Germany an ‘occupied state says Russia. (Page 1/4)
sourmash FEB 09, 06:06 PM
Now we're hearing some truth. It's an RT article, but the link won't copy.

8 Feb, 2022 21:26
HomeRussia & FSU
Germany an ‘occupied state’ – Russia
US ambassadors give orders in Berlin, backed by American boots on the ground, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman tells RT

Germany is “highly valued” as a station for American soldiers, the Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin told then-German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in January 2021.

The US continues to “occupy” Germany by any measure, while America’s NATO allies have surrendered all their sovereignty to Washington and aren’t allowed to have a say on issues like Nord Stream 2, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told RT in an exclusive interview on Tuesday.

Commenting on US President Joe Biden’s talk of “shutting down” the Nord Stream 2 pipeline during the visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Washington on Monday, Zakharova pointed out that Berlin remains under Washington’s thumb long after the Cold War’s end.

“Germany, according to a number of relevant characteristics – this is neither mine, nor Russia’s opinion, this is according to politological terms and metrics – remains, one way or another, an occupied state: 30,000 of American [troops] are stationed there,” she told RT.

Zakharova added that “American ambassadors to Germany, who are supposed to work there to improve bilateral relations, are giving orders to German officials.” Richard Grenell, who was the US ambassador to Berlin during the Trump presidency, was “giving them orders literally every day on what to do on issues such as Nord Stream 2.”

Germany is being treated like “simply a protectorate” by the US, Zakharova said, adding that this doesn’t just take the form of financial leverage of threats, but is “backed up by 30,000 American boots on the ground.”

Why Berlin allows itself to be treated like this is a question to ask Germany, but “the fact is that it’s not a relationship of equals,” Zakharova said.

Washington’s attempts to block Berlin from buying Russian natural gas via the Nord Stream 2 pipeline show complete disdain for German interests, she explained. “Germany needs this gas not because they like Russia or want to please us – they just need it, it’s what feeds their economy, it’s a resource their industrial development hinges on, it’s what they need to live, basically… a vital issue.”

Instead, Washington is trying to strong-arm Germany into buying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US. However, the price of American LNG is much higher, so the US told Germany to tax the people some more and make up the difference through subsidies, according to the Russian spokeswoman.

“What kind of talk is that? What free market are you talking about? Or the liberal economy, or the WTO?” she asked, noting that this is literally using energy as political leverage – exactly what the US accused Russia of wanting to do.

This is exactly what the US has been doing to its closest allies, not to rivals or enemies, but to its own NATO partners… No one has allowed them any sort of independence or sovereignty.

In Zakharova’s view, the rest of Europe isn’t any better off. She pointed to the US leadership lining up European NATO members and ordering them to spend 2% of their GDP on the military or else.

“And they talk like that to everyone,” Zakharova said. Russia, China and a few other countries refused to be ordered around, she said. “But most of them, if you take the EU, just surrendered. There’s been no talk of any sovereign interests for a long time now.”

Russia, by contrast, refuses to be talked to this way. “You can order around anyone who likes it – but we don’t, so you won’t talk like that to us,” Zakharova said. “If you violate something that concerns our interests and go against international law, you will receive actions in response.”

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rinselberg FEB 09, 08:54 PM
Nah. That's just the same old Russian "Commie" Song & Dance... really:

"Russian ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova turns songwriter"

The Russian Foreign Ministry's chief spokeswoman seems to have a burgeoning second career writing lyrics for pop songs.

Maria Zakharova, despite a full-time day job as the public face of Russian diplomacy, has supplied the words to "Paid in Full", a break-up song performed by popular singer Katya Lel, Argumenty i Fakty newspaper reports.

The bouncy number, which would not sound out of place on Eurovision, came about as a chance encounter between Katya Lel and Ms Zakharova, the latter coming up with the lyrics "after a sleepless night". . . .

BBC News; July 30, 2018.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 02-09-2022).]

olejoedad FEB 10, 08:25 AM
Germany should be an occupied country.

Historically, they have not been good neighbors.
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 10, 08:50 AM
Trump tried to move AFRICOM to Italy or Spain... I can't remember whatever became of that... but far opposite from being occupied, we're being taken advantage of. We have... what, almost 35k troops in Weisbaden, Ramstein, and Stuttgart (where my Porsche was made!)... and it doesn't even account for all the DoD Civilian and contractor positions that we as taxpayers pay for over there too... which I am sure account for at least as many as 35k, if not more. In all... we probably have close to 100k people that we're paying for there. We basically fund a percentage of their economy... and it's ridiculous. The local population there exploits us through outrageous rental prices, and stupid laws that are meant to really get every last penny from the US Taxpayer.

**** Russia, and **** Germany too. I'm sure Cliff Pennock is none too thrilled with the Germans either. My dad certainly isn't. Every time someone asks him if he's German (because of his accent), he loses his **** . He was born in a shack during the NAZI occupation of the Netherlands.
maryjane FEB 10, 09:17 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

**** Russia, and **** Germany too.

blackrams FEB 10, 09:38 AM
Economics play a huge role in who is our friend and who isn't.

sourmash FEB 10, 09:42 AM
Germany was the last major economic power to reject globalist central banking. Fatal mistake.

Germany now, through US direction, is the nation pushing all the 3rd world migration on Europe. Im sure we all collectively say, Thank God.

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
(where my Porsche was made!)..

**** Russia, and **** Germany too.

It's good to live one's convictions.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 02-10-2022).]

maryjane FEB 10, 09:42 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Economics play a huge role in who is our friend and who isn't.


Dead and imprisoned populations don't have much need for currency..

blackrams FEB 10, 09:46 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Dead and imprisoned populations don't have much need for currency..

There's little doubt about that.

82-T/A [At Work] FEB 10, 09:54 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

It's good to live one's convictions.

I bought it used, it was during a good time in West Germany when the country collectively wanted nothing to do with Communism or anything that smelled like Socialism. I restored it, and eventually sold it when my daughter was born. But I kept my Fiero, and the Bus.

For that matter though, I don't have to *hate* Germans because I don't like their government. I also don't *hate* Russians either. Many of them move to the United States for a better life, and the last thing they want is anything that looks or feels like the old USSR.

[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 02-10-2022).]