Teacher vaccinates student at her house. (Page 1/2)
TheDigitalAlchemist JAN 05, 10:25 AM



Why was the kid at her house?

What was going through her head?

(How could this NOT play out this way - kid goes home, tells parents, everything else unfolds...)

How did she get the vaccine?

Not a smart decision.
sourmash JAN 05, 11:01 AM
These left is insane. Women are insane. Teachers are insane.
maryjane JAN 05, 01:01 PM

Why was the kid at her house?

According to the NY Post article, he was invited there by her son.

Russo’s son had a friend over who asked her for the vaccine because his mother did not want him to get it, officials said. Police were notified after the teen left Russo’s home and told his mother about the jab, according to cops.

Did he go specifically to get the vaccination? Unknown at this time...

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 01-05-2022).]

ray b JAN 05, 01:17 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

These left is insane. Women are insane. Teachers are insane.

or maybe you are the less then sane one and NOT all the others ?

granted the system is insane and has been for a long time
that does NOT automatically make all the people in a system insane

I feel the rightwing is a bit greedier less caring or sharing and a lot more vindictive on avg
while not totally or hopeless on the darkside definite trends to be that way
with anti fact science hate and far too much religion in gov and laws as an extra evil bonus

sum up with a faction CONvinced government is evil and never does any good
and some how once elected expect the same guys to actually govern effectively ?

now that IS insane

Question wonder and be wierd
are you kind?

MidEngineManiac JAN 05, 01:21 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

Why was the kid at her house?

rinselberg JAN 05, 03:36 PM
Patrick JAN 05, 04:19 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

These left is insane. Women are insane. Teachers are insane.

I dunno why... just seemed like an appropriate place to post this GIF.

Might have something to do with the ravings of a lunatic.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-05-2022).]

MidEngineManiac JAN 05, 04:33 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

These left is insane. Women are insane. Teachers are insane.

Your repeating yourself....

The left is insane would have done it

Women (liberal feminists) are insane

Teachers (mostly leftist-liberal products of higher programing ) are insane.

See ? Just "the left is insane" would have covered it.

sourmash JAN 05, 04:52 PM
Repeal the 19th amendment.
Hudini JAN 06, 04:17 AM

Originally posted by ray b:


I feel the rightwing is a bit greedier less caring or sharing and a lot more vindictive on avg
while not totally or hopeless on the darkside definite trends to be that way
with anti fact science hate and far too much religion in gov and laws as an extra evil bonus


You feelings are wrong. Republicans give more to charities that Democrats. The difference is in how conservatives view government vs liberals. Republicans think that government is the PROBLEM and give their money to charities that they favor. Democrats think that government is the SOLUTION and would rather pay higher taxes to have the government fix social problems. So in reality Republicans give more to charities and are seemingly MORE CARING.