Portugal, most injected country? State of calamity as covid rampant? (Page 1/1)
sourmash DEC 02, 01:23 PM
"Cases in Portugal are up 373% since they started vaccine passports last month and despite 99.3% of all adults being at least partially vaccinated, but somehow experts and politicians are still pretending that vaccine passports and high vaccination rates will “end the pandemic”"

Chinese news outlet Xinhua reported that according to Costa, “the first measure to be taken is the reinforcement of the vaccination campaign with the booster dose”.

“The government has acquired in time the requisite amount of vaccine doses to be administered to each Portuguese” and authorities were “prepared to vaccinate eligible children,” he said.

The wearing of face masks will once again be mandatory in all closed spaces, the Council of Ministers said and a digital vaccination certificate will also be mandatory for access to restaurants, hotels, bars and clubs, sporting events and gyms.

Those wishing to enter retirement homes and health establishments, or attend major cultural or sporting events will be required to present a negative test regardless of whether they were fully vaccinated.

Portugal has also “strongly increased sanctions” for airlines with fines of 20 000 euros per passenger in case of non-compliance of a negative Covid-19 test.

Portugal has the highest vaccination rate in the world, but has had to return to a “state of calamity” with mask mandates, vaccine passports, and mandatory testing to enter certain establishments.

Early praises

As recently as in October, Portugal declared that it stood “as an example not only to the world but also to itself” because “the vaccination campaign proved to be a success in ‘beating this virus’ after the Covid task force chief Vice Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo stepped in. Socialists lauded the high jab rate as the “Portuguese success story” and “historical”.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 12-02-2021).]

rinselberg DEC 02, 08:01 PM

LISBON, Dec 2 (Reuters) - The wave of coronavirus infections in Portugal is expected to worsen and new daily cases could double to around 9,000 during the Christmas period, the health authority DGS chief Graca Freitas told broadcaster RTP.

The country of just over 10 million reported a total of 4,670 new infections on Wednesday, the highest daily jump since the beginning of February, when it faced its toughest battle against the virus.

However, Freitas said vaccination levels - among the highest in the world at around 87% of the population - should mean hospitalizations and deaths remain far below levels seen during previous waves of the pandemic, particularly in February.

"It is very different to have new cases than to have lethal cases," she said late on Wednesday, even though increased movement over the Christmas period could mean a surge in infection rates. . . .

There are only two more short paragraphs that I did not reproduce here.

"Portuguese health chief sees daily COVID-19 cases doubling at Christmas"
Sergio Goncalves for Reuters; December 2, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-02-2021).]

sourmash DEC 02, 08:52 PM
They aren't going to stop this farce until forced to.
blackrams DEC 04, 09:17 AM
Resistance is futile. One way or another, everyone living will eventually develop anti-bodies to COVID and the different variants we get exposed to. How one chooses to do that is strictly up to them as far as I'm concerned, just try to not pass it around. Would it be too much to suggest that we reap the harvest of the seeds we have sown.

sourmash DEC 04, 10:04 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Resistance is futile. One way or another, everyone living will eventually develop anti-bodies to COVID and the different variants we get exposed to. How one chooses to do that is strictly up to them as far as I'm concerned, just try to not pass it around. Would it be too much to suggest that we reap the harvest of the seeds we have sown. Rams

People dying from complications of the treatment is not new, but the State refusing to protect the public by halting the campaign is new.

God and nature have a plan already in place. It works for almost everybody.