Amazon settings (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac APR 06, 06:17 PM
Lately I have been using Amazon gift cards for orders.

The problem is, Amazon defaults to a paid shipping option and wont let me change the default shipping method prior to checkout.

Where it gets to be an issue. I order a bunch of printer stuff and calculate the tax. Total comes to, with taxes (say) $196.

So I drop by the store, grab a $200 gift card and try to check out.....and it wont let me. Their system wants to charge the $197 plus (say) 8 bucks shipping which is over the 200. It thinks there isn't enough there for the order and will not activate the "checkout" button until I drop an item off the order to get it down so WITH the paid shipping (which I am going to change) it is under 200.

Some of my bigger orders (heavier stuff, like a desk and book case) the shipping is significant. I might need an extra $100-$125 or more "buffer" in the Amazon account (which no way in hell is going to happen) just to get that damn button to activate so I can get to the next page to select "free shipping". I dont mind 5-10 bucks floating around in there but this is getting ridiculous. It's like a minimum balance of twice the purchase just to shop there.

Anybody got a clue where to find the setting so it defaults to "free" shipping instead of paid ? I can find the one for sellers but not buyers.

(Amazon.CA website, not Amazon.Com)

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 04-06-2022).]

ls3mach APR 07, 03:25 AM
Are you getting sone big discount on these gift cards? I have never run into this issue myself. I have PayPal as my backup payment.
MidEngineManiac APR 07, 03:41 AM
No discount.

I wont use a "regular" credit card online for security reasons. No pay-pal, e-transfer or any of that other digital crap. I like life simple. Pre-pay Visa or M/C has a $8-10 purchase fee and there is always a couple bucks left over on them that never gets used up. It adds up over a year.

Amazon cards have no fee and any left-over stays in the account instead of the trash bin.

BUT, never have this issue with the Visa or M/C cards, its just the Amazon-branded cards.
ls3mach APR 07, 10:53 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

No discount.

I wont use a "regular" credit card online for security reasons. No pay-pal, e-transfer or any of that other digital crap. I like life simple. Pre-pay Visa or M/C has a $8-10 purchase fee and there is always a couple bucks left over on them that never gets used up. It adds up over a year.

Amazon cards have no fee and any left-over stays in the account instead of the trash bin.

BUT, never have this issue with the Visa or M/C cards, its just the Amazon-branded cards.

Why not just find a fee-less prepaid credit card? Then you can use it anywhere. Those have existed since like the 90s or before maybe.

In all my years purchasing online I do not recall ever having an issue that was much more than a minor inconvenience. Are there really this many people so bad at the online?

My cousin has had his bank card information stolen multiple times. It was done at the credit union level. Nothing to do with any of his purchases or decisions. The rest of the stories I hear are people doing dumb things. Like my grandmother who got taken for a few hundred on a computer scam years ago. It was stupid because had she just waited until I got home or called me at work or my uncle K who lived less than 10 minutes from us. You know, old people crap Guess you are getting up there in years though. Better be safe then.