Crickets. Crickets everywhere (Page 1/2)
MidEngineManiac APR 08, 10:22 AM
Er......I mean Snowflakes. Snowflakes everywhere...

Zeb APR 09, 08:32 AM
Funny you should mention crickets. We get them in our house a lot. Big, black, nasty things. Even the previously feral cats we adopted won't go mess with them.

I go to bed last night, wife stays up. Maybe 10 minutes later she comes in and says "You've got to pick up this cricket! It jumped at me. I can't touch those things."

She'd seen one, it jumped at her. She reacted instantly. KILLED THAT THING DEAD! Stone cold killer instinct. I love that in a woman.

Of course, then decided to get all scared and squeamish. Needs me to deal with the mangled corpse.

Jersey girls. Gotta love 'em. Because if you don't, they'll kill ya.
TheDigitalAlchemist APR 09, 09:57 PM
That video is silly.

You ever see “cave crickets”? Those guys are pretty gross. And they hop at you (probably to try to steal your soul)

I used to use a bat to try to kill them till one of them grabbed it from me and cracked me in the head.(I’m guessing that’s what happened because I woke up on the floor to the sound of cricket laughter as they hopped away)

I started using books to squash them but I think they started reading them and I think one was surfing the internet last night.

Not as nasty as roaches. But those cave crickets are a pain. Good thing the house centered a get ‘em (what lovely little darlings THOSE are…)

I really hope that video was fake.
Valkrie9 APR 09, 10:58 PM

Pray for Preying Mantis', the eaters of the crickets.
Sure, it's real.
Delusionals really do exist, that is why you can see them on social media, expressing what they believe, however false.
That person, emoting in panic and fear is not living in reality, it is a construct of a malfunctioning noodle.
A sedation, calming herbal tea, a few hours among the crickets on a futon, watching African predators hunting and eating, on a big screen tv.
Spreading diatomaceous earth to control the insects, the creepy crawly centipedes and crickets, spiders, ants.
Then, secure and safe from insect aggression, a good night's sleep free from insect dreams, only to wake in the city of uncertainty, Dempartie 22-1007.
Why, at any moment, you could be randomly attacked for your equity !
Fear the crickets, the harbingers of Doom !

....Reading the vid comments had me cracking up laughing, ' Buy a frog ! '
Get a frog with a call you like.
Crickets at the pond

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 04-10-2022).]

Valkrie9 APR 10, 12:04 AM

36 crickets ! Should I let them stay ? lol
A trained chorus line kicking it, serenading the..the....of undetermined pronoun.
Sort of resembles, reminds me, of Audrey Hepburn, in the '50s, and more recently, Natalie Portman.
Shad Fly seasonal swarming, maybe mute the sound.
Almost biblical in scale, I can remember driving, in the '70s, into town from the south, all the street lights were entirely covered by massive hordes of the flying bugs, the city in darkness.
Creeped me out, a few days later, they used firehoses and bucket loaders to clean the masses of bugs from the buildings and streets.
One day they may find some nutritional snacks, delicacies, crunchy recipes and wholesome green goodness from the tons of flying bugs.
Amazing what humans will eat if they are starving because of a global crop failure, results of a war, a nuke war.

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 04-11-2022).]

maryjane APR 10, 10:42 AM
30 seconds in hot oil.
williegoat APR 10, 01:07 PM

No, gracias.
Valkrie9 APR 10, 05:44 PM
' The maître d'hôtel dropped the plates on our table,
I became faint of heart, swooning into my wicker chair, a kerchief at my mouth as I felt I might vomit ! '
Gack !

See ?
Those people are way ahead of the curve, anticipating large growth in their bug harvesting and culinary innovations.
Mmmnn mmn good green !
Substitute fillings
Bugs Ruling the Galaxy
It is said, the bugs on Klendathu taste just like lobster, when cooked properly.
' Indeed, with our very lives to ensure that human civilizations, not insect, dominates this Galaxy now and always ! '

[ Damsel in Distress ]
So, I keep getting, um, crickets in my house, I don't know why, I've never had a cricket problem before, but I looked it up and apparently it's, it's, really bad luck to kick them out of your house, like you're not supposed to kick them out of your house. But like what am I supposed to do ?
' Like let you stay here ? '
Now there's like 36 crickets running around, because I did kick out one, and let me tell you, I had a really, really, horrible week after that, and now they're just running around and I'm like,
' Please move, I just want to make a piece of toast and you're in my way ! '
and I open a cabinet it's just like
' Oh hey cricket that I can't kick out of my house, can you please just leave, I don't want to kick you out, I just want to ask you nicely to leave ! '
My house is just infested with crickets there's nothing I can do about it.
[ Jimminy ]
Soon as I saw there was no one about, I made myself at home !

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 04-11-2022).]

82-T/A [At Work] APR 11, 10:16 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

Er......I mean Snowflakes. Snowflakes everywhere...

What the ****. What the hell is wrong with young people?

How would someone like this be able to handle a real life problem?

What man would want to be with a woman like this in a long-term relationship or marriage? If this video is legitimate (seems like she's been crying for a while), she seems like the kind of person that needs constant attention and affection, and expects you to do everything for her. It would be a friggin' nightmare.
Zeb APR 12, 02:21 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:
I started using books to squash them but I think they started reading them and I think one was surfing the internet last night.


Watch out if they're using your computer! They'll download something BAD and then frame you for it!

Crickets were using our computer and internet connection to run a spam operation. If it had gone bad, they would've framed ME for it, and we'd have lost the house. We warned the cats about the risk of having to find another place with free food, and they said they'd "Take care of it."

We started finding random cricket legs around the house, but the strange computer use stopped. I didn't ask the cats any questions.