Netherlands locks down. No more than 2 people in a home gathering? (Page 1/1)
sourmash DEC 19, 11:08 AM
Some say this is programming people to expect less of everything, especially freedom.

Keep our fellow Fiero family members in your thoughts. No matter what you believe about the threats of a coronavirii, this is terrible time for shutting down a country. Australia is supposedly seeing the most draconian restrictions as the.police are forcing people into concentration camps for allegedly being near a coronavirus infected person.

Bars, cafes, and all but the most essential stores will close in the Netherlands until mid-January, as the country goes into hard lockdown in a bid to slow the spread of the Omicron variant.
The new restrictions were announced by the government on Saturday evening, after an emergency meeting of Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s cabinet that afternoon. The lockdown was recommended by the government’s Outbreak Management Team.

“A sudden press conference on Saturday, four days after the last one, does not indicate anything good," Rutte said during a televised briefing, before delivering the bad news: “The Netherlands goes back into lockdown, it shuts again.”

UK ministers working on new lockdown plans

As of Sunday morning, all stores, services, and hospitality venues will close until January 14, save for a few essential outlets like supermarkets and pharmacies. Bars and cafes will shut, and restaurants will provide take-out meals only. Schools, many of which are already finished for Christmas, will close their doors.

Officially, those celebrating Christmas at home will be subject to restrictions, too. Throughout the lockdown, a maximum of two visitors per household will apply. Exceptions will be made for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve, the latter a day typically celebrated in the Netherlands with drinks, parties, and home fireworks.

The Netherlands has been under partial lockdown since late November, with face masks required in most settings and “non-essential locations” forced to close between 5pm and 5am. However, the new restrictions mark the sharpest curbs on freedom and socialization since the country entered a hard lockdown this time last year.

While the average number of new cases reported every day has fallen from a record 22,450 in late November, the country is still clocking an average of 15,000 new infections every day, up from just under 10,000 the last time the country went into hard lockdown. Deaths, however, have not increased to match the caseload, with 50 deaths reported on Saturday, around the same daily figure as a year ago.

And while the new measures are ostensibly being taken to curb the spread of the highly transmissible and apparently vaccine-resistant Omicron variant of Covid-19, early data suggests that this new variant causes significantly milder symptoms than previous strains.

The Netherlands is not the only European country to reimpose restrictions over the variant, however. In the UK, ministers will reportedly propose a post-Christmas lockdown to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and in Denmark, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has announced a raft of new restrictions on stores and hospitality venues. In Ireland on Friday, the government announced earlier closing times for pubs and restaurants to last until the end of January.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 12-19-2021).]

Wichita DEC 19, 12:28 PM
I don't quite get the fear logic of Covid anymore.

So it's fine to ruin your economy, children's education and the social fabric of your society to live under perpetual fear and the government heavy hand of medical tyranny because you want to protect very old people in the last throws of their lives from being sick and dying, which they otherwise would from other factors anyways.

I knew that most pro-vax people were living under fear, and so were those who are anti-vaxers, because of their fear of government tyranny.

I'm unsure who is winning this debate, but it isn't looking good for team lockdown for sure.
MidEngineManiac DEC 20, 10:42 AM
2.5 DEC 20, 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Wichita:

I don't quite get the fear logic of Covid anymore.

I'm unsure who is winning this debate, but it isn't looking good for team lockdown for sure.

It never made any sense, its all about the fear. The reason they always "dont know for sure if it is more dangerous, but it sure seems to be more communicable" is to make sure we stay afraid, then herd mentality follows the instructions and shuns those who question.

I know what isnt winning, freedom.
FriendGregory DEC 21, 12:28 PM
Meanwhile, in California, some people drive around by themselves with mask on because they want people to be sure we know they are Democrats?
The economy of fear, "give us money", not working by choice will later reduce peoples Social Security, the rich get richer because they have stuff and your "free money" increases inflation so you are more screwed than ever.
82-T/A [At Work] DEC 21, 02:56 PM
I got vaccinated early on when there was no forced mandates or requirement to do so. They were encouraging people to do so, and because I was working in an office where my attendance was mandatory, even when 95% of the rest of the building was out... it was offered to me. So I took it.

But there's one sure way to get me to NOT do something, and that's tell me that I HAVE to do something.

1 - You can't fool me, e.g., my wife says... "I WILL NOT GO GET SUSHI TONIGHT!!!"
2 - I won't resist something that's important, paying my mortgage, utility bills, whatever.

But when the Government unilaterally mandates something, and it smells like dictatorship all over it... I could care less what or who it's helping. That's not how we run this country.

If they were mandating all this nonsense back in early 2021 when I got vaccinated, I would have resisted it. The Government will NOT tell me what I will and will-not put in my body unless it's of my own free-will. And... I am sure there are quite a few more people that feel the same way that I do.
MidEngineManiac DEC 21, 03:12 PM
I agree with you 100%..

Problem is a LOT dont, and the governments are using economics as a weapon. Lost the link but NZ is bringing in a no jab-no-job-no-welfare. Wont be long until they hit the pensions, disability benefits, SS/CPP and every other means of getting $. They already got most jobs.

Pretty soon the only ones surviving will be the independently wealthy, drug dealers, and copper thieves.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 12-21-2021).]

82-T/A [At Work] DEC 21, 03:21 PM

Also... on that video, just got through watching it.

Horrible of course, but I have to say... I kind of miss all the screaming in Dutch. Hahah.

Every summer, my entire Dutch extended family would come to South Florida and take up all the rooms in my dad's house, and rent out some houses in Haines City, etc. They'd all come over for dinner a couple of times during the month, and it pretty much sounded like that... hahah. Lot of yelling, although mostly smiling and laughing. I really could only understand like maybe 1/4th of it, except for when they got serious, because then there was less inflection so I couldn't understand it as much.

Hard for me to see that... it really is.

I've always taken pride in my Dutch roots as a bunch of hard-asses. My grandfather built a massive business in the Netherlands, and during the NAZI occupation, were relegated to the shack in the backyard next to the chicken coup as the Germans took the factory and used it as a munitions depot, and the family home as a field hospital. My grandparents... somehow, still managed to find time to make a baby, and my dad was literally given birth in the shack while the NAZIs occupied the factory and home.

All while, my grandfather hid a young Jewish couple and another individual in the attic of their factory, and my uncle would go up there in the middle of the night and give them food and water without the Germans seeing it.

It really kills me... because my dad was (is) a complete badass, doesn't take any **** from anyone... came to this country with $500 bucks in his pocket, and amassed a fortune all on his own, didn't get anything from his parents. And my dad has raised me the exact same way, and I learned my work ethic from him as well. I was out the door on my own when I was 18, as it should be... because he wanted me to become a man and learn to fight and struggle as everyone should.

This is my dad, he's the only one in this picture you guys don't know...

He still has his crazy heavy Dutch accent, even after... 58 years of living here.

So it sucks, really sucks to see what the Netherlands has become. They were a country OWNED by entrepreneurs and hard working individuals. Maybe their cars sucked and their humor wasn't so good, but they basically built the bedrock of Capitalism that we all love and enjoy today.

I dunno... really sucks where this world has come. At least they're not as bad as Australia...
MidEngineManiac DEC 21, 03:35 PM