Hey Rumor, can I pick your brain ? (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac FEB 16, 08:55 PM
Or some of you other guys..

OK, after today by next month I need to start cranking out some game boards (plus I need an excuse for another printer ). Nothing on the market is exactly what I need, at least at a price I am willing to pay. 450x450 build plate core XY. Z axis 200 is plenty, I dont really need the height.

I am thinking buy one of these for the mechanical parts and display. Not the greatest but pretty much everything including a power supply I need for 200 bucks.


Slap those "bits" into one of the kazzillion core xy frames out there. That end I can make work no problem, parts needed I can make on one of the others....I've got a source for a big build plate on the cheap.

BUT, the MoBo. Custom firmware is a bit above my pay grade. What are the odds I can grab an Ender 5 plus board off Amazon, plug everything in, adjust bed limits in Cura for the larger bed and just run it as an Ender ?

Only other real option at that size is a Chiron, and I dont wanna spend 800 bucks.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 02-16-2022).]

TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 16, 10:59 PM
What are you printing?

I see ones for 400x400 for under 400...


Could you split the print in half?

Interlock the two pieces or glue them together?

If you want to go "bigger", start with one that's at least close to where you want to end up...

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 02-16-2022).]

TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 16, 11:04 PM
I've found a few more, but to buy the beams required to enlarge the bed would cost more then its worth...

MidEngineManiac FEB 16, 11:13 PM
That's 400 USD, they run 600-700 plus tax here. MIGHT break even on this order for that, maybe. Free machine but not much more.

It's a board game a guy came up with and wants me to prototype all the parts then do revisions. 18x18x1 inch octagon shape base. Dont REALLY want to break it up since its a 3-color job and that puts in a WHOLE new set of problems with exact layers. I like simple on-the-fly filament changes.

Trying to do it as cheap as possible since the printer would end up being used a few times a year if that for big things. A core XY machine I can store on the floor, put a board on top and its a light-duty table when not in use . Bed-slinger I have to find closet space or something, or break it down and store it under the bed.
TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 17, 12:40 AM
Could you "Turn it on its side" and maybe use a resin printer?

or better yet - prototype using cardboard and/or foamcore? or (even better still-) ask that guy to "chip in some freaking funds, Bro!"

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 02-17-2022).]

TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 17, 12:42 AM
I'd print it in pieces and then plop lil' magnets in it so folks can assemble the thing...
MidEngineManiac FEB 17, 12:25 PM
One thing led to another ( i DO like the magnet idea for some of the pieces) and I discovered the "piper" printers...firmware already done PLUS a big support group on Farcebook.

$250 core-xy large size, here I come !!!


[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 02-17-2022).]

TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 17, 01:26 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

One thing led to another ( i DO like the magnet idea for some of the pieces) and I discovered the "piper" printers...firmware already done PLUS a big support group on Farcebook.

$250 core-xy large size, here I come !!!


NICE! Gotta reach out to that guy.