Unvaccinated pregnant women....................... (Page 1/2)
blackrams JAN 14, 07:41 AM
Unvaccinated pregnant women more likely to experience severe covid symptoms and newborn deaths, study says


Pregnant women who are unvaccinated against the coronavirus are not only more likely to be hospitalized for covid-19, but also at more risk of seeing their newborns die less than a month after birth, according to a peer-reviewed study in Scotland that was published Thursday.

The study was released in Nature Medicine, a monthly journal. The authors looked at more than 144,000 pregnancy records going back to March 2020, when the first coronavirus case was detected in Scotland.

But the authors focused on data between December 2020 and October last year because that was when vaccine shots and tests were more widely available. During that period, the unvaccinated made-up 77 percent of all pregnant women who were infected and more than 90 percent who required hospitalization and critical care.

All the infant deaths examined in the study occurred for mothers who had not been vaccinated at the time of their covid-19 diagnoses, the authors said.

The results add urgency to vaccination efforts to protect both parents and babies during the remainder of the pandemic, the authors said: “Our findings emphasize the need for continued efforts to increase vaccination uptake in pregnant women. … Vaccine hesitancy in pregnancy thus requires addressing.”

Pregnant people initially received inconsistent advice about whether and when to get vaccinated, in part because they were not included in initial coronavirus vaccine trials. In April, health officials in the United Kingdom and the United States began to actively encourage vaccination during pregnancy.

The risk of stillbirth or neonatal death — defined as the death of a baby less than a month old — appeared to be highest among women who delivered within four weeks of the onset of infection, the study said. The risks were more than four times higher than those for babies born among the general population.

The study found that vaccine coverage was lower among pregnant women than for women in the general population, as has also been documented in the United States. For instance, less than a third of women who gave birth in October had had two vaccine doses, when more than three-quarters of women in the general population had gotten two.

Among England’s most critically ill covid patients, 1 in 5 is pregnant and unvaccinated
The Scottish study echoes what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published earlier this month and comes as misinformation about vaccination during pregnancy has been spreading widely.

The CDC conducted a retrospective study on more than 40,000 pregnant women and concluded in January that vaccination during pregnancy was not associated with increased risk for preterm birth, defined as prior to completing 37 weeks of pregnancy, or with giving birth to “small-for-gestational-age” babies.

“CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccination for women who are pregnant, recently pregnant, who are trying to become pregnant now, or who might become pregnant,” the agency says.

Consider and make up your own mind.

sourmash JAN 14, 09:01 AM
Among jabbed women the rate of still born or spontaneously aborted babies has spiked.
blackrams JAN 14, 09:09 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Among jabbed women the rate of still born or spontaneously aborted babies has spiked.

That information must come from a different study.......

sourmash JAN 14, 09:20 AM
Mike Rivero has read similar releases of studies for a food while now.
blackrams JAN 14, 09:28 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Mike Rivero has read similar releases of studies for a food while now.

Food? I assume you mean good.

Originally posted by sourmash:

Among jabbed women the rate of still born or spontaneously aborted babies has spiked.

Got a link to that study showing vaccinations to those results?


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-14-2022).]

Fats JAN 14, 10:38 AM
Gotta be completely safe. After all, it's been studied soooo much...
williegoat JAN 14, 10:41 AM
And here I thought that pregnancy was caused by injections.
sourmash JAN 14, 10:43 AM
And we only have to wait until 2076 to see the development docs and studies done by the drug companies.

Rams, I'll check Rivero's site. He repeats coverages a lot so it'll come back to the top of the scroll again soon. I just hear him read the source stories.
blackrams JAN 14, 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Fats:

Gotta be completely safe. After all, it's been studied soooo much...

I'm quite sure that as time passes and as the research moves forward, a lot of things will come to light. I do agree that we don't have all the answers.
I am interested in seeing that information sourmash referred to. My search has not turned up any results supporting his post.

sourmash JAN 14, 11:03 AM
Mike Rivero's site:

Here's an article that's about the 10th feature on Rivero's page 1 of one person. It probably sites a study, but I haven't checked.

This is something he covers in news every week at.least a couple of times.


An Australian mother shared this month that five days after she received a second dose of the Pfizer shot her full-term unborn baby girl died from a brain hemorrhage.

Stephanie Whitmore said she is sharing her story because she “was all for” the COVID shot, but she believes the Pfizer shot is the cause of her daughter Isabella’s death.

Whitmore told in writing how she took the advice of her doctors to take a COVID shot in order to “keep [her] family and baby safe,” and went on to receive her first dose of the Pfizer jab on September 13, 2021. At the time, she “didn’t have any reactions whatsoever.”

On October 4, 2021, she received her second Pfizer shot. “My baby was healthy and perfect through the entire course of my pregnancy,” she wrote. “She was due any time now, two days after my second Pfizer vaccine dose.”

Whitmore shared in a video recounting what happened, “I had my 36 weeks’ appointment one week before she died. She had her “head down, so she was ready to come.”

Soon after, Whitmore noticed that Isabella had stopped moving, and went to the hospital to see if anything was wrong. They first checked her heartbeat and found that it was “beating well,” and Whitmore “felt a sense of relief.”

But then they performed an ultrasound and found that Isabella “had a blood clot in her brain.”

“Everything happened so quick,” said Whitmore. Isabella began to experience an intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), or bleeding in the brain, and eventually, her heart stopped. Isabella was still inside her mother.

“Giving a stillbirth to my daughter was one of the most traumatic things I have experienced in my life and I would never wish this upon anyone,” wrote Whitmore.

She requested an autopsy, which returned indicating that the cause of death was “not identified.” Whitmore asked what the usual cause of such a death is. “They said pre-eclampsia (hypertension during pregnancy), high blood pressure and thrombosis, or genetic disorders – which came back clear too.”

Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that IVH is “most often seen in premature babies,” and “may develop in full-term babies, though it is very uncommon.”

While Whitmore clarified in her video testimony that she is “not anti-vax,” she wrote, “Because the doctors were unable to identify the cause, I believe it was the Pfizer vaccine. I am not sure and I will never know, but there is no other explanation.”

Regarding the COVID jab, Whitmore wrote, “I have asked my friends to please think twice if you are pregnant, from someone who believed this was the right thing to do, I never thought this would happen.”

Whitmore added a heartfelt letter to her daughter: “No words can describe the pain that I am feeling right now because I miss you so much my sweetheart … Everything happens for a reason and I can’t understand now the reason that you are not with me, but I trust God and I know He has His perfect plans for us. Bella my love, I promise you that I will be always close to you and praying for … Jesus to look after you.”

Bleeding disorders in babies of vaccinated mothers, as well as in those who have received COVID shots, are described in thousands of VAERS reports, including 2,177 records of deaths after COVID vaccination. Many of these reports include descriptions of patients experiencing nosebleeds, blood in stool from gastric bleeds, brain bleeds, bruising, and bleeding from the mouth.

One VAERS report describes a five-month-old breastfeeding baby who died from a rare autoimmune bleeding disorder, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP), after developing a rash the day after his mother received a COVID vaccine.

Blood clots are also a frequently recorded side effect of the COVID jabs. Pfizer’s COVID shot has been  linked  to blood clotting by Israeli scientists in a June research paper. And as early as December 2020, evidence  was emerging that mRNA-developed jabs were associated with dangerous blood clots.

According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), cardiac conditions also account for a sizable portion of reports. To date, the database shows 8,136 reports of heart attacks. The system also shows 3,735 cases of  thrombocytopenia, a condition causing low platelets in the blood and leading to blood clots.