Will some of you guys do me a favor... (Page 1/2)
MidEngineManiac MAY 13, 09:41 PM
Watch where you drive.

I got run into a guardrail today on a metal-grate bridge..

Those bridges are not exactly a bright idea on 2 wheels at the best of time. Sort of like ice and wet grass on the road combined. It's a damn balancing act of keep the torque off and no sudden movements to make it 300 feet to the other side.

Please don't change lanes into my side then hit the gas and give me the rolling coal...Because, ah....now I gotta go through the trouble of finding you and "explaining nicely" why you are still breathing after a stunt like that.

Just don't. Check your mirrors, and be careful on those bridges. (There are 3 of them here in town).

Scraping my body across a steel cheese-grater at 50 is not my idea of "something I want to write home about"
OldsFiero MAY 14, 07:33 AM
Yikes! The fact that you can still write is a plus.
We have to watch out for the citiots here. Some of them drive like they are still in NYC.
Glad you're OK.
ls3mach MAY 14, 08:08 AM
Glad you are okay. Let's see the bike and the carnage.
Jake_Dragon MAY 14, 12:27 PM
How are you feeling? Its hard enough to bounce back from something like that in your 20s..
williegoat MAY 14, 01:18 PM
You need an airbag suit.
cvxjet MAY 14, 03:10 PM
Good grief- is that scooter rated for all of that....weight?

I ride a bicycle a lot and have lately taken to riding on the sidewalk most of the time- because EVERYONE thinks it's ok to drive while texting...Had a car hit the curb right behind me- the guy never even stopped texting! (Any accident while texting doesn't count...right?)

Cars/phones should have an interlock that only allows 911 calls from the driver's seat....But I only have a flip phone- I have not joined the masses(Of pod people)
Jake_Dragon MAY 15, 01:27 PM
Damn, I hope you are ok.
cliffw MAY 16, 08:22 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:
I got run into a guardrail today on a metal-grate bridge..

Ooops, I didn't know that was you.
steve308 MAY 16, 03:28 PM
And once again we all know why his middle name is "lucky'.
Jake_Dragon MAY 16, 11:43 PM

Originally posted by steve308:

And once again we all know why his middle name is "lucky'.

Hasn't posted in 3 days. I hope he is ok.