So brave. Wheelchair bound man shot by officer. (Page 1/5)
sourmash DEC 03, 08:55 AM
Pretty alarming stuff. For not complying to a demand, the man was sentenced to death on the spot. But rioters and looters are fine.

Wichita DEC 03, 09:13 AM
That’s sad. The items I saw that dropped was a mobile phone and cigarettes. But he was no threat for him to use deadly force. Unfortunately he was Caucasian, so it will get very little attention and no justice other than a firing. If they find out he was unvaccinated, the cop might get his position back.
RWDPLZ DEC 03, 12:16 PM
Policeactivity posted the video a few days ago.

Officer is just a lazy piece of crap. That ninth shot really says it all about his mental state. He looks like he's swatting a fly.
sourmash DEC 04, 10:39 AM
Authorities in Los Angeles on Thursday announced more than a dozen arrests in recent smash-and-grab thefts at stores where nearly $340,000 worth of merchandise was stolen, part of a rash of organized retail crime in California. Fourteen people were arrested in connection with 11 brazen robberies between November 18 and 28, but all were released from custody, police Chief Michel Moore said. Most bailed out or met no-bail criteria, and one is a juvenile, he said.

At a joint news conference, both Moore and Mayor Eric Garcetti called for an end to a no-bail policy for some defendants aimed at reducing overcrowding at Los Angeles County jails during the coronavirus pandemic.

Garcetti said with the pandemic easing, it’s time to make room again in lockups for criminals who commit violent acts and put store employees in danger.

“We need the help of our criminal justice system, of our judges, of our jailers,” Garcetti said. “We have opened up a lot of the city because we’re in a better place with COVID. We should be able to also open up our jails, and we should be able to have judges that put people behind those bars.”

A statewide policy of imposing $0 bail for misdemeanors and lower-level felonies ended last year, but it was kept in place within the LA County Superior Court system.
cvxjet DEC 04, 10:00 PM
That (EX) cop is a moron.......If you really thought the situation warranted using a gun, shoot him in the leg or arm.....But that many shots is so far out there. He should be charged with murder, plain and simple.

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 12-04-2021).]

MidEngineManiac DEC 04, 10:12 PM
And yet...dombasses everywhere will "support the blue"

jackboot thugs who shoot and kill, execute everything in sight including kittens and unarmed people in wheelchairs....

Zieg HIEL---Gestappo, Obey or be shot !!!!

Dindnt you learn anything from the past ????

**** you, and **** off jackboot !!!!!!

We will be free and the only thing the cops prick gestapo garbage are in charge of is blowing each other in the locker. room

I'm not playing blue-gestappo games.

Patton knew how to deal with the stazi trash, and so did Will Wallace.

Go screw yourself, your just another meat-bag that bleeds and dies same as any other. Your are not in charge of anything besides sucking your own penis

Go **** yourself, uniform. We will be free.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 12-04-2021).]

Hudini DEC 05, 01:11 AM
Unfortunately it only takes one to taint everyone. They really shouldn’t be surprised that so many people turned on them.
MidEngineManiac DEC 05, 02:01 AM
WTF ever posses a human to pull out a gun and fire at a kitten....

Askeered for their lives are they ?

Yeh, I know.....them 3-months old are more dangerous than tigers. Tank gawd we have Barney Fife to shoot them and protect us and make everything safe.

A kitten...... Think on that. Askeered of it, and somebody gave jackass a gun.

WTF is gonna happen when he sees his shadow in a dark place....

Sure are brave garbage, protecting us and all.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 12-05-2021).]

82-T/A [At Work] DEC 05, 03:14 PM
Seems kind of ridiculous. I know they say it's not good to Monday-morning quarterback, but having literally worked for an NFL team when we actually did "Monday-morning quarterbacking" literally after the game that carried past into midnight... I'd say this really wasn't a harrowing situation. If the guy allegedly had a knife, then the more appropriate weapon would have been a Taser, I'd think?

CVXJet, you don't shoot people in the leg, you shoot to kill. Body-mass, or shot to the head. But a taser would have been appropriate here, at the most. I mean... he could have just old-school pulled him off the cart, roughed him up, and cuff'ed him.
Rickady88GT DEC 05, 04:06 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

CVXJet, you don't shoot people in the leg, you shoot to kill. Body-mass, or shot to the head. But a taser would have been appropriate here, at the most. I mean... he could have just old-school pulled him off the cart, roughed him up, and cuff'ed him.

This is not Police training, at least not California approved training. I can only assume that there is a fairly universal standard across America. Police are not trained to "kill", they are trained to stop. The accurate phrase is "shoot to stop the threat". Not shoot to kill. Head shots are not taught to be a target. Center mass is the only target they are trained to aim for. The arms and legs are never a target either for obvious reasons.
Obviously there are always out of the ordinary circumstances like body armor and shooting at night. Shooting at night is not a good idea because you can't see what is behind the target.