The CDC now admits that 75% of "covid deaths" are not from covid (Page 1/4)
Rickady88GT JAN 10, 09:50 PM
Marked as politics because it usually goes there.
CDC, says that 75% of people who died of "covid" had at least 4 comorbidities.

So, how long have they known this? Why did they suppress this?

[This message has been edited by Rickady88GT (edited 01-10-2022).]

MidEngineManiac JAN 10, 09:53 PM

Where the hell you been the past 18 months ?

Told ya so.
Rickady88GT JAN 10, 10:14 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:


Where the hell you been the past 18 months ?

Told ya so.

Not sure I those comments were aimed at me or not, but just to be clear, I have ALWAYS said covid is highly politicized and the death rates are exaggerated
I have never been vaccinated and as far as I know, I have never had covid.
MidEngineManiac JAN 10, 10:39 PM
Not you dude, just sarcasm in general

Ya know that movie "Idiocracy"...well look around you....

I had a fight today with a guy, he is wearing a P-100 mask to protect himself and mad at me that I wont pull up a nylon neck gaiter...

Seriously, the guy was here to do some pesticide work on the property, all decked out and wearing the tyvecks and ...

I got told I had to put on a mask for his safety....he is already wearing full hazmat gear. over covid. for his safety.

HUH ?????

So all that stuff, and your safety depends on me pulling what amounts to women's panty-hose with a screen-print on it over my face.???????

Were you born that stupid, or did you have to go to school to get there ??????
Rickady88GT JAN 10, 10:53 PM
Looks like people who are vaccinated may be more likely to contract omicron.
randye JAN 10, 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Rickady88GT:

Looks like people who are vaccinated may be more likely to contract omicron.

You do realize they they're just pulling names from old comic books and TV cartoons don't you?


Seriously though, HHS / CDC and FDA are gradually being forced to dribble the real truth out a little at a time as it becomes more and more glaringly obvious how ridiculous and contradictory they are.

They could have avoided all of this crap if they had put a stop to it when politicians first started inserting themselves into medicine but slimy career government bureaucrats like Phony Tony Fauci and a few others saw an opportunity for self-aggrandizement and power.

Sadly, it's now doubtful if people will ever trust honest medical experts ever again.

It will likely always be another political battleground now and only patients will suffer from the consequences of that.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 01-11-2022).]

rinselberg JAN 11, 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Rickady88GT:

Marked as politics because it usually goes there.
CDC, says that 75% of people who died of "covid" had at least 4 comorbidities.

So, how long have they known this? Why did they suppress this?

That leaves 25 percent that died with Covid and because of Covid. That's 25 percent of 838,000 (according to NYT) or almost 210,000 such deaths to date, for the United States, since the pandemic was first declared.

How does that "play" (or does it?) in this discussion.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 01-11-2022).]

sourmash JAN 11, 12:31 AM
Oh, BS.

And they're admitting that 3/4 shouldn't even be counted.

This is all so much BS. Now go get vaxed.
Fats JAN 11, 01:01 AM
If we had any sort of justice left in this country people would be doing a LOT of time in prison for this crap.

But hey, apparently most of them are diddling little kids and getting away with it. Nobody is going to prison for that, I figure they already got away with this mess too.

[This message has been edited by Fats (edited 01-11-2022).]

MidEngineManiac JAN 11, 06:01 AM
I am honestly at the point with maskers and vaxxers and the fear mongering....

Corrona gonna get you ? Ya gonna die screaming in fear of the un-masked ???

Good, then ya will finally shut up and stop bothering the rest of us.