Trump continues to push experimental injections. (Page 1/4)
sourmash JAN 01, 10:45 AM
That guy will always be an idiot, and will continue selling his supporter's wishes out.
He says he's helped save millions of lives, lol.

Trump Doubles Down On Support For COVID Vaccines And Boosters Despite Outcry From Conservatives And Threats From Alex Jones: Slams Mandates

Former President Donald Trump continued to hammer the message that the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters are effective, though he remained resistant to vaccine mandates.

Trump appeared on YouTube outlet Right Side Broadcasting Network Thursday night, where he continued to support the inoculations.

He noted that the vaccine has 'saved millions of lives. We're very proud of the vaccines.'

However, he continued to say he was against President Joe Biden's vaccine mandate.

'But the mandates, they should not be—and they are trying to enforce these mandates, and it's so bad for people and for our country,' Trump said.

Trump's candidates have been controversial in conservative circles, with some of his biggest fans questioning his judgement.

'But the mandates, they should not be—and they are trying to enforce these mandates, and it's so bad for people and for our country,' Trump said.

Trump's candidates ("comments", you typical millennial) have been controversial in conservative circles, with some of his biggest fans questioning his judgement.

Conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root appeared on Alex Jones' InfoWars earlier this week where he joined a chorus of fellow Trump supporters who are now turning on the Republican leader over his ardent support for vaccines.

'He needs an intervention from a friend, because he's the greatest president of my lifetime, I love him, I will always love him,' Root said on Tuesday.

Conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root appeared on Alex Jones' InfoWars earlier this week where he joined a chorus of fellow Trump supporters who are now turning on the Republican leader over his ardent support for vaccines.

'He needs an intervention from a friend, because he's the greatest president of my lifetime, I love him, I will always love him,' Root said on Tuesday.

The radio host, who was the Libertarian Party's vice presidential nominee in 2008, went on to say Trump has been 'right on everything except this issue.' Oh, bullsquat! The guy has been an idiot all along. He did whatever his idiot son in-law told him to do and was wholly ineffective at every single turn. He did nothing to secure election integrity, which defeated him. He can't get out of his own way. His superpower was not being Hillary and stealing Pat Buchanan's and even more extreme David Duke's talking points.

'He's so horribly wrong on this issue, and the best way to put it -- ironically -- is he's dead wrong, 'cause people are dying left and right,' Root continued, claiming they died of the vaccines.

He said Trump's embrace of the jabs amounted to 'political suicide.'

Jones, who also criticized Trump for his heel-turn on getting vaccinated, said he felt 'like a woman scorned' by the ex-president.

He said Trump's promotion of vaccines made him 'feel like a family member is dying, quite frankly,' a potential sign that his base's dissatisfaction could force them to look to someone else in 2024.

Trump was heckled in Dallas earlier in December for confirming he received his COVID-19 booster shot.

He also appeared to be lying if you saw the video.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 01-01-2022).]

Rickady88GT JAN 01, 05:08 PM
So, what is the problem? Should the vaccine be outlawed? Or should it be available to those that want it? The vaccine was developed and distributed under the Trump administration, Trump himself took it and he isn't a pro-mandate position, so this all seems to flow naturally.
sourmash JAN 01, 07:32 PM
Not sure how a person could be confused about my position after what I said and highlighted. It must be a trigger issue.
randye JAN 01, 08:09 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

That guy will always be an idiot, and will continue selling his supporter's wishes out.

He fulfilled my personal wishes:

Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch
Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Plus a few dozen judges appointed to United States courts of appeals​

and a few key judge appointments to United States district courts

He has a different opinion than I do about the efficacy and safety of the vaccines but I do agree with him on the issue of mandates.

If "all or nothing" is your approach to politicians then you're going to spend your life in bitter disappointment and feeling "sold out".

"You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need"

...Mick Jagger, Keith Richard

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 01-01-2022).]

blackrams JAN 01, 08:20 PM

Originally posted by randye:

He fulfilled my personal wishes:

Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch
Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Plus a few dozen judges appointed to United States courts of appeals​

and a few key judge appointments to United States district courts

He has different opinion than I do about the efficacy and safety of the vaccines, but I do agree with him on the issue of mandates.

If "all or nothing" is your approach to politicians, then you're going to spend your life in bitter disappointment and feeling "sold out".

"You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need"

...Mick Jagger, Keith Richard

Rickady88GT JAN 01, 10:55 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Not sure how a person could be confused about my position after what I said and highlighted. It must be a trigger issue.

Former President Donald Trump continued to hammer the message that the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters are effective, though he remained resistant to vaccine mandates.
Seems like the only trigger issue is you, answering questions. You seem to not like to do it.
sourmash JAN 01, 11:25 PM

Originally posted by randye:

He fulfilled my personal wishes:

Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch
Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett

I know you're serious but those 3 are not Constitutionalists. They're only as good as he could get probably get through, but have already proven to be disappointments. Kegs Kavanaugh gave up the 4th mendment long ago. ​

He has a different opinion than I do about the efficacy and safety of the vaccines but I do agree with him on the issue of mandates.>/quote[

Yeah, he's either trying to claim a short term victory before all the health issues we can likely see or he's padding the pockets of Congress, since Big Pharma is something like the 5th top investment for the US Congress.

[Quote]If "all or nothing" is your approach to politicians then you're going to spend your life in bitter disappointment and feeling "sold out".

Hardly my approach. Trump's successes are a disappointment, period. He was defeated by Republicans and Dems at most turns. Both establishment branches hate him.

"You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need"

...Mick Jagger, Keith Richard

Defeated Hillary was enough. However, know my opinion. That son in-law screwed him and us.
randye JAN 02, 12:59 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

I know you're serious but those 3 are not Constitutionalists. They're only as good as he could get probably get through, but have already proven to be disappointments. Kegs Kavanaugh gave up the 4th mendment long ago.


I'm as serious as a prison riot and moreover my desire for constitutionalist / constructionist justices and judges includes my rational and realistic expectation that those judges are also bound by stare decisis.

If Justice Kavanaugh's 2015 position on Klayman v. Obama, is the source of your "4th mendment" (sic) heartburn then it's probably pointless to tell you that United States v. United States District Court (1972), (the so‐​called “Keith Case”) and New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985) as well as Carpenter v. United States, No. 16-402, 585 U.S. (2018) are all standing, prior, case law, (aka stare decisis), that legally constrains even SCOTUS justices in your "4th mendment" matter unless that case law is properly re-litigated and overturned..

If you want a judiciary that rules based only on ideology and fiat, particularly your favored ideology, then there is no difference between you and a Leftist except for your ideology.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 01-02-2022).]

sourmash JAN 02, 01:53 AM
Don't even try to pigeon hole me into your narrative.

The benefit is that they aren't Hillary picks. If you want to post something he's done that represents his Constitutional pedigree as compared to historical justices, I'm all ears (eyes). But knock the leftitist chit right off. Everyone knows how far right I am. Drugs (not my thing) I'm left on some of it.
blackrams JAN 02, 07:47 AM

Originally posted by randye:

I'm as serious as a prison riot and moreover my desire for constitutionalist / constructionist justices and judges includes my rational and realistic expectation that those judges are also bound by stare decisis.
