Man attempts unprovoked shoelace murder at bus stop. (Page 1/1)
sourmash JAN 06, 10:13 AM
What was her crime? She just looks like a fair young maiden to me.

DISTURBING VIDEO: Man charged with attempted murder after trying to strangle woman with a shoelace, beating her at Miami International Airport bus stop before Good Samaritan intervened
TheDigitalAlchemist JAN 06, 10:21 AM
What the hell? Did he have that shoelace just waiting to be able to use it on someone? You see him look both ways and then just 'go all in on it'. This is the type of random stuff that's crazy. Like the folks just randomly bashing 'soft targets' in the city.

Thank god that other guy was there...

Hope we never hear about this guy again (That he gets out and kills folks in the future)
MidEngineManiac JAN 06, 10:56 AM
sourmash JAN 06, 11:05 AM
Is he a recent immigrant?
Looks like he took his shoe lace off while standing behind her at the bench.

Is this a similar situation to the one at a Tennessee truck stop where a recent immigrant truck driver came out of the bathroom with a knife and butchered 4 innocent White women because he couldn't get another White woman to be his sexual partner? I realize that in Miami White people are a minority, but there is a noticeable light skin tone difference seen as he's attacking her.
82-T/A [At Work] JAN 06, 11:09 AM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

What the hell? Did he have that shoelace just waiting to be able to use it on someone? You see him look both ways and then just 'go all in on it'. This is the type of random stuff that's crazy. Like the folks just randomly bashing 'soft targets' in the city.

Thank god that other guy was there...

Hope we never hear about this guy again (That he gets out and kills folks in the future)

I don't think there was any altercation at all prior to this... I doubt seriously the lady had said anything to him, or even looked at him previously either.

My guess, the guy suffers from mental disorder. People like that, when they get something in their head, it's almost like OCD and they can't get it out of their head until they've done it.

We ALL have thoughts that on the surface would seem completely crazy. For me, I imagine every horrible / possible way that my daughter might get hurt in different situations, in whatever situation I'm in... this is because my mind is going through various scenarios that I need to account for, in order to protect my daughter.

Some people for whatever reason are inherently angry about something. Maybe she was pretty, and appeared well-off, and this upset him. Who knows where he's from, didn't seem like he had a lot, so my guess is he probably came from Central America... saw this lady who appeared to have things going for her (from appearance) and he got a thought in his head that he couldn't shake, and went for it.

Normal people like you and me can't really understand what makes people like this tick... but imagine that a psychopath is someone who doesn't have a filter in their head, their worst thoughts often take precedence in the forefront of their brain. More often than not, they act on them as they can lack restraint (all of which is mostly controlled by the frontal lobe... which quite literally controls impulse, sexual drive, reasoning, judgement, and all the things you need to NOT do crazy **** like that.
blackrams JAN 08, 08:45 AM
Not enough information to determine much other than it appears to be an un-provoked attack.
To suggest anything other than that would be an indication of one's own personal bias.

sourmash JAN 08, 09:08 AM
Not necessarily. That's just affixing personal biases on others.

He committed crimes. Multiple crimes. He is a criminal. Miami is a crime filled multicultural city.

Does he hate women? Does he want drug money? Does he hate people with lighter skin than him? Does he have a grudge because she turned down his previous sexual advances?

We don't know. FBI crime stats are a good source, though.
blackrams JAN 08, 09:18 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

We don't know.

We agree. And that was my whole point based on the link and the information provided.


sourmash JAN 08, 09:34 AM
But it's interesting to speculate and then later a motive can confirm or deny the speculation.

The man who butchered 4 unsuspecting White women at a truck stop was screaming that he hated White people and he had just attempted a sexual advance at a White woman. He was an immigrant African Muslim. One woman survived. I heard of that incident on Mike Rivera's show.

When I see people living in a neighborhood of mostly only 1 race of people, i can be assured they made a conscious choice based on personal biases to live among those people.

When I see them romantically paired with a specific race and gender, I can be assured they made a conscious choice based on personal biases.

When I see people make disparaging statements about other people for using personal biases to make decisions, I know I'm dealing with a low credibility hypocrite who's claiming he's better than the other person for behaving in a similar manner.