Free Classes ! (Page 1/2)
MidEngineManiac JAN 28, 07:31 PM

This Saturday, I will be holding a FREE snow shoveling class in my driveway. Come and join the class and learn about the proper ways to shovel. Reviewed techniques will include the scoop and throw method, the down and push method (AKA the plow technique), as well as the upside down scraping technique. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to enhance your snow lifting techniques without throwing your back out! I will provide the driveway and multiple walkways to ensure your training is conducted in the most life-like situation. I only ask that you bring your own shovel (Ergonomical designs suggested). Spaces are limited and handled on a first come, first served basis.
williegoat JAN 28, 07:47 PM
Haven't you heard? COVID man! Distance learning and, and stuff....
Make a video and we can watch it, or just say we did and get the credit anyway. It's the new normal, dude.
82-T/A [At Work] JAN 29, 09:46 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:


This Saturday, I will be holding a FREE snow shoveling class in my driveway. Come and join the class and learn about the proper ways to shovel. Reviewed techniques will include the scoop and throw method, the down and push method (AKA the plow technique), as well as the upside down scraping technique. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to enhance your snow lifting techniques without throwing your back out! I will provide the driveway and multiple walkways to ensure your training is conducted in the most life-like situation. I only ask that you bring your own shovel (Ergonomical designs suggested). Spaces are limited and handled on a first come, first served basis.

You laugh MEM... but did you know it's supposed to be 37 degrees here in Tampa tonight?

Do you know how horrible this is? I had to put my pepper plants in the garage on the off chance that it drops to 32 degrees. You have no idea what real suffering is!!!
randye JAN 29, 10:38 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
You laugh MEM... but did you know it's supposed to be 37 degrees here in Tampa tonight?

Do you know how horrible this is? I had to put my pepper plants in the garage on the off chance that it drops to 32 degrees. You have no idea what real suffering is!!!

Geez man, you could have stopped by over here and helped us cover all the small palm plants in the yard with old sheets.

Meanwhile my daughter lives just a few miles from us and has this posted on her FB page:

blackrams JAN 29, 11:03 PM
I am considering attending the class but can't make it till about August.
But I have several other things to do before I can head that way. Save me some.
Ya know I really want to be there.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-29-2022).]

Jake_Dragon JAN 29, 11:17 PM
All of you southerners that have soda cans in the back seat better go bring them inside or you will find out why everyone in the north calls it POP
maryjane JAN 30, 01:43 AM
we drink beer down here Jake.
it can stand a few deg cooler temps.
OldsFiero JAN 30, 07:18 AM
blackrams JAN 30, 09:38 AM

Originally posted by OldsFiero:

I understand one is frequently stuck where he's at for all kinds of reasons but, I'm not about to put up with temps and snow like you get. Brrr.
You're tougher than I want to try and be.
Actually, I should not use the word stuck, you may love it there. It's just not for me.

I once went to northern NY to pick up an antique Ford and brought it back to KY for the buyer. When I left KY, it was in the mid-fifties, upon arrival in NY it was in the twenties and at least six inches of snow on the ground and the wind was blowing in excess of 30 knots. Flags were standing straight out. I couldn't wait get back to KY. Damn it was cold. Had a similar experience in N. Michigan, it was so cold after jumping out of my truck to do his "business" (my dog Jake) wanted back in the truck immediately.
Won't say I can't handle it but, the truth is, I don't want to have to. Stay warm and be safe.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-30-2022).]

OldsFiero JAN 30, 01:42 PM
I do like it here. I like the change of seasons with spring and fall being my favorites. Summer would be 3rd and winter least. Actually, today isn't too bad. About 20 now and bright and sunny with almost no wind. Yesterday when the storm went up the coast, it was in the teens with 35 mph gusts. That was colder and very unpleasant to be out in.
I don't think being tough has much to do with it, it's more about what a person is used to.

This reminded me of the time back in 1979 when some of my friends went up to Lake Placid to watch the Olympic trials prior to the 1980 games there. They said it was 50 below overnight ! I don't think many had a good time that weekend. It does get colder in the Adirondacks than it does down here, but that is just nuts.

That got me wondering what the record low in NYS is. Turns out it happened that weekend.
I found this:

"Coldest Temperature in New York
The lowest temperature ever recorded in NYS was not that long ago (climatologically speaking). On February 18, 1979, the National Weather Service station in Old Forge, recorded a temperature -52°F. Old Forge is located in northern New York, between Syracuse and Albany."

Ya'all be safe and warm too. I hear there's more headed your way.

Sorry. I mean that.
