UK recommends a jab every 3 months. Ha Ha Ha (Page 1/12)
sourmash DEC 01, 10:32 AM
I can't stop laughing, even though it shows the sad fact of just how easily people can accept being manipulated.

82-T/A [At Work] DEC 01, 11:21 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

I can't stop laughing, even though it shows the sad fact of just how easily people can accept being manipulated.

Are you suggesting that the vaccine doesn't inoculate you against the virus as was promised? I dunno, this discussion sounds racist.
sourmash DEC 01, 11:24 AM
...every 3 months! This is hilarious.
82-T/A [At Work] DEC 01, 11:30 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

...every 3 months! This is hilarious.

... and then what happens when we stop? (Other than the fact that Obama-cash to Pfizer/Moderna stops)
sourmash DEC 01, 11:44 AM
People will demand their 3.month shots, that's what happens. For the 100% effective 'vaccine'.
TheDigitalAlchemist DEC 01, 11:53 AM
4 times a year. different cocktail or the same? a 20% chance of feeling like crap for 1-3 days (or longer) after each jab? Possible side effects such as heart swelling and such? How often do I need jabs in order to be allowed to work? Mandates and Masks and passports and such...

This reminds me of the endless windows updates, it just slows you down and makes ya sick.

Not a fan of getting this virus. escaped it so far. but we have kids in school and therapists in the home and other folks...know a few folks that have gotten it more than once now, with mixed results. A few of them had only minor symptoms, but most end up weaker than before. Have this play out for a few more years and there will be a bunch of sickly folks...

One side effect I've seen is a general end of the focus on career advancement.

A daily pill would be better than these jabs. (and that pill is Viagra! BOING!) heh

TheDigitalAlchemist DEC 01, 11:58 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
... and then what happens when we stop? (Other than the fact that Obama-cash to Pfizer/Moderna stops)

Then you become "vulnerable" - UNVACCINATED... UNCLEAN!

If you don't keep up with the shots, then you might catch Covid!...

Like that scene in that recent Star Wars Movie:

*anakin looks at Padme*

Padme: "So...I should keep getting jabbed, because the shot will protect me from getting Covid, right?"

*anakin looks smug*

Padme: "...the shot will protect me from getting Covid,... right?"

sourmash DEC 01, 01:53 PM
There's another that says:
I had no adverse vaccine effects.
She asks which shot he got.
He just looks at her.
She says, Wait, which shot did you get?
Patrick DEC 01, 06:24 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

I can't stop laughing...

Anti-vaccine Christian broadcaster Marcus Lamb dies at 64 after contracting Covid


Marcus Lamb, a co-founder and the CEO of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network who vocally opposed Covid-19 vaccines, has died at 64, weeks after he contracted Covid-19, the network said.

The network has dedicated hours of broadcasts to anti-lockdown and anti-vaccination activists and groups.

In July 2020, the Lamb family devoted an hour of their broadcast to "censorship" around the Covid pandemic, featuring the misinformation group America's Frontline Doctors.

Jonathan Lamb described his father's Covid infection as "a spiritual attack from the enemy" to "take down" Marcus Lamb.

Lamb's Daystar Television Network had asked viewers in recent days to pray for his recovery.

In recent months, a number of prominent anti-vaccination Christian broadcasters have died from Covid-19. Conservative radio hosts Dick Farrell, Phil Valentine and Marc Bernier, who were unvaccinated, all died after they contracted Covid.

cvxjet DEC 01, 07:13 PM
It seems to me that the "Propaganda" being spread about the Covid vaccine is on the "Anti-Vaccine" side.....And it appears to be very effective in eliminating all of the anti-vax conservatives....

I got two shots (Pfizer) and the only thing that happened is both of my arms fell off...Luckily I can type with the end of my nose!