THAT wont end well for the dick tater (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac DEC 22, 10:53 PM

Here the quotes in the video:
“Regardless of the fact that we are attacking your fundamental rights or limiting your fundamental rights & the charter says that is wrong, we’re still gonna go ahead and do it”
Wichita DEC 22, 11:20 PM
I guess the Canadians are all scared. Oh boy!
MidEngineManiac DEC 22, 11:39 PM
LOL, we are already hunting them down at their homes.

Ya can guess the next few steps.....

Thats just 2 quick ones. It's happening all over.
82-T/A [At Work] DEC 23, 08:00 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

Here the quotes in the video:
“Regardless of the fact that we are attacking your fundamental rights or limiting your fundamental rights & the charter says that is wrong, we’re still gonna go ahead and do it”

Everyone should watch that.

Anyone who agrees with this, should consider what they would think / feel if Justin was a Republican (or whatever you call them over there), and was forcing you to do something you despise... like not be allowed to kill babies, or... force you to say Merry Christmas, or something horrendous like that.

Never thought I'd see the leader of Canada say something like that! Wow...
MidEngineManiac DEC 23, 10:00 AM
That wack-job is leader in his own mind and not much more.

He has 32% support, mostly regional (a flaw in our election system) and a minority government. He cant fart and wipe without getting the help of another party.

BUT, this being Canada, most of us just ignore him as the irrelevant twat he is, rather than take to the streets and fight. His statements and games wouldnt last 2 seconds in court and he knows it, but courts take time and are a very slow process and he knows THAT too. By the time it gets to court, the damage is already done.

<sigh> we need lynch mobs again.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 12-23-2021).]

2.5 DEC 23, 10:59 AM
The more the commies speak, the more the public sees what they really believe, and intend.