Is this San Bernadino, or Knottingham? (Page 1/1)
2.5 FEB 10, 01:05 PM
Legal theft
Valkrie9 FEB 10, 05:13 PM

Get mo' munny !
The same Sheriff robbing hoods hauling moolah, bumping it up to the King.
What we need here now is the same as in Nottingham back then, a band of merry woodsmen robbing the Crown to give to the people.
Making true the story, written to instill hope in the people being robbed, of their earnings and property, by thieves of the Crown, the King.
Let me tell you the story,
' It was the year 1177, and all was not well in Lincolnshire, the miners robbed by the King's men. '
' Let us take arms ! ' was the cry, then the merry men spake out, ' who among you can bend a bow ? '
You know, you know !

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 02-11-2022).]

2.5 FEB 11, 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Get mo' munny !
The same Sheriff robbing hoods

Robbin' Hoodz - lol
rinselberg FEB 11, 04:36 PM
Yo bro'

There's no "K" in Nottingham.

The Sheriff of Nottingham is the main antagonist in the legend of Robin Hood. He is generally depicted as an unjust tyrant who mistreats the local people of Nottinghamshire, subjecting them to unaffordable taxes.

~ Wikipedia.

There are neighborhoods and apartment buildings and likely other venues around the world that are "Knottingham", but not that one.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 02-11-2022).]

2.5 FEB 11, 05:25 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

There's no "K" in Nottingham.

Bro is quite a stretch. But thanks, my future posts about the days of Robin and his hood will be more correct.
Any comments on the content of police robbing the public?

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 02-11-2022).]

rinselberg FEB 11, 07:39 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:
Bro is quite a stretch. But thanks, my future posts about the days of Robin and his hood will be more correct. Any comments on the content of police robbing the public?

I didn't watch the YouTube, but I found a report about this, from January 21 (I think) in the San Jose Mercury News online.

It sounds like these LEOs (or is it the California Highway Patrol?) are playing a scam, where they are taking unfair (and unanticipated) advantage of the disconnect between Federal law and state law (California, in this case) on cannabis sales. This is the article:

It's more than I wanted to read from top to bottom, but it's not a magazine-length article. I guess it would Read-o-Meter to about 5 minutes. A little longer than the typical news report that's not Front Page.
randye FEB 11, 09:34 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

Legal theft


Two words that are incongruent when used together.

The solution for the County Sheriff is simple though.

Take along a FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER to effect the seizure.

Marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug under federal law, regardless of what any state claims the status to be.

TITLE 21 / CHAPTER 13 / SUBCHAPTER I / Part A / § 802 makes the sale or distribution ILLEGAL under federal law and accordingly the proceeds from that illegal activity are subject to seizure and forfeiture,...... once again, regardless of what any state claims.

Moreover, any entity, (i.e. an armored car service), that knowingly accepts proceeds from illegal drug transactions is also guilty of crime(s) ranging from conspiracy to money laundering.

Arguments about whether or not marijuana should, or should not, be illegal are irrelevant because at this point in time it IS illegal under federal law. Additionally, arguments about whether or not an individual state can somehow "exempt itself" from federal drug law are also irrelevant because of the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution......but of course this thread will eventually diverge into that "debate" if it goes on long enough.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 02-12-2022).]

Hudini FEB 11, 09:39 PM
Didn’t President Obama instruct the Justice Dept not to enforce federal law with regard to state legalized marijuana?
randye FEB 11, 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Hudini:

Didn’t President Obama instruct the Justice Dept not to enforce federal law with regard to state legalized marijuana?

That was in itself an illegal order.

In 2018 the Trump administration reversed the Obama order.

House Demorats tried to push through a bill rider in 2019 to legalize it but it failed in the Senate.

Last July the Senate Demorats tried again but that also has almost no hope of surviving a filibuster to kill it.

So far Brandon's handlers and caregivers don't appear to have decided to revive the Obama illegal directive to the DOJ.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 02-12-2022).]