Are there any cars that make you feel physically ill when you see them? (Page 1/4)
TheDigitalAlchemist APR 30, 01:09 PM
I keep seeing this monstrosity on the road. Just looks like crap from all angles (unless it is behind me, and my eyes can look at ANYTHING else…)

The Range Rover Defender. Ugly rear. Horrible taillights. Stupid “never-will-be-used” snorkel. Ugly side square things near the rear windows. Just ugly all around. And it 90 grand?!? Ugh. For a “grocery-getter”(maybe- they don’t “do groceries” anymore.


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At least their drivers don’t seem to drive “annoyingly”.
So that’s SOMETHING (I guess)

Any “eyesores” you frequently encounter?
cvxjet APR 30, 02:28 PM
The Juke and the Toyo C-HR are very ugly...But the "winner" by a light year is the Honda Civic R....IT looks like it was done by a teenager with low self-esteem and absolutely no idea of how to style a vehicle or integrate elements......

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 04-30-2022).]

TheDigitalAlchemist APR 30, 05:14 PM
Yeah that Juke looks like a dehydrated Rogue or something…
82-T/A [At Work] APR 30, 06:05 PM
There was this pickup truck that I saw many years ago... it actually made me feel ill. It was crazy looking. It was some kind of Chevy step-side... nothing so extravagant, but the paint job it had w/ some custom body work... it looked like someone had ripped the beating heart out of a giant, stuck some large tinker-toy wheels on it, and put it on the road.

Like literally, I remember feeling kind of nauseous when I saw it. Never felt that way before, and never felt that way since.

Also... kind of funny. You know that feeling you get when you're in high school and you really, really, really like a girl. I mean, really like her. You don't just want to lay the pipe, you want to have her babies FOR her kind of really like her. You get that pain in the chest... it's totally unmanly, etc. Well, I once felt that about a 1969 Mustang GT Fastback that I saw sitting in the weeds by the train tracks. It was rust free, there was no engine, and a tree was growing through the hood. But the auto shop had a valid title, and the car was otherwise totally complete (minus the engine). There was no rust on it. They were willing to sell it to me for $250 bucks, and $50 for towing. It was ~1995. I wanted it so bad... I mean so bad. I couldn't sleep... I called the auto body place like 5 times, and I'd ride my bike over there and stare at it through the chain link fence... I can see it right now... as if it was there in front of me. Sigh... I never got it. I knew my dad would be pissed if one day he woke up and there was a 1969 Ford Mustang GT Fastback parked in the street in front of his house. We lived in a fancy area and everyone would have been super pissed.

I think it got crushed...

A_Lonely_Potato APR 30, 06:51 PM
What timing, I just last week had the pleasure of seeing this Town Car roll through the Culver's parking lot while I ate my dinner. When it left I saw it had valid ORV stickers, so at least they used the thing!

Side note, that same night when I pulled into my parking space I was idling while shutting off my music and such when I noticed in my rear view a middle-aged couple in the drive through staring and talking. I gave a little blip on the gas and they started laughing, when I got out to walk inside they called out "We like your car!" Seems to be the age group that tends to know what it is haha
Patrick APR 30, 07:17 PM

Originally posted by A_Lonely_Potato:

I gave a little blip on the gas and they started laughing...

Never a good sign.

A_Lonely_Potato APR 30, 07:29 PM
Oh it was a good laugh....or maybe they were laughing because they know its all bark no bite....
Australian MAY 01, 02:05 AM

Originally posted by A_Lonely_Potato:

What timing, I just last week had the pleasure of seeing this Town Car roll through the Culver's parking lot while I ate my dinner. When it left I saw it had valid ORV stickers, so at least they used the thing!

Side note, that same night when I pulled into my parking space I was idling while shutting off my music and such when I noticed in my rear view a middle-aged couple in the drive through staring and talking. I gave a little blip on the gas and they started laughing, when I got out to walk inside they called out "We like your car!" Seems to be the age group that tends to know what it is haha

If it had an older body jacked up like that it looks lke an historical rally car from a bourke to burketown bash Australia
rinselberg MAY 01, 04:02 AM

This 2022 model year Aston Martin Vantage makes me sick with envy.
olejoedad MAY 01, 07:53 AM
I've seen some modified Fieros that are quite nauseating.