Truckers are Winning: More Canadian Provinces Abandon Mandates (Page 1/1)
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 10, 07:34 AM

The story notes “Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island provinces have all announced plans to eliminate or roll back some or all measures” (Daily Wire). And now there’s reason to believe a similar convoy may start here in the United States (Fox News).
MidEngineManiac FEB 10, 10:16 AM
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 10, 10:18 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:[ /QUOTE]

"The group’s Facebook page, Convoy to DC 2022, already has over 131,000 thousand followers."

How much you want to bet this Facebook group gets shut down before the start of business on Monday?
MidEngineManiac FEB 10, 10:25 AM
Ya know, I cant say exactly where it started. Seatbelt laws ? Bicycle helmet ? Smoking areas ? "Free Speech" zones ? Something long before that ?

Always in the name of some imaginary "safety" of something and usually a poorly-veiled attempt to line their own pockets at our expense. WRONG. Life is not a safe-space, and you and your feelings are NOT safe here.

I do know we have tolerated their petty authoritarian bull-sheet, power-grabs, censorship, safe-space-mandates and plain old attitude for FAR too long.

NO, we CANNOT "peacefully co-exist" with filth who think they are in charge and we are slaves to do as we are told, when told.

And they are now finding that out the expensive way.

sourmash FEB 10, 10:31 AM
Look for a military skirmish to kick up very soon to deflate the populist movement.
Fats FEB 10, 05:17 PM
I look for something, I don't know what, to happen to cause the "uprising" of the poors to go away.

They successfully stopped one with Jan 6th.

It's gotta be something they can blame on us and not some other group.

We (in general) don't want to be seen as the bad guy, and the Left knows it very well. This is why they push so hard with the "Oh, you had a problem with this thing, but not this." and such.

Personally, I really don't care. I'll go down in flames for my beliefs, and I'm not gonna let some baby killing, kid raping group tell me I'm the bad guy.
randye FEB 10, 07:11 PM

82-T/A [At Work] FEB 10, 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Fats:

Personally, I really don't care. I'll go down in flames for my beliefs, and I'm not gonna let some baby killing, kid raping group tell me I'm the bad guy.

Totally agree. I just wish I knew what "I" can personally do right now to help.
MidEngineManiac FEB 10, 07:38 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

Totally agree. I just wish I knew what "I" can personally do right now to help.

Dont donate until a new method is found that circumvents government reach, that's for sure.

(might have to start a bucket-brigade of cash-passing at this rate)
MidEngineManiac FEB 11, 11:05 AM