Tall Tales around the Campfire (Page 1/3)
Valkrie9 DEC 14, 09:23 PM

The Facts By Howtohunt
If you go out to the woods tonight....
Somebody saw something, ' I had the uncanny feeling of being watched, an overwhelming sense of dread, fear of the unknown. '

cvxjet DEC 14, 09:42 PM
I once was camped at Sequoyia Nat'l Park...Snowed every day. I awoke one morning...To the sound of a bear cub bawling and pulling on the corner of the tent by my head- Slapped the tent to scare it away...then thought "Bear cub protected by SOW.....Who is now mad about me scaring the cub!!!!!" I was quivering with fear but slowly came to realize- that the cub sounds were a....Dream!

A friend told me about hearing noises outside his tent once- but he never did look outside to see what was causing them...SO I drew a cartoon for him;

OldsFiero DEC 15, 04:46 PM

Jake_Dragon DEC 15, 05:40 PM
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were on a case in the woods when night fell, as it was late they setup camp and went to bed.
Around 1:00 am Sherlock woke Dr. Watson and asked him to ponder what he saw. Looking up Dr. Watson proclaimed that it was night and by the position of the stars it would be around 1:00 am.
Sherlock asked him if he observed anything else and Dr. Watson pondered and then said that by the constellations it is late August.

The Sherlock asked one last time is there nothing else you observe and when Dr. Watson didn't respond right away Sherlock explained that Click to show
Valkrie9 DEC 15, 06:43 PM

Originally posted by OldsFiero:

Spoofing a trailcam. Would never have thought that up.
lol !
That gives me a great idea, a variation on the theme, more frightening.
He, he, he !

Valkrie9 DEC 15, 07:00 PM

A b-flick plotline.
' Strange circumstances while travelling alone on a remote interstate, the Edsel's engine suddenly switching off.
I pulled off on the shoulder and opened the hood, then I heard a horrifying howl from the swamp that raised the hair on my arms, shivering in fear ! '
The story of the unsolved disappearances on I75, 1959, teens in trouble.
' Looking for love in all the wrong places. '
Fats DEC 15, 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Spoofing a trailcam. Would never have thought that up.
lol !
That gives me a great idea, a variation on the theme, more frightening.
He, he, he !

My cousin and his buddies are always doing it to each others cams. They are to the point of adding photos of insane deer onto the cards and reinstalling them. I don't think they even use them for hunting anymore, just some bonding thing.
maryjane DEC 15, 09:19 PM
About 5 years ago, my brother went out one of my game cams one night, popped it open, pulled the batteries and SD card and crammed a 6" long timber rattler in there and closed it back up. I ended up in the pond when I went out the next morning and popped the cover open.
(He had de-fanged it but I didn't know it at the time)

Not sure what this was. River otter maybe

Have a picture from a game cam with the ass end of a running fawn on one frame and the tail end of a cougar the next frame.
Valkrie9 DEC 15, 09:41 PM
Valkrie9 DEC 17, 04:11 AM

The Star Religion of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt - Robert Bauval
The Orion Mystery, and the other books.
Hmmmnn, deep thoughts you can see tonight.

Beyond the Orion Correlation with Robert Bauval

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 12-17-2021).]