Why does this keep happening every Dec 20th ? (Page 1/1)
CoolBlue87GT DEC 20, 11:02 PM
It's my Birthday !!! Woooo Hooo !!!!!
williegoat DEC 20, 11:16 PM
Well, happy birthday! You share that day with Harvey Firestone and Uri Geller.

[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 12-20-2021).]

randye DEC 21, 02:32 AM
Jake_Dragon DEC 21, 03:00 AM
Happy Birthday.
TheDigitalAlchemist DEC 21, 04:01 AM
Hope you have a nice day

Happy Birthday!
OldsFiero DEC 21, 07:40 AM
Happy Birthday!
cliffw DEC 21, 08:53 AM

Originally posted by CoolBlue87GT:
Why does this keep happening every Dec 20th ?

How many times have you been born ? You were born and born again and again and born again and again and born again and again and born again and again ...

I hope it is the best birthday you ever had !
sourmash DEC 21, 09:24 AM
Happy Birthday.
2.5 DEC 21, 11:43 AM
Happy day after your BDAY!