This are becoming more clear as time goes on... (Page 1/1)
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 06, 03:58 PM
A lot of the corruption we're seeing today, a lot of the crazy nonsense that goes on in Federal government day in and day out, is stuff that's for the most part, infected this country for 20-30 years, probably more. But one of the things we're seeing is, as the "elite" can no longer control the narrative... through bribery, promise of advancement (or threatening lack of advancement), and quite literally... control of the media by those who own the media conglomerates... we're starting to see the truth come out.

What is truth? Well... I suppose that depends on perspective. There's fact, and then there's conjecture, there's obfuscation, and then there's outright propaganda.

Decades ago, you couldn't have a company like Tesla being the world's #1 electric car producer owned by the world's first potential trillionaire, and then have the President go on the news and talk about GM and Chrysler as "leading the sea-change" in electric cars, and not have anyone question you. Biden completely ignores Tesla in all his electric car speeches, while touting the "efforts" of General Motors, who right now does not even currently produce an electric vehicle. The Volt failed, for whatever reason and you cannot go down to your GM dealership and actually BUY an electric car right now. This is an example of propaganda.

The difference is, the elites no longer control the media. They control Facebook, Twitter, and the Google search engine through pressure and ideological support, but the internet has truly brought us the ability to communicate in ways not previously available. At every turn, the "Government" is trying to protect itself by controlling speech, and the narrative. Using powers at its disposal to affect outcomes to the benefit of a select few in charge. With growing dissent, comes greater push-back.

We're starting to see the inability for the hands that control the narrative, to successfully do so. They're starting to realize they no longer have control, and are "accelerating" the change they're trying to seek before it's too late. We're starting to see this because, throughout history... when an enemy is almost beaten, they become a more dangerous because they are more likely to do anything previously thought unimaginable, out of pure desperation to maintain control.

Anyway, just keep that in mind as you question things, and ponder why things occur the way they do.
sourmash FEB 06, 04:25 PM
Edit. The elites control the media now more than 10 years ago. Through that control they manipulate social media by leading them on who to censor. They also control banking and are shutting people's accounts that they don't approve of through that narrative. You're not witnessing a losing of control. You're witnessing an increasingly hostile ramping up by them by leading the cancel culture, BLM, antifa narratives that they prefer. They prefer it as means to empower them above the middle class.

The Rothschild core family surely are trillionaires. The real wealthy are known, but obfuscation is the rule to cover for them.

I've pretty well gotten to the point of believing that a foreign nation's intelligence agencies shadow owns (or shadow operates) most of the largest major Western media companies. The front men are all related through ethnicity and are in lock/goose-step on their message.

Media is perception. Trudeau dresses in black face and media helps hush it over because he pushes the media agenda. Some drunk Country music singer calls his friend nxxga privately as a term of endearment and gets canceled. Are Black people that fragile?

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 02-06-2022).]

Fats FEB 06, 05:17 PM
We live in an era where anyone could access the worlds information literally any second of the day, almost anywhere in the world.

However, we can't really access anything that's not allowed by the "elite".

It's been known for a long time that Google censors searches. Facebook sensors content etc. etc. In areas where things aren't censored, there are active measures to throw so much fecal matter at the proverbial wall that you can't reliably discern what is truth and what is fecal matter. You almost can't go in the internet without going through one of the large corporations that control the stuff.

One example of the censorship, we can't say certain words here, on a car forum because Google will punish the page. Should we be saying them? Of course not. But the owner of the page, the guy that stayed up long nights creating this enthralling place, not taking the train like he should have, has little control over what a person posts on here because a certain group will punish him for what I (for example) type out.

We have everything, yet we have nothing. It's another dark age.

rinselberg FEB 06, 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Fats:
One example of the censorship, we can't say certain words here, on a car forum because Google will punish the page. Should we be saying them? Of course not. But the owner of the page, the guy that stayed up long nights creating this enthralling place, not taking the train like he should have, has little control over what a person posts on here because a certain group will punish him for what I (for example) type out.

If "Fats" (for example) creates a message that I think needs to be reviewed by our forum's creator, owner and moderator, I can use the REPORT THIS POST function to flag the message for his attention. If I don't think that's enough, I can send him a PM about it.

We have a collective responsibility to help Cliff Pennock keep the forum from getting crosswise with ad sponsors and other entities that could shut the forum down or take other action against this online venue.

I don't see where this is going. Could it be otherwise? This censorship that is being singled out. What should be changed?

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 02-06-2022).]

rinselberg FEB 06, 06:44 PM
Or before using the REPORT THIS POST function, I could post a message requesting that "Fats" (for example) edit his message and eliminate what is wrong with it. Or I could send him a PM about it.

(Just to complete what I started to say, in my previous message, about censorship.)

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 02-06-2022).]

Fats FEB 06, 07:10 PM
In your world telling someone that they can't say certain things isn't censorship?

You send them a message. What's the message? Remove this thing that I find offensive, or I'll have it (and you) removed by force... Both things are force, and both are because you don't want to upset the big company sitting in the corner.

And for the "If you don't like it, just leave and start your own." argument. There have been several times in the past several years that one side has done just that. What happens? The other side goes to the new thing, and attacks it until they give up.. More censorship.

It's happening right now in other "Social Media" pages I joined because I got tired of the overbearing censorship on Facebook (for example). You can't post on these "other" groups without several people attacking you and trying to drown your voice over there.

randye FEB 06, 07:33 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

Decades ago, you couldn't have a company like Tesla being the world's #1 electric car producer owned by the world's first potential trillionaire, and then have the President go on the news and talk about GM and Chrysler as "leading the sea-change" in electric cars, and not have anyone question you. Biden completely ignores Tesla in all his electric car speeches, while touting the "efforts" of General Motors, who right now does not even currently produce an electric vehicle. The Volt failed, for whatever reason and you cannot go down to your GM dealership and actually BUY an electric car right now. This is an example of propaganda.

-It's because Tesla does NOT have the:


"More recently, Musk has found himself at odds with the pro-union Biden administration. In September, he railed against President Joe Biden, accusing him of bias against Tesla and saying that the current administration appears to be “controlled by unions.”

Musk pointed specifically to an electric vehicle event hosted at the White House in August, to which Tesla — which sells more electric cars in the US than any other auto maker — wasn’t invited.

“Biden held this EV summit — didn’t invite Tesla. Invited GM, Ford, Chrysler, and UAW [United Auto Workers Union]. An EV summit at the White House. Didn’t mention Tesla once, and praised GM and Ford for leading the EV revolution,” Musk said at the time."

h ttps://

The Marxist Left has been beholden to trade unions since the 1917 Communist Bolshevik Revolution.

"Marx laid the foundation of the doctrine concerning trade unions.

He defined the role of the trade unions in the capitalist State, he established a correct relationship between the economic and political struggle, he established the primacy of the political over the economic struggle. Marx indicated the limits and scope of activity of the trade unions, building his trade union tactics on the basis of the revolutionary class struggle, organically linking up the struggle for the workers’ immediate demands with the struggle for their ultimate goal. Marx proved that those trade unions which do not struggle against the bourgeoisie merely become a weapon in its hands against the interests of the working class.

Marx defined the past, present and future of the trade unions in the capitalist countries. ic%20struggle.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 02-06-2022).]

blackrams FEB 06, 11:45 PM

Originally posted by randye:

-It's because Tesla does NOT have the:


"More recently, Musk has found himself at odds with the pro-union Biden administration. In September, he railed against President Joe Biden, accusing him of bias against Tesla and saying that the current administration appears to be “controlled by unions.”

Musk pointed specifically to an electric vehicle event hosted at the White House in August, to which Tesla — which sells more electric cars in the US than any other auto maker — wasn’t invited.

“Biden held this EV summit — didn’t invite Tesla. Invited GM, Ford, Chrysler, and UAW [United Auto Workers Union]. An EV summit at the White House. Didn’t mention Tesla once, and praised GM and Ford for leading the EV revolution,” Musk said at the time."

h ttps://

The Marxist Left has been beholden to trade unions since the 1917 Communist Bolshevik Revolution.

"Marx laid the foundation of the doctrine concerning trade unions.

He defined the role of the trade unions in the capitalist State, he established a correct relationship between the economic and political struggle, he established the primacy of the political over the economic struggle. Marx indicated the limits and scope of activity of the trade unions, building his trade union tactics on the basis of the revolutionary class struggle, organically linking up the struggle for the workers’ immediate demands with the struggle for their ultimate goal. Marx proved that those trade unions which do not struggle against the bourgeoisie merely become a weapon in its hands against the interests of the working class.

Marx defined the past, present and future of the trade unions in the capitalist countries. ic%20struggle.

You called that one correctly IMHO. Biden is beholding to Unions. The Democratic party is beholding to unions and union "donations". It not a secret, that's a well known fact.

randye FEB 08, 08:09 PM

"Musk has been critical of Biden in the past, calling for lawmakers to tank the Build Back Better Act — the seemingly doomed Democratic-led social-spending framework — while also stating that the president was "controlled by unions."