Can you help us out? (robot-related) (Page 1/4)
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 02, 08:24 AM
We entered our TeleCrafsMan project in a contest and we need your help!

Part of the judging is based on votes (yuck) , if you could vote once, that would be really great- you can vote once per day (till July 16th), and if you could do that, it would be AMAZING!

Casting a vote requires you to create an account, but it only takes a moment and voting even once would really help us out.

Voting link:

Thanks in advance! πŸ€–πŸ‘β€οΈ

-Chris, Ray and Volt
IMSA GT JUL 02, 11:15 AM
Done, good luck and I'll be sure to vote each day.
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 02, 01:49 PM
Thank you!
MidEngineManiac JUL 02, 02:19 PM
Done....and I got suckered into signing up for another newsletter.
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 03, 12:09 PM
There IS a checkbox so you don’t need to sign up for a newsletter, just uncheck that puppy.(I would NEVER ask for help knowing folks would get SPAM as a result!) But I kinda get the feeling you wanted to sign up for it (they share some interesting stuff)

TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 06, 06:57 PM

IMSA GT JUL 06, 10:52 PM
I keep voting but is there a page to show your total vote count and what position you're in?
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 07, 11:56 AM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

I keep voting but is there a page to show your total vote count and what position you're in?

We are currently among the top ten. Honestly would not have entered if I knew there was a voting portion to it.
We only voted once (because how can you NOT vote for yourself?). But then we discovered that we were very near the lead. Which is when I made the thread here. I appreciate those who took the time to create an account and voted for us. Every vote counts.
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 09, 09:30 PM
Just a little bump for those who have been voting

We are currently in third, (where we want to end up) but only barely.

Only a few days left! πŸ™ˆ
IMSA GT JUL 10, 12:05 AM
I've voted every single day so far. Hopefully others do the same.