"You must respect the office" What do you think they actually mean? (Page 1/2)
2.5 JAN 27, 11:37 AM
It came up at the end of this (2014) interview:

What do you take it to mean when someone says: "You must respect the office"?

Marked politics because politicians are one instance where people have "offices"
williegoat JAN 27, 12:08 PM
I respect the wisdom and the power of the office of the President, as defined in the Constitution. I do not respect the man who currently occupies that office, though I must (reluctantly) respect his power. Biden does not posses the wisdom to use that power judiciously.

Bill Clinton did not respect the office he occupied. LBJ and Biden (among others) abused their privilege, which shows disrespect.
MidEngineManiac JAN 27, 12:15 PM
It's an excuse for tyrants and monsters to hide behind. Same as all the rest of them.

"The Crown", "The Institution" , "The Church", "The Office", "The Company".....the, the, the...There is ALWAYS a "the"

Fact is, NOPE, I DONT have to respect anything I do not wish to.

It's nothing more than a method of forced and coerced obedience to a system.

Perfect example...


Do I any longer respect "The Office of the C.E.O." of that company ? NOPE. It has changed into something I detest (WOKE), is no longer what it originally was, represents an ideal I refuse to support, abide by, or follow. So why would I "respect the office" ? As far as I am concerned that company needs to be dissolved and start again.

The same applies to ALL institutions.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 01-27-2022).]

Jake_Dragon JAN 27, 01:33 PM
As a society we have developed a system of governance and in that system people are appointed to positions of authority to enforce the rules of governance.
Elections are held and then those elected officials appoint more people to office.
In order for this system to work the "office" has to be respected, otherwise the person holding the office will not be able to enforce the rules that as a society we agreed to.

Now the rub is there is corruption and well people are just **** sometimes. But no matter who holds the office for government to be effective the office has to maintain the respect of the people.
Once the person in that office shows that they are not able to properly hold it then they are elected out or fired.

So unless the person in office is doing something illegal the only way to remove them is by someone else being elected to take over.
But until that time and as much as it pains us we have to respect the authority of the office.

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MidEngineManiac JAN 27, 02:28 PM

Dont I recall something about a bunch of people saying "screw you, screw your office, and screw your government" then going and starting their own instead ? Sometimes around 1776 ?

Happens all the time, all over the globe. To ALL human institutions.
randye FEB 02, 10:03 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

What do you take it to mean when someone says: "You must respect the office"?

I take the slogan to mean precisely what it says: "You must respect the office".

As for the man or woman that happens to occupy that office I'd refer you to Psalms 118:8

I'll add further to that thought by restating the old adage:

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 02-02-2022).]

82-T/A [At Work] FEB 03, 08:56 AM

Originally posted by 2.5:

Marked politics because politicians are one instance where people have "offices"

Quick fun story.

When I was 22, I had started with a medical company as a programmer. I was definitely a junior programmer, but excited to get started. My first day on the job, they walked me around the building to show me where everyone was working. Most of the programmers were in this large room which was a converted conference room. They had added 8 cubicles into the room, and most of the overhead lights had burnt out and / or were flickering. I went by a few other offices and met some people who were in charge of the various departments.

Then they took me to this big office. The desk faced the door with the back facing a wall of windows that overlooked the lake behind the office building. My new boss said to me, this is your office.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to say anything because I was a new junior employee, and didn't understand why all the other programmers were in shitty cubicles, and here I was, getting an office that was as big, and in some cases bigger than many of the senior staff... and it was all just for me! I couldn't believe it.

I thanked my boss and got settled. I looked out the back window and people were jet-skiing on the lake, and there were palm trees everywhere. I'd just moved from Virginia about 4 years earlier, so that sight was still something really cool to me.

Throughout the day, multiple people came in and introduced themselves, and then said... "This is a nice office, how do you like it?"

... I'd try to play it off like such a thing was unimportant to me, because I knew how awesome this office was... so I didn't want to make a big deal about it.

Everything was awesome...


and then... 1:00 came around, and the office felt like it was on fire. The heat in that room was unbearable. Everywhere else in the building, it was like 73 degrees, but in that room, it was a solid 90+ degrees.

It was at that point I realized why everyone kept coming in and asking me how I liked the office... because they started coming in later and snickering... "How do you like the office now?"


Apparently, during one of the prior hurricanes, two of the windows in that office had been smashed in. When they replaced the glass, they didn't replace it with tinted glass like in the rest of the building, which meant that all the sunlight and heat would pour in by the afternoon... turning it into a sauna.

I was so excited at age 22, that I had my own office and it was that huge, that I didn't care that I was drenched in sweat by the afternoon. All my co-workers would come in and laugh, so I just tried to make sure I encouraged people to set up meetings in the second-half of the day, not in my office.

I loved working there, a lot of awesome people.

EDIT: I apologize, this is how my mind works... I'm, all over the place. Totally unrelated to the topic, but I see one word and ADHD kicks in, and you get a story from me.

[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 02-03-2022).]

sourmash FEB 03, 09:48 AM
Don't worry. Very few people will read that.

The office of the President hasn't been occupied by a person worthy of respect since Ford, maybe Carter.
Partisans only name opposing party members, but Obama, W Bush, Trump really had no business in that office. All Presidents in that time have been puppets or in Trump's case, ineffective and unprepared. Daddy Bush was Mr Open Borders through NAFTA, which is why he lost re-election. Reagan, meh. It's easy to follow a failure and look good.
Sage FEB 03, 10:01 AM
"I should be in charge," said the brain , "I run all the body's systems, without me nothing would happen."

"I should be in charge," said the heart , "I circulate oxygen and nutrients all over."

"No! I should be in charge," said the stomach, "I process the food that gives us energy."

"I should be in charge," said the legs, "without me the body couldn't go anywhere."

"I should be in charge," said the eyes, "I allow the body to see where it goes." "I should be in charge," said the anus, "I am responsible for waste removal."

All of the other body parts laughed at the anus and insulted him. So he shut down. Within a few days, the brain had a terrible headache, the stomach was bloated, the legs got wobbly, the eyes got watery, and the heart pumped toxic blood. They all decided that the anus should be the boss.

What is the moral of the story? Even though everybody else does all of the work the ass hole is usually in charge.


(If you notice.....political affiliation is not a factor! )
sourmash FEB 03, 10:17 AM
That depends on who we attribute as the a-hole. And ours is definitely a political group. It just isn't located in DC.