When Turkeys Attack! (Page 1/2)
TheDigitalAlchemist MAR 04, 10:52 AM
"Half of the neighborhood was infuriated that a mailman killed a turkey," Foy said, referring to posts on Nextdoor and other social media platforms. "The other half are infuriated that somebody won't come out and get rid of all the turkeys."


Raydar MAR 04, 11:04 AM
I recently (in the grand scheme of things) moved to the country. I have, over the past year or so, suddenly realized how little tolerance I think I would have for being attacked by something.
I am willing to peacefully coexist with nature, but it must also be willing to peacefully coexist with me.

I'm pretty sure that mail carriers are not allowed to be armed. I suspect he didn't have much of a choice but to use what was available to him.
I have heard of mail carriers refusing to cover certain routes due to fear of personal injury, or worse. As well as they sometimes get paid, I wouldn't think it would be worth it to be in danger.

As for the people complaining... do the turkeys belong to them? If not, then tough. If so, then they should be held responsible.

Edit - Just realized this was in California. Nevermind.

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 03-04-2022).]

cvxjet MAR 04, 11:37 AM
Two (True) stories about turkeys; I like to drive Mines road from Livermore to SJ every spring- though it is only 30 minutes from my home to the beginning of Mines, you are suddenly out in the wilderness, plus ranch land. Sometimes there is even a bit of snow- especially up at Mt. Hamilton (Telescope observatory).....

Back around 2005 I stopped to take a pic of a waterfall. As I walked back to the Fiero, I spotted something in the brush (Too big to be a racoon, too small to be a bear or cow) Finally came out in the open- a Full-on tom turkey strutting around, with his feathers all out and up. I walked out into the field a bit and snapped a picture- and he suddenly turned towards me.....So I high-tailed it back to the car. Later, I came around a turn and almost ran over a bunch of female turkeys.....So I realized that Tommy just wanted a ride to were the ladies were at......

When I was 3-4, we were driving somewhere in the Central Valley (Mainly farm and ranch land) My mother stated, "Oh, Eric, look at all the turkeys!" I was sitting in the backseat and so did not see them at first, and asked, "Can we stop and pick some?" (It was actually a turkey farm- but my mother was always pointing out the Poppy Flowers)

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 03-04-2022).]

IMSA GT MAR 04, 02:40 PM
I just watched a report on this the other day. The residents say that they actually had to pull one turkey off the back of a mail carrier. This is a real issue with this neighborhood. The turkeys don't like the postal people, UPS, or any delivery people. There is a video of the USPS person driving away while the turkeys are pecking at the fender and chasing the vehicle.

Edit....found the video.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 03-04-2022).]

theogre MAR 04, 03:48 PM
Often sheaple say look at cute Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and other Wild Animals...
Including "Tamed" of same...

And Never get a clue how Aggressive and Territorial they often are.
Anything they don't want around often get attack.

Turkeys there likely has been attack by many people dogs etc and you don't hear that.
That's on top they know what should be in their Territory.

Better get a good lawyer after attacking them.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

cvxjet MAR 04, 04:00 PM
.....And then you get attacked by the worst creature on the face of the earth........>>>lawyers<<<........(Aiyeeeeeeeeee....)
blackrams MAR 04, 05:47 PM
For several years while stationed at Ft. Sill, OK, I got to take Game Wardens out for wildlife counts/surveys via helicopter. They would give me an area and I'd fly them around while they counted turkeys, deer, elk or whatever. Was a lot of fun but turkey were a bit different, where other animals would scatter when we got close, turkeys would scoot but always gathered back together as soon as we "appeared" to back off.

The funny thing was, I'm not a hunter (any longer) but have/had a bunch of friends that were. Somehow, they always seem to know where to find game. Not sure how that came to be.

Hudini MAR 04, 06:30 PM
Funny how many times the article mentions "is also against the law". When you keep passing laws until everyone is a criminal.....
maryjane MAR 04, 10:13 PM

Turkeys are pretty harmless compared to some domestic geese.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 03-04-2022).]

randye MAR 05, 12:58 AM
