"Is this a simulation" (Page 1/8)
2.5 NOV 13, 12:34 AM
I always thought that was a stupid idea.

But, perhaps people want it to be, perhaps so much that they will try and make it one:

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williegoat NOV 13, 02:02 AM
Ben Shapiro is a smart guy.
Fats NOV 13, 07:22 AM

Originally posted by williegoat:

Ben Shapiro is a smart guy.

Yea, I don't like him much. I think he's really full of himself, but he is smart. Scary smart sometimes.
sourmash NOV 13, 08:11 AM

Originally posted by williegoat:

Ben Shapiro is a smart guy.

And a phony shill neocon. He's the shill that the portion of non-conservative GOP string pullers want filling a gap left by Limbaugh to steer the group of moderates who listen to him. His voice is very annoying. He also says he doesnt believe in Jesus as Son of God.
rinselberg NOV 13, 04:28 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
And a phony shill neocon. He's the shill that the portion of non-conservative GOP string pullers want filling a gap left by Limbaugh to steer the group of moderates who listen to him. His voice is very annoying. He also says he doesn't believe in Jesus as Son of God.

Is that just a round-about way of saying that Ben Shapiro considers himself a Jew--an Orthodox Jew--and not a Christian? Or is there some other reasoning that makes it remarkable that Ben Shapiro has said that he doesn't believe in Jesus as the Son of God? IMWTK.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-13-2021).]

sourmash NOV 13, 07:22 PM
The Republican voter group is a largely Christian contingency or has a belief in Jesus Christ as God. A person who is belligerent to that belief who is PROMOTED as a voice of leadership for that group should be openly presented as such on the subject of Christ.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 11-13-2021).]

rinselberg NOV 13, 07:52 PM
This thread reminded me of one that I created way back in 2015.

"Odds just went down that you're a 2D avatar inside some vast 3D hologram universe"

That was inspired by a news report that was published in the U.K.'s DailyMail :

"Good news, we DON’T live in a hologram: Radical [physics] experiment dismisses bizarre theory that our world is an illusion"
Ellie Zolfagharifard and Mark Prigg for the DailyMail; December 4, 2015.

A few minutes of light reading for any non-specialist (like me), with a few "visuals." It started with this:

The bizarre theory that we live in a hologram has been dismissed in a year-long experiment.

That was an overstatement. The experiment provided evidence against one particular version of the "Universe is a Hologram" theory. But there are (and already were) other versions of the theory that the experiment did not test.

To speculate that the universe is a hologram, or that we exist within a holographic universe, does not go straight to the idea that we exist within a simulation or "metaverse" created by some other intelligent species that lives (or lived) in this universe or some other universe. It could just be the fundamental nature or reality of our universe. We perceive our ordinary reality as a space of Three Dimensions, but . . . if you really want to think about it more, just fire up an online search engine with the target phrase "holographic universe".

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-13-2021).]

rinselberg NOV 13, 07:56 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
The Republican voter group is a largely Christian contingency or has a belief in Jesus Christ as God. A person who is belligerent to that belief who is PROMOTED as a voice of leadership for that group should be openly presented as such on the subject of Christ.

OK. I got it. It's a round-about way of saying that Ben Shapiro is Jewish.

Well, maybe not. I'm not at all familiar with Ben Shapiro or what he is trying to represent.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-13-2021).]

Rickady88GT NOV 14, 12:17 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

And a phony shill neocon. He's the shill that the portion of non-conservative GOP string pullers want filling a gap left by Limbaugh to steer the group of moderates who listen to him. His voice is very annoying. He also says he doesnt believe in Jesus as Son of God.

I have heard you accuse several people of not being "conservatives" so I have to ask you to list people that you believe are conservative. Preferably members here on PFF, politicians and celebrities (Podcaster, radio hosts, influential people)

[This message has been edited by Rickady88GT (edited 11-14-2021).]

Rickady88GT NOV 14, 12:27 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

The Republican voter group is a largely Christian contingency or has a belief in Jesus Christ as God. A person who is belligerent to that belief who is PROMOTED as a voice of leadership for that group should be openly presented as such on the subject of Christ.

I disagree that a person has to be Christian or identify or recognize Christianity to qualify as a Republican "leader". Politics isn't a Church. Like it or not, America is made up of MANY different religions including none at all, and with that fact, ANY AND ALL "leaders" need to openly recognize it. The "leaders" of the Republican party need to represent Americans, all Americans NOT just Christians.
All of that being said, I am a Christian and would love for all of America to get along with each other and believe in Christ, but that isn't going to happen.
You are way off base on this one.