A friend now has Leukemia since getting shots. (Page 1/1)
sourmash DEC 13, 05:30 PM
With an aunt with the same diagnosis maybe it can be assumed my female friend might have a propensity for it. Links to the jabs and this type of illness has been alluded to so someone with a weakness to paired with something that can increase chances, well, this is what you're going to see more of in the very short term.
Patrick DEC 13, 06:21 PM

I have a friend who won $10 on a scratch ticket since getting his shots. Coincidence? I think not.
steve308 DEC 13, 06:44 PM
My radiator fan on the FIERO failed three days after I got the booster shot. Might be a pattern forming here.
Patrick DEC 13, 07:14 PM

Steve, thanks for the heads up. I'm scheduled to get my booster shot next week. I better give my Formula a quick once over!
maryjane DEC 13, 10:06 PM
I called and scheduled my booster yesterday and this morning, , I woke up with an earache, AND,.... the power was out for all 18 customers on my end of the line.

I think not.
jmbishop DEC 14, 01:08 AM
I have a rash and it burns when I pee, started right around when the omicron variant came out.
rinselberg DEC 14, 03:34 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:
With an aunt with the same diagnosis maybe it can be assumed my female friend might have a propensity for it. Links to the jabs and this type of illness has been alluded to so someone with a weakness to paired with something that can increase chances, well, this is what you're going to see more of in the very short term.

A person is more susceptible to leukemia, or so it can be conjectured, given that they have an aunt who has been diagnosed with leukemia.

Should they get vaccinated against Covid?

If you think there is a leukemia-associated risk from any of the Covid vaccines, do you think there might be an equal or greater leukemia-related risk from a Covid infection?

This is why I look askance at the oft-repeated assertions that Covid has a 99 percent survival rate (99 percent, 99.5, 98.5, whatever.)

I am not more fearful of Covid than anyone else, by and large, but I take less solace in these high survival percentage numbers that are being bandied about, because, for many people, judging by the media reports that I trust, life after Covid isn't as good, healthwise, as it was before Covid. Their case of Covid.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-14-2021).]

sourmash DEC 14, 09:07 AM
She also had Covid n the summer after getting the shots in the Spring. Her government job necessitated taking the shots.
82-T/A [At Work] DEC 14, 11:50 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

With an aunt with the same diagnosis maybe it can be assumed my female friend might have a propensity for it. Links to the jabs and this type of illness has been alluded to so someone with a weakness to paired with something that can increase chances, well, this is what you're going to see more of in the very short term.

I'm sorry about your friend Sourmash... that really sucks.
sourmash DEC 14, 03:55 PM
Thank you. It does. She's just in her mid 50s.