Election fraud in Fulton County, said pro-Trump media. GA election worker is suing. (Page 1/1)
rinselberg DEC 12, 12:13 PM
I'm posting this as a forum topic because I think the story has "legs." First, the lawsuit:

"Election workers sue conservative site over fraud claims"

Two Georgia election workers have filed a defamation lawsuit against a conservative website.

Kate Brumback for the Associated Press; picked up by ABC News; December 2, 2021.

ATLANTA -- Two Georgia election workers filed a defamation lawsuit Thursday against a conservative website, accusing it of knowingly publishing and spreading false stories saying they engaged in ballot fraud during the 2020 general election.

Fulton County elections workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, a mother and daughter, filed the lawsuit against The Gateway Pundit, its owner Jim Hoft and his brother Joe Hoft, a contributor to the site. Among other things, the lawsuit says the website and the Hofts conducted a “campaign of lies” that led to online and in-person harassment against the two women.

The falsehoods “have not only devastated their personal and professional reputations but instigated a deluge of intimidation, harassment, and threats that has forced them to change their phone numbers, delete their online accounts, and fear for their physical safety,” the lawsuit says.

It goes on from there. Not a real long article. It ends with this:

The lawsuit filed in circuit court in St. Louis, where The Gateway Pundit is based, seeks compensatory and punitive damages, as well as legal costs. It also asks a judge to declare that the statements published by the website and the Hofts and mentioned in the suit are false and to order the false and defamatory statements removed from any website or social media accounts they control.

Somewhere in the middle, was this:

A representative from Trump's legal team, Jacki Pick, spoke before a Georgia state Senate committee on Dec. 3, 2020, and showed part of a surveillance video from the room where ballots were counted at State Farm Arena in Atlanta. She said Republican observers were asked to leave the room late on election night and that once they were gone, election workers pulled out and counted hidden, fraudulent ballots, the lawsuit says.

Pick did not name the election workers in the video "but said ‘one of them had the name Ruby across her shirt somewhere,’” the lawsuit says. Later that day, The Gateway Pundit was the first outlet to publish Freeman's full name, and in a subsequent story it also identified Moss, the lawsuit says.

The allegation that “suitcases” of ballots were pulled from under tables away from the eyes of observers was almost immediately debunked. But it continues to circulate among supporters of the former president and others who say the election was marred by fraud.

The Gateway Pundit and the Hofts perpetuated the debunked narrative, publishing stories and promoting them on social media even after they were aware it had been disproven, the lawsuit says. Among other things, the suit says, their stories accused Freeman and Moss of conspiring to get observers out of a room where ballots were being counted, adding illegal ballots to the count and running the same ballots through scanners multiple times.

Were these allegations of election fraud emanating from MAGA-world, against these Fulton County election workers, actually debunked?

I think it's fair to say that these allegations were debunked, if this magazine-length article at Literary Hub is fully factual and complete about exactly what happened. It's a "gripping" read that has a fictional novel-like style to it, along the lines (I guess) of a Tom Clancy thriller. Maybe that's why it's on Literary Hub. It's also a long read, to the tune of some 40 minutes from first word to last, according to the sagacity that is Read-o-Meter. Here's how it starts:

For months, in late 2020, water rose undetected in a pipe inside the State Farm Arena, in downtown Atlanta. The pipe led to the bathroom in the Chick-fil-A Fan Zone, on the upper level.

In the predawn hours of Election Day the water spilled from a toilet into the world, pouring through the bathroom’s floor and the ceiling of the room below.

About five thirty in the morning, a few blocks away at the county’s election headquarters, Rick Barron’s phone rang and chirped with the bad news. He was director of Fulton County’s elections, and stood surrounded by banks of phones and televisions.

Now Barron watched a video of the indoor flood. The image showed a vast room, with an array of ballot-processing machinery, tables where the workers normally sat, and big plastic bins full of ballots. Two of the workers always made an impression, even in grainy arena security footage. Ruby Freeman stood out with an Afro that matched her big personality. In normal times she ran a kiosk at the mall selling handbags, socks, and other ladies’ accessories, which she called Lady Ruby’s Unique Treasures. But during election season she helped out with temporary work. Her daughter, thirty-six-year-old Shaye Moss, wore her hair in recognizable long blond braids, and had worked for years for the Fulton County elections office. Doing election work meant early mornings and long hours but it gave the mother and daughter a close-up view of democracy in action, right in the room where ballots were gathered, sorted, and counted. But now this—water pouring from above—had brought the machinery of freedom to a stop.

"Stealing Georgia: Trump Gets Desperate, Kanye’s Publicist Shows Up on Ruby Freeman’s Doorstep, and… 28,000 Missing Votes?"
Mark Bowden and Matthew Teague, for Literary Hub; December 4, 2021.

More about this article:

The following is an excerpt from The Steal: The Attempt to Overturn the 2020 Election and the People Who Stopped It, by Mark Bowden and Matthew Teague which will be published by Atlantic Monthly Press on January 4th. The book records the story of what happened in the six swing states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, between November 3rd and January 6th—through the eyes of participants on both sides, those who believed there was widespread voter fraud and those who after investigating claims of irregularities and finding no evidence of widespread voter fraud defended the election results. It is based on original interviews conducted by the authors and the team of researchers and reporters who worked on the book, as well as public records, court testimony, and open legislative hearings.

Part of the story was just reported by the Independent:

"Kanye West publicist urged Georgia worker to confess to fake election fraud charges"

‘If you don’t tell everything ... you’re going to jail’ publicist allegedly said to election worker after false election fraud claims.

Jack Bremner for the Independent; December 11, 2021.

Kanye West’s publicist has been accused of pressuring a Georgia election worker to confess to election fraud to benefit former President Donald Trump’s claims of vote rigging in the 2020 polls.

Trevian Kutti, a Chicago publicist for Trump supporter Mr West, travelled to meet Ruby Freeman, a Georgia election worker who had received death threats after falsely being accused of illegally counting phoney mail-in ballots, according to a new report.

Ms Kutti allegedly offered to help Ms Freeman, a 62-year-old temporary election worker, in exchange for confessing to election fraud.

The article ends with this:

There is no suggestion that Kanye West was involved in the allegations.

The Independent's report is based on Reuters:

ATLANTA, Dec 10 (Reuters) - Weeks after the 2020 election, a Chicago publicist for hip-hop artist Kanye West traveled to the suburban home of Ruby Freeman, a frightened Georgia election worker who was facing death threats after being falsely accused by former President Donald Trump of manipulating votes. The publicist knocked on the door and offered to help.

"Kanye West publicist pressed Georgia election worker to confess to bogus fraud charges"
Jason Szep and Linda So (much?) for Reuters; December 10, 2021.

TV coverage?

"Details Of Intimidation Of Georgia Election Workers Puts New Scrutiny On Trump Campaign"
Aired on the Rachel Maddow show; December 10, 2021.
YouTube video 8 minutes 15 seconds

"Republicans Overhaul Election System In Georgia, Purging Democrats; Black County Targeted"

Rachel Maddow reports on a new rule in Georgia that puts the state legislature in charge of appointing local election officials. The Republican majority in the legislature has ensured Republican control of the local election commissions and the predominantly Black Fulton County is the subject of special scrutiny for "underperforming."

Also aired on the Rachel Maddow show on the very same December 10, 2021.
YouTube video 2 minutes 40 seconds

"Watch this space."

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-12-2021).]

sourmash DEC 12, 12:18 PM
The election fraud is pretty obvious.