CNBC political poll.. (Page 1/4)
maryjane DEC 10, 07:58 PM

"At 46% approval to 48% disapproval, Biden's approval rating on the coronavirus is now underwater for the first time.

His economic approval sank more deeply underwater, with 37% approving compared to 56% who disapprove, down from 40% approval to 54% in the second quarter survey.
"The Covid (approval) number is actually I think the more important one," said Micah Roberts, partner at Public Opinion Strategies, the Republican pollster for the survey "As goes COVID, so goes the Biden presidency, and that's really proving to be quite true."

The poll of 800 Americans nationwide has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5%.
Negative views extend to Democrats overall
The data show the president has lost ground among key support groups that propelled him to victory in November.

The approval rating among those who voted for him has dropped from 80% to 69% in the April survey. There have been notable declines among Americans 18-34 and suburban residents, both of whom, in dramatic swings, now register net negative views on the president.
As bad as Biden's number may be, the polling data for Democrats in Congress is far worse.
Republicans now sport a historic 10-point advantage when Americans are asked which party they prefer to control Congress, holding a 44%-34% margin over Democrats. That's up from a 2-point Republican advantage in the October survey.

In the past 20 years, CNBC and NBC surveys have never registered a double-digit Republican advantage on congressional preference, with the largest lead ever being 4 pints for the GOP.
"If the election were tomorrow, it would be an absolute unmitigated disaster for the Democrats,″ said Jay Campbell, partner at Hart Research Associates and the Democratic pollster for the survey."

"For evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing" Burke
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
It ain't easy being a used cow salesman.
blackrams DEC 10, 08:07 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

"At 46% approval to 48% disapproval, Biden's approval rating on the coronavirus is now underwater for the first time.

His economic approval sank more deeply underwater, with 37% approving compared to 56% who disapprove, down from 40% approval to 54% in the second quarter survey.
"The Covid (approval) number is actually I think the more important one," said Micah Roberts, partner at Public Opinion Strategies, the Republican pollster for the survey "As goes COVID, so goes the Biden presidency, and that's really proving to be quite true."


"If the election were tomorrow, it would be an absolute unmitigated disaster for the Democrats,″ said Jay Campbell, partner at Hart Research Associates and the Democratic pollster for the survey."

"For evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing" Burke
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
It ain't easy being a used cow salesman.

I'm not whole heartedly in agreement with "as COVID goes so does his Presidency". While COVID definitely plays a role (and they are tied together) the issue is the ECONOMY in the next two elections.


maryjane DEC 10, 08:26 PM
Money does matter Ron, but when it comes down to people that you know dying, well, it supersedes money. You can always make more money but only one man evr came back from the grave. Remember, the economy was good a year ago. By multiple polls after the election, Trump lost because of his handling of Covid. (whether just percieved or real,) that is why Biden is in the White House today. He campaigned on getting rid of covid and it worked.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 12-10-2021).]

blackrams DEC 10, 09:07 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Money does matter Ron, but when it comes down to people that you know dying, well, it supersedes money. You can always make more money but only one man evr came back from the grave. Remember, the economy was good a year ago. By multiple polls after the election, Trump lost because of his handling of Covid. (whether just percieved or real,) that is why Biden is in the White House today. He campaigned on getting rid of covid and it worked.

Possibly, admittedly I could be off base here. But I do think attitudes toward COVID are set and unlikely to change regardless of who is President. A very biased press also did a lot to manipulate that election. So, as the price of fuel, bread and other staples goes up, Biden's popularity will decrease. One of the few times I ever agreed with Bill Clinton was when he said, It's the Economy Stupid. (Not directing that at you.)


Hudini DEC 10, 09:11 PM
Trump lost the suburban white female vote. This is what ultimately cost him the election. I'm not sure why he lost them, although my girls say it's because he was "so mean". Uh ok.
blackrams DEC 10, 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Hudini:

Trump lost the suburban white female vote. This is what ultimately cost him the election. I'm not sure why he lost them, although my girls say it's because he was "so mean". Uh ok.

That may be accurate, hard for me to say but, I read an article today that predicted HRC is planning on entering the race when Biden drops out.
Hopefully that'll turn them around.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 12-10-2021).]

randye DEC 10, 09:48 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:

I read an article today that predicted HRC is planning on entering the race when Biden drops out.


What race would that be?

We know for certain that the Left is crazy, but are they that crazy.......and suicidal?

Seriously, the Hildabeast's days of running for federal elected office are over, for now and forever.

She will never again get a "D" party nomination as long as Obama is alive.

maryjane DEC 10, 09:59 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Possibly, admittedly I could be off base here. But I do think attitudes toward COVID are set and unlikely to change regardless of who is President. A very biased press also did a lot to manipulate that election. So, as the price of fuel, bread and other staples goes up, Biden's popularity will decrease. One of the few times I ever agreed with Bill Clinton was when he said, It's the Economy Stupid. (Not directing that at you.)


That was James Carville that said that (Clinton just borrowed it) and there was no pandemic in 1992.
Dead people don't need fuel, bread, and other staples.
Yes, as inflation continues, his approval rating will decrease, but not nearly as easily as it will if the death rate goes up.

Covid attitudes are set? Then remember this:
When asked about the tradeoff between containing the coronavirus and rebuilding the economy, 52% of voters believed controlling the pandemic, even if it hurts the economy, was more important.

You think those people are going to change their minds?
The dead and their surviving family members know only one thing. "It's better to be alive".
Find me one person (just one) that would trade the life of a loved one for cheaper bread .

blackrams DEC 11, 06:34 AM
Just my opinion, not worth arguing over.

Rickady88GT DEC 11, 11:48 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Just my opinion, not worth arguing over.


I hear ya.
My opinion is that Trump as a personality is a curse and a blessing for him. He has basically 3 types of people that will vote in his elections: 1 type hate him and will never vote for him, 2nd type is on his side and won't vote for an opponent. My opinion is that theses two types are basically set in stone and I am not sure exactly what the % of either is but I guess maybe 30% for each? The 3rd type is somewhat in the middle and can be swayed to vote for Trump or against Trump based on the hot button topics of the day. For example if in fact Trump lost a large % of women's votes, the question for Trump is why and how can it be rectified? According to a poll I saw the other day, Hispanics are nearly 50% split on supporting Trump and the black vote is also swinging in his favor. What do people think about covid19 and the President's role? That is VERY subjective at this point even though it played a part in the last election. The next election may have a different opinion of both covid and it's handling, it depends on the media to guide the narrative. With more dead from covid on biden's hands than Trump's, the predictable spin from the media is that death counts are not just death counts anymore. The attention is going to be on "attempts to save lives", not just the death toll.