3D Printing (ASA) problems (Page 1/4)
Cliff Pennock FEB 21, 06:43 PM
In light of making TO/T the place again where we can discuss our shared interests, and get help on anything other than cars, I'll start. 😁

I just received my first roll of ASA filament. I understand ASA needs a (much) higher hot end temperature than even PETG and to get any layer adhesion, you need to turn down your fans. But even with a hot end temp of 260C (500F) and my fans turned off, I get terrible layer adhesion. Is there something else I can do?
Patrick FEB 21, 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

In light of making TO/T the place again where we can discuss our shared interests, and get help on anything other than cars, I'll start. 😁

Of course you ask about something that no one here knows anything about.

[EDIT] It took a few hours... but PFF members to the rescue!

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 02-22-2022).]

MidEngineManiac FEB 21, 07:19 PM
Never used the stuff, but there is a great 3d printing group on MeWe. Somebody there will know.

gtjoe FEB 21, 07:35 PM
unfortunately as a newbie to 3d printing the only experience I have so far is with PLA, I plan on moving on to some more difficult materials at some point and am very interested in what you find out about this.
MidEngineManiac FEB 21, 07:59 PM
Just thought of it...have you got an enclosure to hold temp ? I gave up on ABS until I have room to build one, and ASA is probably the same.
Cliff Pennock FEB 22, 03:11 AM
No I don't have an enclosure. It would need to be a pretty big one since it's a printer with a 300mm x 300mm print bed...
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 22, 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

No I don't have an enclosure. It would need to be a pretty big one since it's a printer with a 300mm x 300mm print bed...

I hate to recommend it... but have you tried looking at AliExpress? If you use the right search words, they pretty much have everything on there, and pennies on the dollar.

It really makes me feel bad buying stuff from there (China), but I can literally get products for 1/4th of what they cost in the US. In MOST cases, it's the *exact* same part / tool / item, just rebadged.

Years ago, I bought a spot welder from Harbor Freight. I paid $79 for it. I had been shopping around for a spot welder to help me re-attach my trans-am body panels. I discovered that what I had bought was actually a Hobart spot welder. I can't emphasize this enough. It was the *exact-same* spot welder. Exactly. Wooden handle, cable, casing, prongs, everything. The one with the Hobart badge was $500+. The one with the Chicago Electric badge was $79.

China has a rule that after 3 years, the Chinese people get the rights to whatever it is that you're manufacturing in their country.

So for example, I work on watches as a hobby. There are a lot of extremely expensive tools that are sold by a "Swiss" company called Bergeron. In reality, these tools are now made in China. They sell specialized watch tools for 1000s of dollars, but you can get the exact same thing on AliExpress for $20-30 bucks.

I see a lot of enclosures there on AliExpress... but just know that you're helping to fund a Communist regime.
TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 22, 11:16 AM
Are you having terrible adhesion between all layers or just the first few layers?

Did you slow down the printer speed?

What is the diameter of the filamant? What is your nozzle diameter?

Cliff Pennock FEB 22, 12:12 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

Are you having terrible adhesion between all layers or just the first few layers?

All layers

Did you slow down the printer speed?

I print PLA/PETG at 50-60mm/s, ASA at 40mm/s (and infills at 50%). Using 100% infill (which helps)

What is the diameter of the filamant? What is your nozzle diameter?

1.75mm and 0.4mm
slicknick FEB 22, 02:21 PM
ASA is just easier ABS, right?

You might be running too hot rather than too cool. I print ABS at 235 with no enclosure with a 110 degree bed. Just need to avoid drafts and have a brim.