Top Canadian Doctors Challenge Top Canadian Health Officials to a Public Debate (Page 1/1)
longjonsilver FEB 08, 06:00 AM
There has been far too much emotion and far too little reason expended on the Covid emergency. Its time for the best Canadian doctors to have a public debate. These health officials are paid with tax dollars and Canadians deserve to hear from them the rationale for their policies.

Here is the Media Release:

OTTAWA – Doctors in support of the freedom convoy are inviting senior health officials to participate in a public scientific forum with subject matter experts in COVID-19, medicine, immunology, epidemiology, and virology, including Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Roger Hodkinson to an open and fair discussion, with senior Health Administrative representatives of the Federal Government, Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Howard Njoo and the Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Dr. Shelley Deeks.

Given that the government claims we are in a state of emergency, we feel this discussion needs to be expedited and brought before the Canadian public.

i urge you to attend and to watch the discussion as it unfolds. Endless assertions of "the science" need to be tested by other qualified scientists. This is how science works - not by censoring other scientists.


82-T/A [At Work] FEB 08, 07:56 AM

Originally posted by longjonsilver:

There has been far too much emotion and far too little reason expended on the Covid emergency. Its time for the best Canadian doctors to have a public debate. These health officials are paid with tax dollars and Canadians deserve to hear from them the rationale for their policies.

Here is the Media Release:

i urge you to attend and to watch the discussion as it unfolds. Endless assertions of "the science" need to be tested by other qualified scientists. This is how science works - not by censoring other scientists.



I really do take what you say seriously, I mean this. But I cannot look at your name without thinking about those delicious hush puppies at Long John Silvers. They are so good... damn.

But yes, I agree... the Democrats use the phrase, "the science has changed," when they come to terms that they were wrong and everyone else was right. The science never changed, you were just using leftist ideology to make decisions based on narratives from movies and your cabinet that's made up of millennial hipsters from SF, NYC, and DC.