integrity and reflect an aspect of the area’s history. A historical overview of the entire district is needed. The purpose of the overview is to provide a basic background history of the area and to justify the significance of the district. Historic resources survey documentation is required for all proposed districts, which involves photographing and mapping all buildings in the district, recording their architectural characteristics, and assessing whether or not they contribute to the historic character of the district.

The highest level of designation is a National Historic Landmark. Landmarks are properties deemed significant to all Americans because of their exceptional values or qualities, which help illustrate or interpret the heritage of the United States. Designated by the Secretary of the Interior, National Historic Landmarks are a select group of National Register listed properties that rise to national importance due to their exceptional ability to illustrate or interpret American heritage. If a property is named a National Historic Landmark, it is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places and able to obtain federal historic preservation funding, when available. Only three percent of properties on the National Register are also Landmarks and they are usually owned by private individuals or groups; others are owned by local, state, tribal or federal government agencies. Today, just over 2,500 historic places bear this national distinction. Twelve have been designated in California since 1999.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-11-2021).]

rinselberg NOV 11, 03:33 PM
Super Bowl LV broadcast, February 7, 2021.

Now that I think back on it, I'm sure I saw that Super Bowl ad during the game broadcast. But I wouldn't have remembered it without seeing this 30-minute segment on MSNBC.

At the time, and until now, I thought it was basically a screw-up. That the Giuliani entourage had told the (about to become a lame duck) President that there was going to be a press conference at the landmark Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia, and that the President could look forward to watching it on TV. And then when that plan fell through, they searched online for "Four Seasons" and thought "OK--this Four Seasons Total Landscaping company is the next best thing." Because the President had already put it out on Twitter and said it was going to be at "Four Seasons."

The landscaping company's founder and owner said otherwise, in this film. She said that the Giuliani group's plan from the get-go was to set it up at the landscaping company. I'm finding her explanation more plausible than the idea that I just described.

Something else I wouldn't have remembered and perhaps wasn't even aware of at the time: The press conference at the landscaping company was cut short when the major TV networks started calling the race for Joe Biden. The reporters who had come to witness the press conference and throw their questions at "Rudy" suddenly wanted to be somewhere else.

I call this a worthwhile 30-minutes of viewing. It's more about the landscaping company itself and its people and how they made the most of this--a ridiculing or "trolling" of Giuliani himself, or of Trump or MAGA World? Not so much.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-11-2021).]